Baptiste Robert Profile picture
CEO @PredictaLabOff | French Security Researcher, Ethical Hacking, OSINT

Aug 25, 20 tweets

The woman who accompanied Pavel Durov on his journey that led to his arrest is Juli Vavilova

It's #OSINT time!

On August 21, Pavel Durov posted on his VK account:

"Telegram delegation visit to Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, Pavel Durov honed his target shooting skills and prepared for Formula 1."

The post was accompanied with 2 videos

On his Instagram, Julia published a video from the same car

She also published a video from the exact same shooting range

Now the funny part: she was happy to share his Azerbaijan trip to his Instagram community so she published a lot of videos.

They stayed at the Four Seasons in Baku

They were together in Uzbekistan too

Same in Kazakhstan

On Telegram, she published (twice) the helicopter they used during their Baku trip

The helicopter home base is UBTT, Zabrat close to the Baku airport…

Might be her trip to Ganja on August 18

Conclusion: They made a lot of efforts to not appears together but still #OPSEC is hard!

In Uzbekistan, Gusein Gasanov, a russian blogger, was with Pavel and Julia

On June 25, in Uzbekistan Pavel Durov has been spotted with Gusein Gasanov (black and red jogging) and a blond girl who is... Juli Vavilova.

As far as I know, she was not identified publicly at this time.…

Haha they took the exact same photo 😅

A video has been taken…

In the video I can see:
- Julia
- Gusein
- Pavel
- 2 bodyguards
- The guy with the umbrella: who is it? Another bodyguard?

We can notice that Julia has the same clothes than in her story

To sumup:

- Julia was not known as the Pavel girlfriend publicly
- In Uzbekistan, June 25, Gusein has been spotted with Pavel and an unidentified (at that time) blond girl
- Durov is probably watched by numerous intelligence services for a long time. This blond girl has probably been quickly identified as Julia (You have a lot of ways to do it)
- Julia continue to post her all life on her social networks giving a lot of info about what Pavel and his activities

Reminder: Wait few hours before posting something on social networks. If you are a public person, prohibit social networks for you but also for all your 1st circle

I can't read all the comments but please keep your misogynistic and antisemitic tweets to yourself.

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