Charlotte Gill Profile picture
Journalist. Head of Diversitay and Climate Trauma @WokeWaste💰🦄. Not related to anyone in journalism. Fanny Studies MA. *sometimes slow to get back re 📱

Aug 27, 16 tweets

Keir Starmer:

"There’s a budget coming in October.

and it’s going to be painful.

We have no other choice given the situation that we’re in".


Here are 10 things that taxpayers have been charged for...

1) £185,627: Trans Performance Now: Glitching cisgenderism…

2) £840k: The Europe that Gay Porn Built, 1945-2000…

3) £1,717,340 *in government grants since 2019: Tamasha Theatre Company - “a home for emerging and established artists from the global majority”

4) £810,703: Study of ‘sustainable’ Romani Gypsy lifestyle…

5) £1.5m: Research project that aims to “decolonise” folk singing and investigate its "white-centricity"…

6) £805,769: Decolonising the Museum: Digital Repatriation of the Gaidinliu Collection from the UK to India (DiMuse)…

7) £805,745: on a study that says "The disproportionate representation of William Shakespeare in scholarship and performance has aligned early modern drama in the public mind with white, able-bodied, heterosexual, cisgender male narratives"…

8) Sadiq Khan's unelected czars

£148k pa: Justine Simons
£148k pa: Mete Coban
£110k+ pa: Will Norman
£132,846 pa: Amy Lame…

9) £113,220 in government grants - The Vagina Museum…

10) £243,360: Buzzers for Bedwetters: Incontinence and the Urinary Body in Britain, 1870-1970

Btw I always get people saying "that's hardly anything" when I post these things. Well, it's a SAMPLE!

I am tracking all the spending on @WokeWaste and bear in mind I'm a one-woman team:…

Some of my most popular pieces:

Mete Coban MBE: Sadiq Khan's new high-flying eco adviser (on £148k per year)…

Over £1m taxpayer-funding - to the professor specialising in gay "pig" masculinities…

And for paid subscribers: How university grants quietly fuel Britain’s border crisis.

Paywalling some as I am doing the project 7 days a week - mostly for free (until the last few months with new paid subs - thank you)…

Putting this as it exploded. If you want me to keep being nosy, please consider a paid subscription to Woke Waste. I don't want any funding to retain my independence. With £5 pm/£50pa, you can find our where your taxes went & help defeat "The Blob"!

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