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I run "DOGE UK" @WokeWaste💰🦄 - Fund My Work: - ENQUIRIES:
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Mar 14 11 tweets 4 min read
NEW UPDATE (on the Musk protestors) - I am sharing with you as I research things.

The collaborators are:
Led by Donkeys 🇬🇧
Adenauer SRP+ 🇩🇪
Political Beauty 🇩🇪
Overthrow Musk (unconfirmed but seems 🇬🇧


Everyday Racism 🇬🇧 Image
Here's Everyday Racism's Instagram: Image
Mar 12 20 tweets 7 min read
Anti-Musk propaganda - 🧵 to record where it’s coming from and the clues that need to be pieced together.

1) Led by Donkeys - November 2024

Led by Donkeys are Greenpeace past and present employees. Links to the UN.

The video included “Occupy Musk” 👕

Image 2) Led by Donkeys in January this year - in collaboration with Political Beauty, in Berlin
Feb 14 12 tweets 4 min read
See the man who is tweeting this (left)? The X veteran “Farrukh”.

He’s called Farrukh Younus. He is part of Shill HQ with Carol Vorderman. He’s their content creator (clipping up videos they can all react to eg Question Time goodies and baddies, to further their shilling). Image
Farrukh singled out the “racist bald man” Image
Feb 6 11 tweets 3 min read
Exclusive: UK taxpayers were charged £100 MILLION for USAID 🚨🧵 Image 1) Health Reform Support in Ukraine

£1,500,000 - 2020 Image
Feb 3 8 tweets 4 min read
Did you know USAID has gone to the BBC?🧵

USAID funds "BBC Media Action" - basically the BBC's philanthropic arm.

I wonder how many British voters even know this exists. They're charged A LOT for it too.

@elonmusk @MikeBenzCyber ……Image
1) On the Charitable Commission website, BBC Media Action explains that it "uses media and communication to reduce poverty and promote human rights, thereby enabling people to build better lives."

Feb 3 12 tweets 4 min read
I am in the process of setting up DOGE UK (@WokeWaste) with the help of amazing volunteers. I'm trying to go as fast as possible, it's just a lot of juggling balls (and trying to keep my own income going!). In the mean time I've written a lot on it #afuera What would DOGE UK look like?…
Jan 28 19 tweets 6 min read
Bloomberg foreign inference photo gallery - will be updating this Image Image
Jan 22 14 tweets 5 min read
Why does Kim Leadbeater care so much about the Assisted Dying Bill? It makes *NO* sense. She has *no* personal connection to assisted dying. What she does have is a connection to "More in Common", whose poll was used to show majority support for assisted dying. Not a coincidence. This is why she is so out of her depth. She has no connection, intellectual or otherwise, to the Bill. She's just been brought in like a QVC saleswoman, to try and sell us it. More in Common is the link (and below you can see more of the connection). Image
Jan 19 5 tweets 4 min read
Here's what's happened to London:

- Sadiq Khan became Mayor in 2016 with the help of Mike Bloomberg, who is the former Mayor of NYC (notice how London has turned into NYC-style hellhole. Not a coincidence!).
- Khan, like Keir Starmer, wanted to win by any means. Both are perfectly prepared to kiss billionaire ass to get into power.
- Khan is not that clever. I'm sure most of his tactics are directed by someone who is: aka Bloomberg.
- Khan also rarely discusses more "pedestrian" issues in London (bin collection). He tends to go for "macro" ones ("the rise of the Far Right") which are the hallmark of someone who thinks he's part of a global masterplan. It's like all the "boring" stuff falls by the wayside, because the overall vision - an Eco Utopia (they use the expression "Green New Deal" a lot) - trumps EVERYTHING.
- Bloomberg is a mayor funder and president of the @c40cities board.
- Khan is co- Chair of C40 Cities (not that you'd know, thanks to our very lazy and disinterested media).
- C40 Cities is a "is a network of nearly 100 of the world’s largest cities".
- In recent years you may notice that major cities are quite synchronised in what's being rolled out (for instance, Barcelona has LTNs like London, which it calls "superblocks").
- The synchronicity is because they are all C40 Cities (not that the locals knew they'd been entered into this agreement).
- C40 has a huge number of funders including from Open Societies (George Soros), The European Union, IKEA and Amazon (The Climate Pledge).…
-C40 Cities' green utopia vision just *doesn't work in practice*. Cities are crime ridden, for one.
- So why do they keep this in place? The most cynical reason is that rich elites can get ever richer through the eco technologies cities are being rapidly forced to adopt.
- Ergo, the rich elites HAVE to ensure their special "C40 Mayors" stay in place, or they lose control too - and money. They have mechanisms to do this. For instance, the London Mayoral election involved a lot of tactics to nudge young voters to the polls. They were even given free ice creams by Ben & Jerry's (which is woke AF and American... not a coincidence).
- I've written about this whole nudging exercise here…, which connects to Tony Blair and Alastair Campbell, as well as Sadiq Khan's protégé Mete Coban, who is now on £148k per year as the Deputy Mayor for the Environment.
- People often say "I don't know anyone who voted for Khan", and I'm not surprised - and this is where I think the "youth democracy" charity came in.
PS. All of this eventually links to the UN, Keir Starmer (his economic adviser has some of the same funders as C40 Cities) and the rest of the PhilanthroCapitalist Ecosystem.… Other very strange things:

Lamé oversaw the decline of London's nightlife. But she granted licenses to these venues.

One is @OuternetGlobal, whose advertising space was used to nudge youth voters in last year's elections.

Jan 9 13 tweets 6 min read
Imagine if Keir Starmer's government fell tomorrow. It imploded and got booted out.
We STILL would be screwed because Leftists have complete control of our institutions. It's a lot more extreme than I first realised.
It's going to take a monumental effort to sort things out. I'll give you an example of challenges a sane government will face.

1) A huge number of charities/ Leftist entities are taxpayer funded.

The Government will face legal challenges if it removes the taxpayer funding for dumbass things.…Image
Jan 8 5 tweets 3 min read
I gotta be honest. I am SICK of Brits being charged for left-wing think tanks!

1) The IPPR (the Institute for Public Policy Research)

It recently appeared to advocate reparations and publishes reports on how to defeat the "Far Right" aka men who shop at JD Sports.

£468k from taxpayers since 2018!Image
2) British Future

Run by the GHASTLY Sunder Katwala who sits on X all day compiling threads of his enemies

£750,650 since 2020!
Dec 23, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Led by Donkeys, Keir Starmer and BBC Verify Supporting materials:

Ben Stewart on "direct action"

Dec 23, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Wtf. So I recently posted how two of Led by Donkeys scaled a power station in Kent in 2007. Arrested for criminal damage.

They were acquitted on the basis that their protest was necessary - for greater good (environment).

Look who prepared the defence!…Image FFS Image
Dec 22, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Lisbet Rausing is one of Labour’s biggest funders
A Swedish billionaire 🇸🇪 Image
Gary Lubner is also a major donor
South African 🇿🇦 Image
Dec 21, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
Talking of foreign interference…

Sadiq Khan is Co-Chair of the C40 Cities.

Let’s have a look at its funders! Image Bloomberg Philanthropies Image
Dec 15, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Is this not really weird…

1) James Sadri from Led by Donkeys used to work for the UN (+ the BBC and Greenpeace)…Image 2) The UN funds the BBC…Image
Dec 9, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
He’s probably busy coordinating with the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, one of the six major political foundations in the Federal Republic of Germany, which has an office in Bethnal Green. It funds Novara Media and other organisations at the cooperative based there. Image Image
Dec 8, 2024 28 tweets 10 min read
Just been reading about Sarah Wootton, Chief Executive of "Dignity in Dying".

Her Companies House profile will really cheer you up... Image THE VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA SOCIETY (05655271) Image
Nov 22, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Okay so these are my videos so far 🎥

It may not make sense but they are all meant to go together.

Also there is SO much info that even I forget bits and have to recap.

Think THOUSANDS of screenshots. 🧵

And there’s more after this 🤪😫🤯

1) The US controls Khan 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 2) The US Embassy payments to My Life My Say, a youth democracy charity run by Mete Coban, a former Labour councillor who’s now Sadiq Khan’s Deputy Mayor.

His charity has partnered with Tony Blair.

Plus, how Global employees cheered his “democracy charity” on:
Nov 10, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
Breakdown of who is coming across in small boats and crimes by that nationality: 🧵

*Over 80% arriving are males, over 40% between 25 and 39 years old. Image Afghanistan…Image
Oct 31, 2024 27 tweets 11 min read
Carol Vorderman is not a spontaneous political activist. She is part of a left wing network that all pushes out the same agenda. I’m still trying to work out who’s driving it. Global, Politics Joe, Byline Times, Good Law Project all part of the machine. You heard it here firsttt. It all started when she was the poster girl for Best for Britain (which is part of the left wing network). It’s a much more tentative Vorderman, taking her first steps into political activism. It’s like a trial run to see if she can plug “Stop the Tories” tactical voting: