Charlotte Gill Profile picture
Journalist. Head of Diversitay and Climate Trauma @WokeWaste💰🦄. Not related to anyone in journalism. Fanny Studies MA. *sometimes slow to get back re 📱
Sep 26 80 tweets 39 min read
1) Green New Deal Rising 🧵- thread about the campaign group that protested Rachel Reeves this week: Image 2) The group's address is "144 Cambridge Heath Rd, E1 5QJ" Image
Sep 19 11 tweets 6 min read
Labour: "No money left for pensioners!"

But here's just a small selection of things we could've cut... which would have saved £10 million

The ALTERNATIVE Budget! Image £472,654

RESIST - Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics…
Aug 27 16 tweets 7 min read
Keir Starmer:

"There’s a budget coming in October.

and it’s going to be painful.

We have no other choice given the situation that we’re in".


Here are 10 things that taxpayers have been charged for... 1) £185,627: Trans Performance Now: Glitching cisgenderism…
Aug 14 10 tweets 6 min read
James Sadri - one of Led By Donkeys. What do we know of him? from quick search. Image Loves Marianna Spring - the sure sign of someone normal Image
Aug 2 9 tweets 4 min read
Seeing as The Guardian is monitoring politicians' flights, here's Sadiq Khan's Deputy Mayor @justinesimons1. Paid £147,770 per year, taxpayers funded her £3,646.97 flight to Sao Paulo (Brazil) last year to attend a culture summit she founded (nice work if you can get it!).

Let's Do London, ey...

...or be the founder and Chair of the "World Cities Culture Forum – the principle leadership network on culture and the future of cities, now grown to over 40 global cities reaching across six continents."

She has to travel, you see! Image
Jul 28 6 tweets 3 min read
The Mayor of Hackney introducing Thinking Spaces, “a safe and therapeutic space where Black and Global Majority (14+) community residents can openly discuss and process the lasting effects of systemic racism”. "safe spaces for residents to discuss and heal their trauma" Image
Jul 27 21 tweets 10 min read
"The Alternative Budget"

Here are 20 suggestions for Labour to begin tackling '£20bn hole in public finances'.

Below are all taxpayer-funded things that could be cut/ scrapped🧵: Image 1) £840k

The UKRI study “The Europe that Gay Porn Built, 1945-2000”.…
Jul 8 17 tweets 5 min read
Britain is "addicted to punishment" says James Timpson.

Really? 🧵

Let's look at Usman Khan, the terrorist responsible for the London Bridge attack 2019 (because there was also the London Bridge attack 2017). Image 1) Khan stabbed five people, two fatally (Saskia Jones, 23, and Jack Merritt, 25, two Cambridge graduates), who were attending a Learning Together (prisoner-educational initiative) conference at Fishmongers’ Hall. Image
Jun 7 84 tweets 24 min read
I'm about to do a very long thread, to show you how awful austerity has been. How, as Penny Mordaunt says, Labour will spend loads of money unlike sensible Tories. Let's look at these claims #BBCDebate 🧵

1) Trans artist’s search for a sperm donor given £64,000 of taxpayer cash Image 2) Research on ‘decolonising gender-based violence’ has cost taxpayers £1 million Image
Jun 4 14 tweets 6 min read
I'm concerned by the number of British charities/ otherwise funded by The Paul Hamlyn Foundation. PHF is a foundation that supports open borders. I have found two examples of it funding charities that advised the Government. One is HOPE not hate (advised the Home Office). Image PHF has given hundreds of thousands to organisations whose raison d’être is magnifying racial differences and splitting society up by ethnicity. This is always presented as caring/social justice, but it's counterproductive to social cohesion and diversity.

May 25 22 tweets 7 min read
Taxpayer-funded PhD student Daisy Bow du Toit defends her coursemate who’s “using porcelain to interrogate constructed ideologies of whiteness and empire” 🧵 2) Burgher is the subject of my article for The Telegraph today

Both doctoral researchers are funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (taxpayer).

The final cost for each PhD is likely to be upwards of £50k.…
May 19 15 tweets 5 min read
Universities are whinging that they need MORE money. 🧵


Taxpayers paid them:

1) £1 million for this study at the University of Westminster Centre for Social Justice Research

Decolonising Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Higher Education Image 2) £805,745 - University of Roehampton

Diverse alarums: centering marginalised communities in the contemporary performance of early modern plays
May 15 11 tweets 6 min read
“Global Majority” used in the arts/ public sector - a thread 🧵 Image 1) “Devon’s first Global Majority theatre company”

Funded by Arts Council England (ACE)…

May 11 8 tweets 5 min read
NEW: A registered charity has been training teachers to tell children about hormone blockers and surgical procedures, The Telegraph can disclose… OutHouse, an LGBTQ+ charity formerly known as OutHouse East, received almost £24,000 in government grants last year (£100,000 in total since 2019), with funders including Colchester council.

(*The figures go from 2019-2023, from left to right, in the below image) Image
Mar 23 6 tweets 2 min read
"Shakespeare made theatre too ‘white, male and cisgender’, tax-payer funded study finds"

The project has received £800,000 from the UKRI (funded by the taxpayer)

My piece for @Telegraph… In response to Shakespeare's "disproportionate representation", researchers are mounting a production of John Lyly's Galatea.

They say the play offers “an unparalleled affirmative and intersectional demographic, exploring feminist, queer, transgender and migrant lives”. Image
Jan 26 9 tweets 4 min read
My piece for @Telegraph

The National Maritime Museum is including Nelson in a “Queer History Night”, that will examine his legacy “through a queer lens” and consider the “men who loved him”. Image The talk is in February to mark LBGTQ+ History Month.

Curators at the museum will also address “cross-dressing Arctic explorers” and "the allure of polar explorers" such as James Clark Ross and Francis Crozier. Image
Dec 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
My piece for @Telegraph on the agency offering women sex toys, Apple watches and theme park tickets as benefits - if they become surrogate mothers:… My Surrogacy Journey offers "Over 50 member benefits" to "members" (surrogate mothers). Image
Dec 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The Wankerati:

President: George Monbiot
VP: Emily Maitlis
Treasurer: Ed Balls
CFO: George Osborne
Head of Diversity: Emma Thompson
Non-executive business director: Rory Stewart
Social media manager: Gary Lineker
Intern: Lewis Goodall
Chair: Ian Hislop Membership requirements:

- Interested in community gardening
- Have bought one or more of The Secret Barrister’s books
- You’ve used one of the following terms - fascist, extreme right, unprincipled - to describe someone you disagree with at least once this year
May 8, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The problem with Tony Blair’s 50% vision for university graduates.

1) At no point did anyone show the graduates what skills are in demand.
2) Thus, vast swathes of the British population went off to study skills that aren’t in demand. 3) Blair’s idea was simply that people should be able to follow their dreams. If someone wants to study drama, they should. Maybe they’ll be one of the few who makes it!
4) But for every person who does “make it”, we have hundreds of thousands who don’t, and are worse off.
Dec 19, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
The way I see it, some major issues in UK are:
1) Immigration is too high for infrastructure, forcing up house prices and straining other services.
2) Devolution. Yes, Government is too "London centric" & this seemed the answer. But the cure has been MUCH worse than the disease. 3) The London Mayor. An utter disaster. A quasi tyrannical anti-democrat. Remove mayors & third-rate bureaucrats everywhere, cause it ain't working.
4) Anti-car measures, which need to go. LTNs and ULEZ are destroying people's livelihoods. Even worse, they are anti-democratic.
Sep 22, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
If you scrapped private schools it wouldn't make as much difference as the Left thinks. That's because educational performance has high genetic component, meaning it can only be socially engineered so much. Private schools facilitate genetic potential better than state, that's it If you think I'm wrong, read Robert Plomin's book on DNA, Blueprint. It has long passages on this concept. The text actually argues private schools may be a waste of money