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Aug 30, 2024, 13 tweets

After 39 days of silence, Kamala Harris (and her safety blanket, Timothy Walz) finally sat down with CNN — and it was so bad, her handlers will never let her do another interview again.

🧵 Here's what you missed:

Kamala confirmed she's still a Radical Left lunatic who believes in mass amnesty, ending cash bail, banning fracking, abolishing private health insurance, banning gas-powered vehicles, and so much more.

"My values have not changed."

Kamala bizarrely lied about her support for a fracking ban — but she has repeatedly endorsed a ban on fracking. It's literally on tape.

Kamala said she's "proud" of bringing inflation "down" to a HIGHER level than it was when she took office.

Inflation was 1.4% when President Trump left office — and it hasn't been back to the Fed's target rate since.

Kamala refused to address her support for decriminalizing illegal border crossings.

Her silence confirmed what we already knew: yes, she supports decriminalizing illegal border crossings.

Kamala claimed presiding over a record number of illegal border crossings "actually resulted in a number of benefits."

She then continued to profess support for a bill to grant millions of unvetted illegals a fast-track to citizenship.

Kamala claimed one of her "highest priorities" is to "strengthen and support the middle class."

Kamala is in office RIGHT NOW — and the middle class are suffering more than ever.

Kamala insisted "Bidenomics" is a success.

"Bidenomics" brought Americans the worst inflation crisis since the 1980s and has cost the average American family an extra $28,000 paying for the increased cost of living.

Kamala begrudgingly acknowledged "prices are too high" after almost four years of her and Biden.

She attempted to blame President Trump for the economic woes of her own administration — despite the fact that most Americans want the Trump economy BACK.

Kamala said she has NO REGRETS about covering up Biden's cognitive decline.

She lied to the American people as she perpetuated a massive, wide-reaching fraud — until it was no longer tenable.

Timothy Walz refused to address the stolen valor in which he is currently embroiled.

Tellingly, Stolen Valor Walz didn't deny it, either.

Timothy Walz was called out for lying about using IVF and lying about his arrest for drunk and reckless driving.

He completely — and predictably — avoided the question.

Missing from the interview was any explanation whatsoever from Kamala on the destruction she has unleashed on the American people during her term — or any substantive plan to fix the messes she created.


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