Joni Askola Profile picture
Finnish PhD candidate @FSV_UK trying to help Ukraine with the @69thSB and by mocking disinformation. Opinions are my own

Sep 4, 10 tweets

1/10 russia has suffered significantly higher casualties in Ukraine than in both the Chechen wars and the Afghan war combined. How many more casualties will it take for the russian people to recognize the failure of this war? Data by @KilledInUkraine

2/10 russia's invasion of Ukraine has been highly unsuccessful from a military standpoint. Despite mobilizing forces and incurring substantial losses, russia has failed to capture a single regional capital or city with special status.

3/10 @KilledInUkraine reported that in Kamensk-Uralsky, there were 8 fatalities in Afghanistan, 9 during the first Chechen war, 14 in the second Chechen war, and 136 deaths in Ukraine.

4/10 @KilledInUkraine has also verified that 4,648 russian officers have died in Ukraine. It's important to note that not all losses are confirmed, and officers represent only a small fraction of the total casualties.

5/10 In July, Mediazona estimated that at least 120,000 Russians have died. This figure would imply that Russia has experienced around 500,000 total casualties.

6/10 Estimates of russian casualties vary, but it is likely that Russia has incurred between 500,000 and 700,000 total casualties in this unsuccessful war.

7/10 The war will not conclude through the occupation of territories. It will come to an end when the average russian, who tends to hold imperialistic views, recognizes that the war is too costly in terms of human lives and economic resources and that it cannot be won.

8/10 It may take years for the average russian to come to this realization due to the effectiveness of propaganda in russia. However, it is bound to happen eventually.

9/10 Putin overreached and compromised his country's potential by launching this unwarranted and failed invasion.

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