Yea its been a while since I said I will do that thread (like 4 months if I recall correctly :)))))). But well, the most modern Russian MBT, which is either extremely underestimated or extremely overestimated. How is it actually? Well, allow me to show you.
Okay, I hope its not needed, but I have a strong feeling I will need to say it.
If you are here to either say "HAHAHA T-90M SUCKS" or "HAHAHA T-90M IS THE BEST MBT IN THE WORLD" this thread isn't for you. I am not here to shit on everything, just because its Russian. Alright.
Well, a bit of history first.
T-90M is the newest member of the T-72 family. Its based on T-90MS, which is a further development of very well known T-90A. That much you probably know. You also probably know that its using heavily modernized T-72B/T-90 hull with brand new turret.
Alright. Honestly, 90M R&D is pretty well understood in tank community, so I won't go into much detail.
Well then, let's talk about the construction itself in its original form.
Pre-ukraine conflict vehicles is the "baseline" config, mainly based on T-90MS with some slight changes. Among others, its using less advanced driver optics, adds additional "net" between Relikt ERA and hull to "sling" warheads into ERA and- its main RCWS armament is 12.7mm HMG.
Tank weights at 51 metric tons in combat weight (with crew, ammo, fuel). Its powered by 1130HP diesel engine with max forward speed of 60km/h and sadly, still only 5km/h in reverse. Its a major minus to the tank overall capabilities, forward speed however is very much alright.
T-90M is equiped with UAAPU placed in the rear-left sponson in special extension. This APU can power all of the most necessary tank functions, while using less fuel.
From such systems its also worth mentioning crew AC that used to be mounted on right-rear part of the turret.
Well, protection wise, what do you get for these 51t. The answer to that, nothing short of western equipment. Its hull base layout is the one of T-72B, turret layout is currently unknown. However, its what's on top of this armor that gives russian tanks its very good protection.
Relikt ERA works on the base of two heavy steel plates (weight is different based on shape, dimensions etc.) and reactive element, which in case of relikt generates less energy than K-5 to achieve better results against KE and CE penetrators. Relikt needs space to work correctly.
Relikt is said to achieve about 40% protection against KE. This number varies based on penetrator design, as some will get extremely damaged and very few can "overcome" its effects. But this thread isn't about Relikt, there are other great threads talking about that.
Alright, well we already know that its extremely well protected from the front so... how about its sides?
Again here, T-90M have nothing to be shy about. Side armor of the hull consists of rubber sideskirts, then first layer of ERA and on top of that, another layer of ERA.
External ERA is either 4S24 soft case ERA, or its counterpart but in metal case. This also shows tank evolution over the last few years. In the rear part of the vehicle slat armor is very well visible on both hull and turret.
Well, down to the turret. From the front and top- exceptional coverage by ERA. Sides are not falling short in that regard as well. In the newest variants, its even further increased by placing additional soft case ERA on top of the base ERA.
Well, we now know that its protection is not falling short of its western counterparts, however... What about survivability?
I don't think I have to really say a lot in that matter. Its a massive improvement over T-72B3 or T-80BWM. It does have spall liners inside-
-quite a big amount of ammunition is "isolated" outside of the vehicle in the rear bustle, there's no more ammunition laying everywhere, carousel does have additional protection. It also does include soft kill APS using LWS and smoke grenades (Shtora). However...
I just can't say that its on par with typical western MBT in this regard (yes Leo 2 array is the typical western MBT array). Its a mix of carousel autoloader and very old propellant technology that Russia is using in almost all of its rounds. If they could use SCDB propellants?
That would be a very different discussion.
Alright I think I did say everything around protection. Below public diagram for 90MS showcasing all of the places that "old" 90M had ERA. In the newest variant you can find ERA even on the rear of the vehicle.
Yes, H-K APS is planned.
Let's head into its firepower. Well, 90M uses the same good old 125mm 2A46M-5 gun paired with very modern Kalina FCS, that uses either Sosna-U (pre2022) sight or PNM-T (2022 onwards) sight. Both of them are equipped with 3rd gen thermal sights (serial production tanks use TPK-K).
It's a modern FCS system that does have autotrack function and ATGM guidance module. In general? It is very much better than most of what NATO uses currently. Nothing that T-90M would have to be shy about here either.
How about that ammunition? Well, its most modern round is 3BM60, it's a decent round, equivalent of DM53 in penetration. Most typical? Probably 3BM42. It's not nearly as good as 3BM60 but it does its job well against older threats. In addition, of course HE, HEAT and ATGM rounds.
Major part of the 90M current state is the result of war in Ukraine. And I don't want to go into that topic, so gonna make it quick.
Cages, fences and rubber. In modern versions? Very well thought out solutions that were made by engineers and don't impact vehicle capabilities.
Another thing. Nakidka thermal camouflage system. I like to call it "trash bag" because of how it looks, but don't make it fool you, its as effective in IR as its western counterparts. Lately a very cool version that puts these "needles" kind of elements on top of it-
-these give the "camouflage bags" some texture, from afar it makes it looks fluffy which is a good thing, because it doesn't create unnatural shading in various places. Nakidka equipped 90M can be seen in thermal sight below.
Well, I think I talked about every major point of this tank in this thread. Time for some conclusions.
As you can see yourself, 90M is a modern vehicle. A vehicle that is very much different than western counterparts, uses different solutions, have its + and -.
However, I don't see any reason to not call it a good, modern tank. Its not the best, never will be the best in the world, but its not a bad vehicle that uses 80 years old technology and have no future. It does have its major drawbacks as well, main one being reverse gear.
With all that being said. I need to give extra credit to two people that helped me around to make this (not too detailed) thread.
First one being @Volke__ who helped me out with russian names.
Second one being @skylancer7441 who agreed to lend me his photos for this thread
Big thanks to both from my side.
Now the time for promotion😅
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