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Behavioural ecologist @UCL @bigwaspsurvey Book: ENDLESS FORMS.;

Sep 8, 2024, 5 tweets

#Japanese #wasp farmer Takahashi, from Gifu province, showed us how he lures, marks and tracks Vespula shidae wasps back to their nests.

How? Why? A 🧵

Thank you @tatauya7696 for sharing with us your friends & the wonderful relationship Japan has with wasps!


#WaspFarming #Japan
Takahashi relocates nests to his wasp farm, raises them, supplementing food everyday, until nests are peak size in November.
Biggest nest competes at the Gifu Wasp Festival!
Larvae/pupae are harvested for food, sold to local shops. Yum! #Entomophagy

#WaspFarming #Japan
How do the wasp farmers find a nest?
1. Lure in wasps with fish.
2. Lasso a piece of string with ribbon around wasp waist.
3. Let her go & follow!
4. Repeat, getting closer and closer to the nest each time.
Vid- @Cin_Oi @UCLCBER chasing a tagged wasp!

#WaspFarming #Japan
One of the favourite species to farm in #Gifu province is #Vespula shidae. Like other Vespula, they are easily lured (and fed) by carrion - fish or chicken.
#Entomophagy #WaspLove

#WaspFarming #Japan
Living evidence that wasps can be farmed, just like bees, for their produce. And by caring for them, the wasps also provide essential ecosystem services as pest controllers & pollinators.
Circular economy & ecology of #WaspLove

Thanks Takahashi @tatauya7696!

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