Prof Seirian Sumner Profile picture
Behavioural ecologist @UCL @bigwaspsurvey Book: ENDLESS FORMS.;
Sep 8, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
#Japanese #wasp farmer Takahashi, from Gifu province, showed us how he lures, marks and tracks Vespula shidae wasps back to their nests.

How? Why? A 🧵

Thank you @tatauya7696 for sharing with us your friends & the wonderful relationship Japan has with wasps!

@UCLCBER @ucl #WaspFarming #Japan
Takahashi relocates nests to his wasp farm, raises them, supplementing food everyday, until nests are peak size in November.
Biggest nest competes at the Gifu Wasp Festival!
Larvae/pupae are harvested for food, sold to local shops. Yum! #Entomophagy
Feb 27, 2023 8 tweets 10 min read
New paper @natcomms led by @Wyatt1Chris
In rhyme:

We plucked the brains from owt their heads

And sequenced what’s inside.

Nine types of wasps (who many dread)

Hold social secrets (we’ve been misled)

On the building blocks of life.
@NERCscience… We travelled far and sampled wide,

For wasps of every kind.

From hopeful queens, and sterile proles,

In simple groups or complex roles

Such socialites, we find!


@NERCscience @UCLLifeSciences @natcomms