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Vote Nick Delehanty No1 Dublin Bay South - Lawyer ⚖️ Business Owner 🐶 - Check out my “Highlights” tab for in depth views on Irish Govt. 🇮🇪

Sep 13, 15 tweets

"The better you look, the more you see." 🚲

For the last week, I’ve been scouring the internet, determined to find out who was behind the €336k bike shed.

But all along, the answer was hiding in plain sight...🧵

IT IS NOW my working assumption that Sensori Facilities Management was the primary contractor for the bike shed—

a company founded by a controversial businessman with an EXCEPTIONALLY CONTROVERSIAL relationship with Paschal Donohoe...🍿

In June 2022, the OPW established a "Multiparty Framework Contract" aimed at delivering maintenance and minor building works across the Greater Dublin Region.

Sensori FM was one of only two companies awarded this lucrative contract - valued at up to €40,000,00!

Sensori FM, used to be called Designer Group FM, and was part of the Designer Group.

In October 2019, it rebranded as part of a new joint venture between Sisk and Designer Group, marking the beginning of a strategic partnership.

The founder and CEO of the Designer Group is Michael Stone.

Stone was forced to resign from two State Boards after getting caught violating election finance rules in support of Paschal Donohue in both the 2016 and 2020 general elections.

This was HUGE NEWS when it broke in 2023.

It dominated headlines for weeks.

Paschal faced fierce attacks in Dáil, including this 20 minute debate.

However our opposition are weak and failed to get to the crux of the matter.

Magically Went Away 🪄

Meanwhile, The Irish Times ran several puff pieces portraying Michael Stone in a positive light, downplaying his clear breach of election rules.

RTÉ did likewise.

And so alas, nothing happened

Friends with Benefits

It is no secret that Paschal and Michael Stone are close friends, attending each others weddings.

But it would seem this friendship was more of a transactional nature. Since helping Paschal win the election in Feb '16, Stone's fortunes began to accelerate....

State Boards

Paschal insists he had no role in Stone’s appointment to NEIC (North East Inner City task force), despite being the TD for the North East Inner City !

or to the LDA, which has a budget of €3B, despite being the Minister for Public Expenditure at the time !

State Contracts

Paschal also claims he had no role in the OPW awarding Sensori FM the "Multiparty Framework Contract" worth €40,000,000.

Even though, as Minister for Public Expenditure, his department directly oversees the €1.1 billion budget of the OPW.

😅 😂 🤣

Buyout From Sisk 💰

In December 2021, Sisk acquired the remaining 50% of Sensori from Michael Stone.

6 months later, Sensori won the OPW contract.

This deal needs a full investigation to assess if it inadvertently involved the sale of Govt. contracts.


Feb 2016 - Stone funds election campaign
July 2016 - Stone appointed to board of NEIC
Dec 2018 - Stone appointed to Board of LDA
April 2019 - Stone launches Joint Venture with Sisk
Oct 209 - Sensori FM created
Feb 2020 - Stone funds election campaign
July 2021 - OPW issues call for tender
Sept 2021 - OPW updates details of tender
Dec 2021 - Sisk announce intent to buy Sensori
June 2022 - OPW award Sensori FM €40m contract
July 2022 - Stone Buys €4.6 million gaff in Killiney

Back to the Bike Shed

Sensori FM doesn’t claim to be expert in building bike sheds, but they prominently highlight their "Heritage" expertise on their website.

It’s likely that Sensori was awarded the job under the framework agreement and subsequently outsourced the work.

Smaller Contractors

Northern Irish contractors are often favoured over Irish firms due to lower costs—a seperate issue.

McCreesh Groundworks did the tarmac, another unknown company did the paving.

But Sensori’s branding on all the signs suggests they were the lead contractor.

Questions & Opinions

Is this definitely what happened?
No, this is my working assumption. I welcome all corrections and rebuttals. The Govt. want this to just go away and refuse to provide information on this. Leaving us all in the dark.

Why did the bike shed cost so much?
Arrogance, mismanagement and corruption.

Why would Micahel Stone go to such efforts to help Paschal win an election?
"Whats in it for him?" This question was never examined when the scandal broke last year.

Should Paschal Donohue Resign?

Could this bring down the Govt?
Yes. The problem is our media have no interest in real investigative journalism anymore. Which is really. Our opposition parties need to do better.

Why am I doing this?
I am 34. I work very hard. I generate a lot of tax but I am unable to buy a home. My business should be thriving but instead is on the brink. Hell hath no fury...

What do I want?
Better politicians.

Vote Nick Delehanty in Dublin Bay South
Please support my Campaign…

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