🧵Exposure: [@CIJ_ICJ]
Lt.Col Eyal Shalit-Snir, a battalion commander in the Gaza division, who has been fighting in Gaza & also daily commanding the aid trucks entering there, has been advocating for starving all civilians & called to kill all residents of Gaza & wipe it out ->
According to Lieutenant Colonel Eyal, a battalion commander in the 143rd Gaza Division who has been actively fighting in Gaza, he stated on his personal Twitter account that he is in daily command of the aid trucks in the strip.
“Let them really starve this time. No mercy”
He replied in one of the flour massacres when the Israeli military massacred roughly a hundred civilians in the north waiting for flour bags back in February
"There are no human beings living there. They are the modern version of the citizens of Imperial Japan and Nazi
Germany before World War II. Force the entire population to leave and relocate elsewhere. DESTROY ALL LIVABLE INFRASTRUCTURE AND CREATE HUNGER."
He writes in February
In Dec he gives a promise to Gazans that he will genocide them
"The death of any Israeli hostage will not stop us from eliminating and destroying all the Gazan.. Palestinian d*gs will **** everywhere in Gaza, Ramallah, Jenin, Hebron until you are ******. This is a promise!"
In January he responds to an Israeli journalist saying about Gaza
"We will establish a new city named Be'eri on the ruins of Beit Hanoun, and a city named Tekuma on the ruins of Gaza. Zionism, idiot, that's how we won back in '48, by settling everywhere. That's how you win”
"In Gaza, there are no, were no & will be no innocent people. Everyone there has been involved in terrorism, aiding terrorism, inciting terrorism, and killing. Everyone. Even nursing mothers!
Everyone in Gaza must pay for everything: death, surrender, or transfer!"
Back in Feb
There are many more with the same the message
“Wi*e out Gaza, no innocents in Gaza, the civilians in Gaza deser** death or being kicked out”
Lt.Col Eyal Shalit-Snir in Gaza
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