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Editor, @TheGrayzoneNews

Sep 16, 7 tweets

Would-be Trump shooter Ryan Routh has published a 291 page book, “Unwinnable War,” about his time in Ukraine’s Int’l Legion

Routh says he’d like to see Putin assassinated, seems to hope for Trump’s assassination as well, and calls for the US to “instigate” a nuclear war with Russia

Stating he’s neither a Democrat or Republican, Routh’s clearly articulated mindset toward Russia mirrors that of Beltway hardliners. He offers gushing admiration for Juan Guaido, the Free Syrian Army, Myanmar rebels, and other CIA backed forces, while hinting at a friendship with MSNBC natsec hack and fellow International Brigade member Malcolm Nance.

Ryan Routh calls for the assassination of Putin and Lukashenko of Belarus, arguing that their killing would bring on the demise of the Russian’s state’s viability as an independent power, as no one can succeed Putin

Routh urges the West to “instigate” a nuclear conflict with Russia and “strike first.” He wants a “quick and decisive and powerful blow to end it once and for all,” as the US did at the end of WWII.

Routh declares himself a political independent, neither Republican or Democrat, but clearly loathes Trump

In a rambling passage, Routh appears to fantasize about the assassination of Trump as punishment his unraveling of the Iran deal

Routh spills lots of ink complaining about the Ukrainian state’s waste and corruption. Here, he says it hampered the PR efforts of his International Legion comrade in arms in Kiev, “Malcolm,” who appears to be MSNBC natsec hack and wannabe freedom fighter Malcolm Nance

Ryan Routh poses in Kiev with World Central Kitchen’s Jose Andres, a close Biden admin ally and State Dept collaborator who promotes Zelensky

Routh incorrectly refers to him in his book as “Jose Luis”

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