Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr𓂀ce (G)REatEST ॐ Profile picture
Interior Way ॐ Philosopher King ☆ Alchemist 𓂀 Eternal Student ☆ Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes ⚚ & Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa

Sep 21, 23 tweets

How to Create a Mind Control Slave 🧵

Ritual Abuse and Sodomy go hand and hand. It is the Modus Operandi of Brainwashing in the Dark Occult AND MK-Ultra (or Monarch) Programming.

The Act of Ritual Sodomy bonds the Programmer or Handler to the Victim especially if it's a child.

There is a serious spiritual compoment, as well. It creates Trauma Bonds and splitts the Child's Mind thru Pain & Trauma. The Initiated call it the 'Key of David'.

Many Black Magicians believed that if you could sodomize G-d (Jewish Demiurge Yaldaboath), you'd have G-d's Power.

The Penetration occurs at an upward angle, therefore the "wand" strikes the Vagus Nerve in the Base of the Spine causing a "White Light", a Temporary Neurological Paralysis and a Shift in Consciousness.

The Sphincter is where the Root Chakra resides, coiled like a Serpent.

The Root Chakra or, in Sanskrit, the Muldahara is the Foundation for the Whole Chakra System.

The Chakras are the Ancient Depositories of all the Divine Energy given to Humanity at the beginning of time. The Root Chakra's function is to respond to any issues concerning survival.

In Sanskrit, Muldahara means Root and Support. This First Chakra is situated in males midway between the anus & the genitals at the perineum, and in the female at the cervix, where the vagina & the uterus join. Muldahara is the lowest chakra in Humans, but the highest in Animals.

The Act of Sodomy is performed to open up the Victim’s “Third Eye” which is suppose to enhance psychic ability. Survivors have reported during this vile act, a demonic system called, “Legion” is installed. This is systematically done to have complete control over the child.

Jesuit Maxim states: 'Give me the Child for the First Seven Years and I'll give you the Man'.

The First Seven Years are Crucial in a Child's Life. These primitive years shape their whole future, the Jesuits understood this and exploited it for Mind Control Programming.

Survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuses have reported Black Masses where they sodomize children with a crucifix calling it the “Peace of Mary” because once the dissociation occurs, it produces a calming affect; an almost peaceful feeling, splintering the child's mind even further.

The younger the "Clay" the easier it is to program and control it.


Fitz Springmeier explains that when the mind and emotions are put under extreme stress they "BREAK" and create a new mental-emotional state.

Springmeier explains, "It is within these mental states, born of trauma, that the mind can be conditioned; the mind "SPLITS" & ALTERS can be programmed. Obviously, the younger the victim, the easier it is for the Programmer to break and shape the Victim's mind."

"An ALTER, in the context of Programmer and Victim, is defined as "a Disassociated Part of the Mind which has a completely separate identity and is given CUE CODES by the Mind-Control Programmer to trigger that disassociated part of the Mind to come to the front of the mind."

In Monarch Programming, the person is SO dehumanized that some alters think they are literal animals: dogs, cows, ect. A Sexual Alter is often programmed to think of themselves as a CAT or BUTTERFLY. The Alter can be programmed to identify as a Different Person or, even, a DEMON.


Fitz explains, "The Monarch BUTTERFLY learns where it was born (its roots) and passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring from Generation to Generation.

If Knowledge can be passed on Genetically (WHICH IT IS), then it is important that parents can be found that can pass the CORRECT knowledge onto those victims selected for Monarch Programming."

The Primary Factor is the "ABILITY" to DISASSOCIATE which is passed GENETICALLY.

The easier it is for the Programmer to get the Victim into these Disassociative States or TRANCES, the better the candidate for Programming.

Periods of dissociation can last for a relatively short time (hours or days) or for much longer.

Dissociation is described as disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, surroundings, actions, and identity.

In Nazi Germany, Joseph Mengele was the Head Programmer. He had children for the concentration camps call him "DADDY" until their DEATH.

Monarch Programming was based upon the Nazi's goal of creating a MASTER RACE through GENETICS.

This "Great Work" continues today by the "ELITE" EUGENICISTS who still practice Trauma-Based Mind Control on a Massive Scale, literally GloBAAL Scale, Fitz calls it "The Network".

The Network includes, but is not limited to, the CIA, Catholic Church, Jesuits, Hollywood, Mossad, Tavistock Institute, MI6, Bureau of Prisons, NASA, NSA, US Army, Masonry, etc.

Trauma Based Mind Control can be used on a Singular VICTIM OR, as is the case today, on the MASSES.

9-11-01 is a prime example of Trauma-Based Mind Control on a Massive Scale, the day that traumatized a NATION. But, that wasn't the first time, it's a LONG and THOROUGH process. Different events (PYSOPS) including Columbine, JFK Assanation, etc are used to condition the MASSES.

There is many mind control techniques: REITERATION is the KEY.

Simple techniques like asking questions in rapid fire manner is another way. Programmers want to establish a connection between PLEASURE & PAIN. In Sexual Alters, this is why Sodomy is often the Modus Operandi.

Alters can serve many purpose for the Programmers: Assassins, Drug Mules, Sex Kittens, Manchurian Canidates, etc.

A Sexual Alter is called a "BETA". In creating the Beta Sex Kitten Alter, an early sexual abuse event is used to ANCHOR this type of programming.

The Alter is a disassociated part of the mind that is developed by the HANDLER to be a COMPLETE PERSONALITY.

It's NOT "LIKE" the whole world was put under a "MAGIC" SPELL. It WAS PUT under a SPELL, a MASS HYPNOSIS.

This was preview of my book, "The Cup of Hermes: A Beginner's Guide to Sexual Alchemy".


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