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Championing justice for Palestine #FreePalestine 🇵🇸. Here just trying to speak my truth, in a world full of lies. ✍️ Writing my heart out for the voiceless.

Sep 23, 25 tweets

In this thread 🧵, I have prepared summaries for each chapters of the book "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", first published in 1905, Russia.

Some believes this book is a fabricated text purporting to detail a Jewish plot for global domination, but at the same time many finds irrefutable parallel with its content to what's happening now around the world.

In 1921, American Businessman Henry Ford wrote about this book:

"The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are 16 years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time."

Now, even after 120 years, the same can be acknowledged even in today by many.

If its content resonates with you, please repost and share and keep the discussion alive.

And If you want to read more contents like this, please give me a follow. Would be much appreciated.

Summary of Protocol 1 : The Basic Doctrine

We deliberately introduced the slogans "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" to the masses, knowing these catchy phrases would lure them in and dismantle the well-being and true freedom of individuals.

The people, especially the so-called intellectuals, couldn't grasp the deeper meaning behind these words.

They didn't recognize that nature itself dictates inequality in minds, characters, and capacities, just as it dictates subordination to natural laws.

The masses and the upstarts who rule them are blind, unable to grasp political matters.

Yet, our dynastic rule thrived because it passed down political knowledge from father to son, ensuring that only a select few understood the true state of affairs.

As time passed, this transfer of power weakened, aiding the success of our plans.

By spreading the ideals of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" through our agents across the world, we gathered countless followers who unknowingly supported our cause.

These ideals, like canker-worms, destroyed the peace, solidarity, and foundations of the GOYIM states. This, in turn, allowed us to strike at their aristocracy—the only real defense against us.

On the ruins of their eternal aristocracy, we established our own, one that is founded on wealth, which we control, and knowledge, which our elders provide.

This new aristocracy, led by those with money and intellectual superiority, is firmly in our grasp.

Our strategy was made easier by manipulating the desires and weaknesses of men. By appealing to their greed, their insatiable hunger for material needs, we paralyzed their initiative and took control of their will.

By offering them the illusion of freedom, we persuaded the masses that their government was merely a steward, easily replaceable, putting even more power in our hands to appoint leaders as we saw fit.

Through these means, we have successfully gained control over political appointments and established ourselves as the true rulers.

Our triumph is based on exploiting the very foundations of human nature, using freedom as a bait to weaken governments infected by liberalism.

When their reins of power are slackened, we are quick to gather them up, knowing that the blind masses need guidance and cannot rule themselves.

Summary of Protocol 2: Economic Wars

It is crucial for our plans that wars do not result in territorial gains but are fought on economic grounds.

This will place both sides under the control of our international agents, allowing our international rights to override national ones.

We will appoint administrators who, while untrained in governance, will be obedient and easily controlled by our experts.

These experts, trained since childhood and guided by our political strategies, will manipulate the GOYIM, who rely on theories without understanding real consequences.

We have already succeeded in this through ideas like Darwinism, Marxism, and Nietzsche-ism, which have confused and weakened the minds of the GOYIM.

We understand the characters and tendencies of nations, allowing us to tailor our system to each one’s temperament.

A key tool is the Press, which we use to spread discontent and steer public thought while remaining in the background.

The GOYIM do not understand the power of the Press, but we have used it to gain influence and control.

Through it, we have gathered wealth, even at the cost of our own people's lives, but this sacrifice has been worthwhile, for each of our victims is worth far more than a thousand GOYIM.

Summary of Protocol 3: Methods of Conquest

We are now close to our ultimate goal, with just a few steps left before Europe is fully controlled within our grasp, symbolized by the closing of the "Symbolic Snake."

The constitutions of today are intentionally unstable, ensuring constant disorder, while kings are weakened by their isolated positions.

We have stirred up chaos by setting forces against each other, encouraging a misuse of power, and turning states into arenas of conflict.

The press and bold journalists further escalate this by discrediting institutions and preparing the masses for revolt.

Poverty remains our most powerful weapon. Though people once escaped slavery, they cannot escape the chains of poverty.

We give them illusions of rights and freedoms, but these are meaningless in the face of their toil and suffering.

Their votes only serve to install our chosen leaders. By supporting movements like socialism and communism, we pretend to be the saviors of the workers, but our true aim is to weaken and control them, keeping them in a state of dependency.

We have annihilated the aristocracy and turned the people into slaves of capital. When the time comes, the mobs will rise, manipulated by us, to destroy all opposition.

The people have forgotten how to think independently and are easily manipulated by our specialists. We will create an economic crisis, unleashing mobs to shed blood and loot, while we remain untouched and secure.

Once we establish our rule, we will teach the people the true nature of social existence, reinforcing class divisions and ensuring they accept their positions.

The illusion of freedom will be erased, for it only incites violence and unrest. In the end, the masses will submit to our authority, willingly accepting their chains, while we pacify any remaining opposition through our wise yet ruthless leadership.

The people will believe they are fighting for their own welfare and rights, unaware that they are paving the way for our ultimate dominion.

Summary of Protocol 4: Materialism Replace Religion

Every republic goes through stages: the first is chaos from the blind mob, followed by demagogy leading to anarchy, which ultimately results in hidden despotism controlled by secret forces like ours.

This unseen power grows stronger as it works behind the scenes, unimpeded by changing agents.

Our force, shielded by GENTILE masonry, remains an unknown mystery to the people.

To control the people, we must destroy faith in God, replacing it with materialism and calculations.

People must focus on industry and trade, diverting their attention away from us. By placing industry on a speculative basis, we ensure wealth flows into our hands.

This struggle for superiority will foster cold, heartless societies that reject religion and higher political ideals, worshipping only Gold.

When the time is right, the lower classes will rise not for wealth or goodness, but out of hatred for the privileged, following us against the intellectual elites of the GOYIM.

Summary of Protocol 5: Despotism and Modern Progress

In corrupt societies where wealth is gained through deceit, only a despotic form of rule can succeed.

We will centralize power and enact laws to strip away the freedoms granted by the GOYIM, ensuring that any opposition is swiftly crushed.

Though some may argue this despotism doesn't align with modern progress, we will demonstrate its necessity.

By removing faith in God and kings, we have seized power and kept the masses focused on material needs, using manipulation and division to prevent unity.

Our force remains invisible, protected by discord among the GOYIM.

Religious, racial, and national hatred, which we have fostered for centuries, ensures that no state can stand against us.

Capital, controlled by us, powers the political systems of the world. We encourage monopolies in industry and trade to weaken the people while using public criticism and empty speeches to distract and confuse them.

To control public opinion, we will flood the masses with contradictory views, leading them into confusion so they stop forming political opinions.

By fostering discord and weakening individual initiative, we ensure that personal genius and leadership cannot arise to challenge us.

In this chaos, the people will eventually submit to our international super-government, which will gradually absorb all state powers, creating an unseen but powerful global administration.

Summary of Protocol 6: Take-over Technique

We will soon establish massive monopolies, amassing wealth so vast that even the fortunes of the GOYIM will depend on them, and when political collapse occurs, their wealth will sink with the state's credit.

Our Super-Government will be portrayed as a protector to those who submit to us, enhancing its influence.

The political power of the GOYIM aristocracy is dead, but their land ownership remains a threat.

To control them, we will burden their properties with debt, forcing them into submission as they struggle to maintain their resources.

Our strategy will drive the GOYIM into poverty. We will promote trade, industry, and speculation, draining labor and capital from the land and into our hands, eventually turning all the GOYIM into proletarians.

Luxury and greed will fuel their downfall, as we raise wages but simultaneously increase the cost of living, citing agricultural decline.

We will also corrupt the workers through anarchy and drunkenness while eliminating the educated GOYIM.

To keep our intentions hidden, we will mask our actions as a desire to help the working class, using political economy principles to spread our economic propaganda and delay their understanding of the truth.

Summary of Protocol 7: Worldwide Wars

We will intensify armaments and increase police forces globally to ensure that, apart from us, only the proletariat, a few millionaires loyal to us, police, and soldiers remain.

We will create discord across Europe and other continents, allowing us to control countries by manipulating their internal unrest.

Through political and economic treaties, we will tangle states in our web of influence while presenting ourselves as honest benefactors to the public.

If any country opposes us, we will respond with war, and if neighboring nations unite against us, we will trigger a universal war.

Our success relies on secrecy, ensuring that our words do not align with our actions.

We will compel GOYIM governments to act in line with our plan by shaping public opinion through our control of the press.

To maintain control over Europe’s governments, we will use terrorism and, if necessary, military force from nations like America, China, or Japan to suppress any widespread resistance.

Summary of Protocol 8: Provisional Government

We must arm ourselves with every tool our opponents could use against us, finding legal justifications for any bold or unjust judgments we may have to make.

These decisions will be framed in language that seems morally sound and legal.

Our government will surround itself with experts—publicists, jurists, diplomats, and specially trained individuals from our schools—who understand human nature and the social structure.

They will manipulate the GOYIM, who perform administrative duties blindly, without understanding the larger purpose.

We will also be supported by a network of economists, bankers, industrialists, and millionaires, as everything will be controlled by financial figures.

Initially, we will place non-Jews in key roles, people with questionable pasts who are bound to us by fear of criminal charges.

They will serve our interests completely, ensuring their loyalty until it is safe to entrust these positions to our own people.

Summary of Protocol 9: Re-education

We must adapt our principles to each country’s character, applying them cautiously until the people are re-educated to our standards.

The liberal ideals of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" will be transformed into hollow concepts like "the right of liberty, the duty of equality, the ideal of brotherhood" when we assume power.

Although some States appear to oppose us, their anti-Semitism is essential for controlling our lesser brethren.

Our Super-Government operates beyond legal limits, wielding immense power, ruling by force and ambition.

We have infiltrated all factions—monarchists, socialists, communists—and use them to destroy authority and order in all States.

Nations will beg for peace, but we will not give it until they submit to our rule.

Socialist divisions and financial dependence have placed the people in our hands.

We prevent any union between the GOY kings and mobs through mutual terror.

The blind mob supports us, and we will guide them toward our goals, entering into close communication with them when necessary.

Education, press, elections, and the law are all under our control, replaced by liberal chaos.

We have corrupted GOYIM youth with false theories, and by twisting laws through contradictory interpretations, we’ve created confusion, hiding the true laws from governments.

If the GOYIM realize our plan too early, we have a final measure in place—underground corridors beneath all capitals, ready to destroy them and their institutions if needed.

Summary of Protocol 10: Preparing For Power

We must ensure that governments and people remain content with superficial appearances, while we maintain control over key aspects like taxation and laws without openly revealing our principles.

The masses admire political trickery and will accept our audacious plans as cleverness.

Our goal is to achieve global power, rallying all nations to support the structure we have devised.

When we carry out our coup, we will present ourselves as the solution to their suffering, and the masses will exalt us, granting us full control through the voting system we've manipulated.

To secure power, everyone must vote, regardless of class, creating an absolute majority that will rely on our leadership for their survival.

We will manipulate the mob, who will look to us for their earnings and benefits, and we will control them through our agents.

A single brain must direct the government, avoiding any dilution of its power through debate or alteration.

Liberalism has poisoned the state, causing its slow death.

The era of republics, led by our puppet presidents, has replaced strong rulers, and we will continue to appoint presidents with compromised pasts who will do our bidding out of fear.

These presidents will have the power to declare war, dissolve parliaments, and interpret laws as we dictate, solidifying our control.

We will gradually destroy constitutions and move toward a global despotism.

In time, the people, exhausted by the chaos and incompetence of their governments, will demand a single ruler to unite them and solve their problems.

To bring about this desire, we will foment division, hatred, and suffering worldwide, leaving the people no choice but to submit to our absolute sovereignty in money and power.

Summary of Protocol 11: The Totalitarian State

The State Council will serve as the public face of the Legislative Corps, appearing to embody the ruler's authority while acting as an editorial committee for laws and decrees.

Our new constitution will implement law and justice through proposals, presidential decrees, Senate orders, and State Council resolutions.

Any needed changes will be introduced carefully after the revolution, ensuring that freedoms like press and association disappear or are radically altered.

Immediate and decisive authority will be displayed to prevent any opposition, instilling fear and submission among the people, who will be too terrified to challenge us.

The GOYIM are like sheep, and we are their wolves, ready to take full control while promising to restore their liberties once peace is achieved, though they will never see those freedoms again.

Our secret policy, developed through Masonic lodges, has been designed to manipulate and deceive the GOYIM without them realizing our true intentions.

Our scattered nature, once seen as a weakness, has become our strength, leading us to the brink of global sovereignty.

Only a few more steps remain to complete our ultimate goal.

Summary of Protocol 12: Control of the Press

We define freedom as the right to do only what the law permits, which allows us to control freedom by shaping laws to serve our interests.

The press will be tightly controlled through taxes, deposits, and fines, ensuring that no attacks on our authority go unpunished.

We will establish some press organs ourselves to create the illusion of free speech, but they will only criticize points we pre-select.

All news will be filtered through agencies we control, and no public announcement will be made without our approval.

Journalism and literature, powerful tools of influence, will be brought under our control through regulations, licensing, and financial pressure.

Our government will own most journals, and we will set up publications with diverse viewpoints to gain trust from all sides, while secretly controlling them.

This will allow us to guide public opinion while giving the appearance of debate and opposition.

We will manipulate the press to print both truth and lies as needed to maintain control, stirring up or calming the public mind.

Our opponents will have no way to fully express their views, and our semi-official press will counter any attack against us.

Journalists are bound by secrecy and fear of exposure, ensuring they remain loyal to us.

We will also inflame provincial opinion, using it to control the capitals when needed.

As we transition to our new regime, we will suppress any reports of public dishonesty, creating the illusion that the new government has eliminated criminality, and only victims and chance witnesses will know of any wrongdoing.

This approach will ensure that the public believes in the perfection of our rule.

Summary of Protocol 13: Distractions

The GOYIM are kept silent and submissive due to their daily needs, while our agents in the press will discuss topics we prefer not to address officially.

We will push through our desired measures and present them as improvements, distracting the public with new questions and discussions.

The masses, trained to seek constant novelty, will be too occupied to realize they don't truly understand politics.

We deceive the workers by shifting their focus from political matters to industry and entertainment.

By promoting competitions in art and sports, we will further distract them, preventing them from forming independent opinions.

The liberals and dreamers will continue to serve our interests by spreading utopian ideas until our rule is fully established.

When we come to power, our orators will present the great issues that have plagued humanity, making our rule seem like the solution.

No one will suspect that we have been stage-managing the world's events according to our secret political plan for centuries.

Summary of the Protocol 14: Assault on Religion

When we come into power, we will eliminate all religions except ours, the belief in the One God, to whom we are bound as the Chosen People.

Atheism will serve as a transitional phase, eventually leading people to embrace the religion of Moses.

We will emphasize its mystical authority and highlight the stability it brings compared to past chaotic governments.

We will depict GOYIM governments as failures, causing the people to prefer tranquility under our rule, even if it means sacrificing their freedom.

We will also point out the historical mistakes of GOYIM governments, showing how their pursuit of false social ideals only worsened the state of humanity.

Our methods will be presented as the solution to the decaying old order.

While we critique other beliefs, our faith will remain undisputed and understood only by us.

We have already introduced corrupt literature in progressive countries, which we will continue to support temporarily.

This will provide a stark contrast to the speeches and programs we distribute once in power, using our influence to direct the minds of the GOYIM towards the ideas we have predetermined.

Summary of Protocol 15: Ruthless Suppression

When we finally come into power, we will eliminate all opposition, secret societies, and plots.

Those who resist us will be executed, and no appeal will be allowed.

In the meantime, we will use secret societies, particularly Masonic lodges, to infiltrate governments and control revolutionary and liberal elements.

These lodges will serve as intelligence networks, allowing us to monitor and manipulate all political activities.

The GOYIM, naive and focused on their own success, will be easily manipulated by our suggestions and guided by our trusted servants.

We will maintain control by keeping the masses distracted, while our judges and officials serve only us, ensuring that our laws are enforced with strict punishment for any disobedience.

Liberalism will be rooted out from all important positions, and only those trained by us will hold power.

Our government will appear paternal and protective, and the people will see our ruler as a father figure, accepting his authority with devotion.

We will establish a system of absolute submission, justifying it as a natural order.

Sacrifices will be made to maintain this system, but the number of victims will be far fewer than those lost under the disordered governments of the past.

Our King of Israel will become the patriarch of the world, guiding humanity with strength and wisdom, and his speeches will be heard across the globe.

Summary of Protocol 16: Brainwashing

To destroy all collective forces but our own, we will reshape universities by reeducating officials and professors with strict, secret programs, making them entirely dependent on the government.

Political and State Law will be taught only to a select few, as widespread education in these areas creates utopian dreamers and bad citizens.

We will remove harmful subjects and teach obedience, turning the youth into loyal subjects of authority.

We will change history education, erasing undesirable events and focusing only on the failures of the GOYIM governments.

Education will prioritize practical life, order, and moral relations, tailoring teachings to specific life roles to prevent untalented individuals from entering inappropriate ranks.

The occasional genius will still emerge, but mass education will no longer permit widespread intellectual freedom.

Freedom of instruction will be abolished, with education instead becoming a tool for indoctrination in schools and public spaces.

New theories will be presented as dogma to guide the population, and through controlled education, we will gradually eliminate independent thought, turning people into unthinking followers.

This system is already being tested in places like France, where teaching by object lessons is preparing the GOYIM to be submissive and easily controlled.

Summary of Protocol 17: Abuse of Authority

We will reshape the practice of advocacy, making lawyers mere functionaries of the state, receiving cases only from the court and working without personal interest or contact with clients.

This will remove corruption and ensure that justice is served impartially.

At the same time, we will continue to weaken the influence of religion, especially Christianity, which is already losing its hold due to freedom of conscience.

We will eventually destroy the papal court, posing as defenders to penetrate and dismantle its power from within.

Our ultimate goal is for the King of the Jews to become the universal pope, overseeing the international church.

In the meantime, we will criticize and undermine existing churches through the press to create divisions, without directly attacking them.

Our press will also relentlessly degrade the GOYIM's state affairs and religions, diminishing their prestige.

Our kingdom will be like Vishnu, with hands controlling every aspect of social life.

We will establish a widespread network of informers, where spying will be seen as a duty to the state, and failure to report political matters will be punishable.

Our agents will come from all levels of society, serving as witnesses and reporters, while arrests will be carried out by the police.

This system will prevent abuses of power and bribery, which we initially introduced into GOYIM society to destabilize their administration.

Summary of Protocol 18: Arrest of Opponents

When we need to tighten secret defense measures, we will simulate disorders or discontent, using persuasive speakers to attract followers.

This will provide us with the excuse to conduct searches and surveillance under the guise of maintaining order.

We won’t act against conspirators until they take overt action, as frequent exposure of conspiracies weakens the authority of the government, making it appear vulnerable.

Our ruler will be protected subtly, avoiding the appearance of fear or weakness, unlike the GOYIM rulers who have harmed their prestige by acknowledging threats against them.

Our ruler will seem strong and invincible, mingling with the public and receiving petitions openly, reinforcing the idea that the people's well-being is tied to his authority.

The aura of authority will be maintained without overt defenses, as visible protection erodes the mystical power of leadership and emboldens sedition.

Criminals, especially those involved in political matters, will be arrested on the slightest suspicion, with no room for leniency.

We will be ruthless in dealing with any potential threat to the state, ensuring that no one challenges our rule.

Summary of Protocol 19: Rulers and People

We will prevent independent political involvement but encourage petitions and reports with suggestions for improving the people's condition.

By examining these, we will identify any flaws or fantasies among the public, either acting on them or providing a rebuttal to demonstrate the faults in their thinking.

Sedition, in comparison to a well-organized government, is as insignificant as a lapdog barking at an elephant.

Once the public recognizes the true power of the government, they will stop resisting and fall in line.

To undermine the idea of heroism in political crime, we will categorize it alongside common crimes such as theft and murder, diminishing its prestige and causing public opinion to view it with the same contempt as other dishonorable acts.

We have worked to ensure that the GOYIM do not adopt this approach to sedition.

By promoting the idea of martyrdom for political dissent through the press, speeches, and history books, we have increased the number of liberals and drawn more GOYIM into our control.

Summary of Protocol 20: Financial Programme

This section outlines the financial program that we will solidify control once power is fully attained.

The government, seen as a protector, will avoid overtaxing the masses but will maintain balance by progressively taxing the wealthy, ensuring state funds without stifling the population.

Confiscation of wealth will be lawful, and this approach will shift financial burdens to the rich, removing the hatred of the poor towards them.

Taxes on capitalists will curb the private accumulation of wealth, which has been concentrated in opposition to state strength.

The rich will be required to contribute to state functions, diminishing class tensions by portraying the wealthy as supporters of peace and well-being.

Transparency will be offered in the use of funds, excluding what is set aside for the throne and administrative needs.

The state will control money circulation, ensuring funds return to the public through works and rewards, preventing the stagnation of money.

Public works will tie the working class to the state’s interests, while progressive taxes and regulations will control transfers of property and wealth.

The gold standard, which has weakened the Gentile states, will be replaced by a new system based on the value of labor.

Loans, particularly foreign loans, will be eradicated, as they lead to unnecessary financial dependence.

Instead, the state will only issue low-interest-bearing paper and focus on circulating money for productive purposes.

By removing interest-bearing loans and restructuring finances, the system will prevent stagnation and allow the state to grow independently.

Through precise planning, the government will stop wasteful spending and the leeching of state funds by external parties.

The old system of loans, which made states indebted to foreign capitalists, will end, and a new, clear accounting system will ensure that funds serve only the interests of the state.

Summary of Protocol 21: Loans and Credit

This section discusses the manipulation of internal loans and financial systems to gain control over states.

In the past, internal loans allowed governments to borrow from their own citizens by offering interest-bearing paper.

These loans were staged to appear in high demand, creating an illusion of confidence.

However, the burden of repaying interest on these loans eventually forced governments to take out new loans, perpetuating a cycle of debt.

When loans were converted to reduce interest payments, citizens typically accepted losses rather than risk new investments.

Under the planned new regime, such financial tricks will no longer be permitted.

All manipulative practices and money markets, which create artificial fluctuations in value, will be eradicated.

The new government will control industrial values through credit institutions, ensuring prices remain stable and regulated by law.

By controlling the entire financial and industrial system, the new rulers will secure immense power over global economies, making all industrial undertakings dependent on them.

This centralized control will ensure that governments cannot manipulate funds to their own advantage, as has been done in the past.

Summary of Protocol 22: Power of Gold

Gold, as the greatest power of the time, is readily available in unlimited quantities, symbolizing absolute control.

This rule is seen as predestined by God, with even the past evils justified as necessary steps toward a greater good—restoring order and ensuring true freedom.

Freedom is framed not as unrestrained liberty, but as the inviolability of a person who strictly observes societal laws, respecting both rights and responsibilities.

Authority is not based on chaotic principles or hollow ideals, but on firm, unyielding order.

It will inspire reverence and awe, as true power makes no concessions, not even to divine rights.

The future leadership will be all-powerful, guiding people with clear structure and demanding respect through its sheer force and unshakable strength.

Summary of Protocol 23: Instilling Obedience

To instill obedience in the people, it becomes necessary to teach humility and reduce the production of luxury goods, which will help improve morals that have been eroded by competition in luxury.

Small-scale production will be reestablished, undermining private capital and large manufacturers, who often influence the masses against the government.

A society of small masters will not suffer from unemployment, creating a closer connection to the established order and strengthening the authority of the state.

This system will be discarded once full control is established.

Drunkenness will be outlawed and treated as a crime against humanity.

Subjects respond to a strong and independent ruler, seeing in him the power to protect them from societal threats, not a figure of angelic virtue.

The supreme leader, who will replace existing rulers, will have to extinguish the anarchy that has spread, even if it requires bloodshed, to rebuild society into disciplined forces for the state.

This leader, chosen by divine will, will defeat the forces of violence and chaos that have flourished under false ideals of freedom and rights.

Once his reign begins, these forces will be swept away, leaving a clear path for his rule.

The people will then be called to give thanks to God and submit to the chosen one, the bearer of divine destiny, who will bring an end to chaos and restore order.

Summary of Protocol 24: Qualities of the Ruler

The confirmation of the dynastic roots of King David will be established through the control of education and thought, overseen by learned elders.

Certain members of David’s lineage will be selected not by heritage but by their capabilities, and they will be trained in secret political and governmental mysteries.

Only those who show firmness and the capacity for strict rule, even cruelty if necessary, will be allowed to govern.

Heirs deemed unfit during their training will be set aside, and kings showing weakness or incapacity must relinquish their power.

The king's plans, even for the current moment, will be known only to him and his closest advisors, maintaining an air of mystery.

His mind will be examined by the learned elders before ascending the throne to ensure he is capable.

He will interact with the people to gain their love, while also keeping them under a certain level of fear and control until the time is right to unify these forces.

The king must exhibit self-control, avoiding passions and sensuality, as these disrupt clear thinking and effective rule.

As the supreme leader, descended from David, he must be irreproachable and sacrifice personal desires for the good of the people.

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