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Championing justice for Palestine #FreePalestine 🇵🇸. Here just trying to speak my truth, in a world full of lies. ✍️ Writing my heart out for the voiceless.
🐾Александра Опалић 🇷🇸❤️‍🔥🇷🇺 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 6 11 tweets 14 min read
In this thread 🧵, I have prepared summaries from the book “The Controversy of Zion” by Douglas Reed.

I have only summarised the portion of the book where he writes about the origin, codification and expansion of the doctrine of the Talmud, which is largely unknown, confusing, scarce and hidden to the public.

Douglas Reed was a very prominent journalist, author and novelist during his early career. Reed wrote more than 20 books during his career, mostly on political non-fiction and fiction. He was a well-regarded correspondent for The Times in Europe, and his early works on European politics and World War II received considerable attention.

However, his prominence declined significantly after his controversial views on Zionism and Jewish influence. His book “The Controversy of Zion” was only published in 1978, two years after his death.

I curated this thread of summaries in 10 phases, starting from 456 BC to 20th Century Zionism. And I have only touched on the phase of Zionism briefly, since it would make the thread too long and also information and histories about modern day Zionism is widely available to read. Moreover I have already posted a thread summarising the book “”Zionism: The hidden tyranny” by Benjamin Freedman. I would also recommend to go through that thread for learning about 20th century history of Zionism.

I was really looking for historical records about how Judaism got so corrupted, where and when exactly did all of it turn so destructive. And I was suggested this book by a friend. And it did help me fill many gaps in my understanding and connect a few dots. And I hope it does the same for you.

So, If this content resonates with you, please share and repost.

And if you want to read more contents like this, please give me a follow. It will be really appreciated.Image Phase 1: Master Race Origins

The true beginning of it was in 458 BC when Judah, a small Palestinian tribe disowned by the Israelites, created a racial creed that would have a disruptive influence on human history. This creed, which became known as “Judaism,” established the idea of a master-race, with Jehovah (Hebrew name for God) designating the Judahites as his “chosen people.”

This creed rejected the then-emerging idea of a universal, loving God, instead promoting a vengeful deity and racial exclusivity. The Israelites, who had absorbed the concept of a God for all, had by then been assimilated by other peoples, leaving Judah and the Levites to form this unique religion of segregation and vengeance.

Judaism turned away from the universalism of earlier traditions, such as the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which spoke of a single God for all humanity. Instead, the Levites codified a creed that demanded adherence to Commands and Judgments in exchange for territorial and racial superiority.

This transformation perverted the earlier tradition of Moses as a moral leader, turning him into a figure associated with mass murder and vengeance. The story of Moses leading an exodus from Egypt and the conquest of Canaan was invented to justify a creed of destruction, exclusion, and divine vengeance against other peoples.

Judah’s racial creed, which began as an adaptation of earlier religious ideas, became a political program focused on destruction. The Levites edited this doctrine, inserting allegories and myths into the historical narrative to reinforce the idea of Jehovah’s chosen people, who would inherit the promised land through violent conquest.

Thus, Judah, possibly not even an Israelitish tribe, was destined to carry forward a religion centred on hatred, segregation, and destruction, forever setting them apart from other nations and peoples.Image
Sep 26 23 tweets 19 min read
In this thread 🧵, I have prepared summaries for each chapters of the book “Zionism: The Hidden Tyranny”

It’s written by Benjamin H. Freedman along with two other co-authors. It is also known in other names such as “The Hidden tyranny: A true story.”

But it’s not to be confused with “Hidden tyranny : The issue that dwarf all other issues” also known as "The Rosenthal Document”. That document is completely separate from this pamphlet and doesn’t have any connection with Benjamin Freedman.


Benjamin Harrison Freedman, born in 1890, was a successful American Jewish businessman, who broke with organized Jewry after World War II, spending over $2.5 million to expose what he called "Talmudic tyranny."

Freedman, once an insider at the highest levels of Jewish influence, became an ardent Christian and vocal anti-Zionist, founding the League for Peace with Justice in Palestine in 1946.

He was close to seven U.S. presidents and shared his knowledge of Zionist and communist influences with them.

Despite his prominence, Freedman’s legacy was largely erased by Jewish leaders, using "dynamic silence" to obscure his anti-Zionist efforts.

Citing how hard it was to find information about him in printed papers, one writer wrote on a magazine ——

“Try as hard as you might, you will find virtually NOTHING on the man in printed volumes. He should be found in who’s who in business, in various biographies, in numerous printed references. But, NO. It’s as if Benjamin Freedman never even existed.“


In this book(pamphlet) Freedman talks abut how Zionist and Talmudic forces, especially the Rothschild family, manipulated global events, including dragging the U.S. into wars, to secure control over Palestine and protect their financial interests.

He exposed how several U.S. presidents were influenced to support the establishment of Israel, often at the expense of U.S. interests. This manipulation, driven by the Rothschilds, aimed to secure control in the Middle East and access to the Far East, under the guise of a holy mission.


If its content resonates with you, please repost and share and keep the discussion alive.

And If you want to read more contents like this, please give me a follow. Would be much appreciated.Image Summary of Chapter 1: Seven Masters of Deception

The names of Presidents Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Richard M. Nixon will be remembered for their role in the downfall of the United States.

These leaders betrayed their oaths, serving foreign and domestic powers for their political gain, neglecting the country's security.

Instead of upholding George Washington's legacy, they pursued secret anti-American agendas, pushing the U.S. toward its current Middle East crisis.

Zionist control of the U.S. media worsens the situation, as elections are now won through media manipulation and character assassination rather than candidates' qualifications.

Since 1912, Zionist-owned media has monopolized public opinion, brainwashing the American population.Image
Sep 23 25 tweets 25 min read
In this thread 🧵, I have prepared summaries for each chapters of the book "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", first published in 1905, Russia.

Some believes this book is a fabricated text purporting to detail a Jewish plot for global domination, but at the same time many finds irrefutable parallel with its content to what's happening now around the world.

In 1921, American Businessman Henry Ford wrote about this book:

"The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are 16 years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time."

Now, even after 120 years, the same can be acknowledged even in today by many.

If its content resonates with you, please repost and share and keep the discussion alive.

And If you want to read more contents like this, please give me a follow. Would be much appreciated.Image Summary of Protocol 1 : The Basic Doctrine

We deliberately introduced the slogans "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" to the masses, knowing these catchy phrases would lure them in and dismantle the well-being and true freedom of individuals.

The people, especially the so-called intellectuals, couldn't grasp the deeper meaning behind these words.

They didn't recognize that nature itself dictates inequality in minds, characters, and capacities, just as it dictates subordination to natural laws.

The masses and the upstarts who rule them are blind, unable to grasp political matters.

Yet, our dynastic rule thrived because it passed down political knowledge from father to son, ensuring that only a select few understood the true state of affairs.

As time passed, this transfer of power weakened, aiding the success of our plans.

By spreading the ideals of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" through our agents across the world, we gathered countless followers who unknowingly supported our cause.

These ideals, like canker-worms, destroyed the peace, solidarity, and foundations of the GOYIM states. This, in turn, allowed us to strike at their aristocracy—the only real defense against us.

On the ruins of their eternal aristocracy, we established our own, one that is founded on wealth, which we control, and knowledge, which our elders provide.

This new aristocracy, led by those with money and intellectual superiority, is firmly in our grasp.

Our strategy was made easier by manipulating the desires and weaknesses of men. By appealing to their greed, their insatiable hunger for material needs, we paralyzed their initiative and took control of their will.

By offering them the illusion of freedom, we persuaded the masses that their government was merely a steward, easily replaceable, putting even more power in our hands to appoint leaders as we saw fit.

Through these means, we have successfully gained control over political appointments and established ourselves as the true rulers.

Our triumph is based on exploiting the very foundations of human nature, using freedom as a bait to weaken governments infected by liberalism.

When their reins of power are slackened, we are quick to gather them up, knowing that the blind masses need guidance and cannot rule themselves.Image