Gad Saad Profile picture
Professor, Evolutionary Behavioral Scientist, Author. Opinions are mine alone. Retweets do not necessarily imply an endorsement.

Sep 27, 6 tweets

Earlier this week, I was approached by an off duty @rcmpgrcpolice officer who was a big fan. We briefly chatted about some of the lunacy going on at the RCMP. I'll share anonymously some of that lunacy shortly. It is UNBELIEVABLE. See the thread.

Dear white RCMP officers, recognize your white privilege, you utter a**holes.

Tampon Tim @Tim_Walz will be happy to know that the RCMP will adhere to the policy of having tampons in men's bathrooms because men too can menstruate!

Oh and when writing tickets etc, please make sure to give a pass to people of color. Lady Justice is apparently not so blind! I'm a Lebanese Jew, hence a "Jew of color." Can I speed with complete impunity?

If you stop someone, do NOT misgender them.

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