Gad Saad Profile picture
Professor, Evolutionary Behavioral Scientist, Author. Opinions are mine alone. Retweets do not necessarily imply an endorsement.
52 subscribers
Feb 5 4 tweets 3 min read
Why @aaronjmate and his dad @DrGaborMate drew my ire.

1) Dr. Mate utilizes his narrative of victimology as a form of existential credential to speak on behalf of the Palestinians in attacking the evil Jews/Israelis. Dr. Mate was a six-month old infant when he "survived" the Holocaust. Six-month old infants do not have any conscious memories and as such to argue that he is a Holocaust survivor stretches credulity and decency. By that standard, a person who was a spermatozoa in his dad's testicles during the Holocaust also "survived" the Holocaust. It is a form of nonsensical narrative meant to bolster his theory of childhood trauma. What I experienced in the Lebanese civil war as a 10-year-old and 11-year-old child is INFINITELY more violent than the unconscious "trauma" that he experienced. Yet, I don't use my tragic childhood to espouse nonsensical theories. 2) Both Dr. Mate and his son would have been executed if they happened to be on location during the October 7th attack. Many of the killed Israelis were peaceniks who were very sympathetic to the Palestinians. Their infinite suicidal empathy did not protect them from being raped and butchered.

3) I have always stated that a single innocent person who is killed in conflict is a tragedy whether they are Palestinian, Israeli, or anything else. BUT, this conflict is about a battle of two very different views of how society should be organized. Palestinian society (including Hamas) is animated by a view that would make shish kebab out of Dr. Mate and his son. There is 1,400 years of history that suggests that the kuffar are subjugated, raped, converted, and killed (conservative estimate is hundreds of millions). Hence, Dr. Mate and his son are supporting an ideology that is defined by the genocidal hatred of their heritage.
Sep 27, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Earlier this week, I was approached by an off duty @rcmpgrcpolice officer who was a big fan. We briefly chatted about some of the lunacy going on at the RCMP. I'll share anonymously some of that lunacy shortly. It is UNBELIEVABLE. See the thread. Dear white RCMP officers, recognize your white privilege, you utter a**holes. Image
Jan 9, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I've been seeing some folks (e.g., @mcuban) defending the virtues in some instances of DIE principles (diversity, inclusion, and equity). There is nothing laudable about the ethos of DIE. Those who support DIE are using consequentialism to justify an otherwise deontological violation. As I've explained for decades, if there are systemic barriers that stop some groups from flourishing (the proverbial equality of opportunities) then by all means fight hard to eradicate such obstacles. But DIE never operates in that spirit. It always presumes that the non-equality of outcomes must be due to systemic bigotry and hence "Noble People" must intervene to fix the problem (by implementing otherwise "corrective anti-bigoted" policies). Academia is rife with DIE at all levels and it is a frontal and fatal attack on the meritocratic ethos that shapes scientific and academic excellence. There is nothing noble, laudable, just, or fair about DIE. You either believe in meritocracy or you don't. DIE is where meritocracy goes to die. @elonmusk Example: I've previously discussed data from the US government that shows that across all educational levels (associate, bachelor, master, and doctorate) and five racial breakdowns, women outnumber men in EVERY single one of the 20 cells. And yet, DIE bureaucracies continue to push for "corrective" programs meant to protect women in American and Canadian universities as though we were in Waziristan. DIE is pancreatic cancer. DIE is Ebola. DIE is an affront to individual dignity. There is nothing redeemable about this racist ethos that masquerades as progressive social justice.
Oct 18, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I just watched the exchange between @Byoussef and @piersmorgan. First, I thought that Piers was incredibly gracious and generous in granting Mr. Youssef the opportunity to lecture for nearly 30 minutes. Second, as a satirist from the Middle East myself, I could have easily handled Bassem's passive-aggressive "sarcasm." His point about disproportionality is nonsensical in a myriad of ways. I've already covered this in a recent Saad Truth clip on my show. A lot of people are hailing Mr. Youssef for his "brilliant" sarcasm. It was seething albeit castrated passive-aggressiveness that has several names in Arabic. It is impossible to have a meaningful dialogue when someone is monopolistically spewing endless transparent jabs under the guise of "sarcasm." Most decent and moral people (including yours truly) abhor the harming of ANY civilian on any side of a conflict. I wonder though if Mr. Youssef mourns the loss of all of the innocent people that have been killed by the Noble People of Perpetual Peace. Perhaps Mr. Youssef could
Oct 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The current Hamas-Israel battle, which started when Hamas came into Israel and slaughtered and raped 1,400+ Israelis has been turned into a supposed genocide against the Palestinian people. The biggest casuality in war is truly the truth. I'm receiving abuse for NOT speaking out against Israeli aggression. This is happening roughly 10 days after I had to contact many people in Israel to find out if any of my family members had been harmed. Remember, Hamas killing 1,400+ Israelis 10 days ago is the call for us to all band for Palestine. Those Jews are such whiners, you know. As I've explained, ANY loss of innocent life on any side of a conflict is by definition a tragedy. But imagine the pure rape of truth when I receive abuse for not caring more about whether my f**king family is alive or not. I should be protesting on the street "free free Palestine, from the river to the sea" otherwise I'm a monster. This is what happens when people lose all sense of reason, logic, common sense, causality, and reality. Cheers.
Oct 8, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Loving the Jews- Part I

[A few more clips to be uploaded shortly. Oh, and Arabic is my mother tongue so the translations are accurate. Get ready for the Noble Rebuttals.]

Perhaps you'd like to share this widely @elonmusk? It's important that people on this platform see the unbridled love.
Loving the Jews - Part II
Apr 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
As I explain in chapter 1 of The Parasitic Mind, the two fundamental ideals that shape my life's trajectory are freedom and truth. Hence, when I fight against a grotesque falsehood ("Some women have nine-inch penises"), this has nothing to do with being "non-accepting" of people. It has everything to do with defending the integrity and dignity of truth. We could be loving and compassionate people whilst rejecting falsehoods. The proverbial "walk and chew gum at the same time" applies here. It is truly astonishing the number of times that I have to
Apr 13, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
The Noble @TheDemocrats are the party of truth.
1) @JussieSmollett was attacked by MAGA thugs;
2) Women can have nine-inch penises;
3) Men can bear children;
4) There are no objective truths other than the one truth that there are no objective truths;
5) A 17-year-old who kills his parents to collect the insurance money is only a child BUT a two-year-old who declares that they are transgender are old enough to state so;
6) To point to the origins of COVID is racist;
7) To suggest that COVID spread via a lab leak is a conspiracy;
8) The COVID vaccine
Mar 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Allow me to offer an important point of clarification: When you are conferred an honorary doctorate, you are NOT allowed to refer to yourself as Dr. [Last Name]. Hence, the luminary Thunberg is not a doctor, albeit she can put the degree with "hc" after her name. For example, Toni Morrison insisted on being called Dr. Morrison by virtue of having obtained an honorary doctorate. That is FRAUDULENT. There are long-ago established rules for such titles.
Mar 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Please remember: The drought that California faced until recently was due to climate change. The excessive rain (i.e., opposite of the drought) that California is currently facing is also due to climate change. If neither had occurred, this too would be proof of climate change. All weather patterns at any given moment are irrefutable proof that climate change is an existential threat. In Canada, whenever a winter is too cold or too warm, it is hailed as irrefutable proof of climate change. Please don't have any more children in order to reduce the
Mar 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
A few days ago, I gave a lecture at @USC wherein I explained the importance of deontological ethics as a fundamental protective wall against tyranny. Many in the audience were hostile to my position. Earlier this evening, I watched the movie detailing the case of @MohamedouOuld. It PERFECTLY captures the importance of inviolable principles that should NEVER be breached. I was moved to tears by the treatment that Mr. Slahi received at the hands of his captors. No one deserves to be treated in this manner even if one is supposedly our enemy. It would be
Feb 26, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
This is precisely what I refer to as progressive self-flagellation. Yes, slavery is an indelible part of American history @BryanCranston. But it would be difficult to find a society TODAY that is less racist than the United States. Regrettably, slavery has been the norm throughout human history so it was nothing unique to the American experience. The United States has atoned for its past in endless ways. I'm a descendant of slaves by virtue of being Jewish. I escaped execution in Lebanon. And yet, I don't hold all Lebanese, all Muslims, all
Jan 31, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
It is truly bewildering to see the sense of entitlement that some students exhibit. Forget about the Copernican Revolution. We have a new celestial law wherein the universe orbits around entitled students. I NEVER cave in to the demands but it is exhausting. Every single part of a university course that used to be adhered to without any problems is now up for debate, discussion, accommodation, etc. Rather than teaching young adults about personal responsibility, cost-benefit tradeoffs, opportunity costs, personal agency, etc., most faculty
Jan 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
People are getting so angry that I "dared" hold a chat with @DrPaulOffit having forgotten that I've also held chats with Scott Atlas and @DrJBhattacharya. There are varying opinions about important issues and it is worthwhile to speak to a broad spectrum of experts. It is outlandish how opiniated people are about topics that they know next-to-nothing about. Every Twitter person is a PhD/MD in virology. Exhibit some epistemic humility. Try to not dive head first into the Dunning-Kruger pool. My show is about holding engaging conversations with
Jan 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
As a firm supporter of @johnkerry, @algore, and @GretaThunberg, and in recognition that we have less than 2 years left on earth due to mass extinction, I will be implementing the following:
1. Only use modes of transportation that do not rely on fossil fuel (e.g., donkeys); 2. Turning off the gas-based house heating in our home in Canada; my whiny kids can grow some insulating fat to protect them from the brutal cold;
3. The Saad family will only eat home-grown organic vegetables; meat is murder plus cow flatulence;
4. This will likely be my last
Jan 18, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I just quickly went over @robreiner's Twitter feed. As I scrolled, I realized that every single tweet is either related to @realDonaldTrump or to the "evil" @GOP. Reiner has so much to be thankful for & yet he chooses to willfully waste his life on pathological & obsessive hate. Reiner is an example of how to not live life. This is a subject dear to my heart given that I have a forthcoming book on happiness and the good life. It is clear that we are a political animal (as Aristotle pointed out) but politics constitute a small part of the human
Nov 25, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I appreciate your desire to not burn bridges with former guests. But you don’t need to wish someone well because they are being critiqued for their positions. He has not been diagnosed with a devastating disease (God forbid). He took terribly dangerous positions and refused to to entertain any opposing positions. He acted in a personally dishonourable manner to people who were his friends and his champion. I too wish him well but this does not mean that I won’t hold him accountable for his positions. To do so is not mean nor is it piling on. It is
Nov 21, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
The Malibu Meditator:
1) I believe in free speech but not for the Orange Phantom.
2) I believe in presumption of innocence but not for "gang rapist" Kavanaugh.
3) I believe in an unbiased & truthful media but not when it comes to Hunter Biden's laptop because Orange Phantom. I along with my bien-pensant friends in Malibu, all of whom possess the progressive lisp when we speak, can adjudicate when freedom schfreedom is allowed. Deontological principles should only apply to those whom I consider worthy of possessing those rights.
Nov 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Some people will privately write me to thank me for publicly taking on some well-known public intellectual. But then, they state that they do not wish to be "outed." I dislike this attitude. Be courageous to attack people's positions PUBLICLY. This does not mean that you are mean, impolite, dog piling, etc. If a public intellectual pontificates publicly about some issue, it is NORMAL that it would be scrutinized PUBLICLY. It has nothing to do with the individual but with his/her ideas. Countless fans of Sam Harris write me in a manner akin to
Nov 1, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Reasons why you should vote for @TheDemocrats:
1) Women can have penises
2) Boys can menstruate
3) Men can bear children
4) Orgiastic anti-whiteness is progressive
5) The scientific method is white supremacy
6) National borders are racist
7) Inflation is good for the economy 8) The penal system must be dismantled
9) Defund the police
9) Critical Race Theory is the path to success
10) Children should still be under COVID lockdowns
11) Every home and building should be retrofitted to be more green
12) Domestic oil is the rape of Mother Earth
Oct 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Response to @elonmusk’s purchase of Twitter. This is what is taught at universities. Allowing opposing ideas is dangerous because of those toothless uneducated hicks. They don’t deserve equal rights, those deplorable plebs. He has been posting hostile comments on my LinkedIn feed for a while now. I kept quiet throughout because I know him personally and professionally. But it’s time to advertise his positions. He’ll now cry victim in 3, 2, 1. Never think that you can repeatedly come after me…