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A Human, weathering my intuitions. Texan by birth, Christian by Faith. I ♥️ documents | Contributor @BadlandsMedia_ and @WeTheMedia17

Sep 29, 6 tweets

. @X Corp. v. Media Matters for America

ORDER: Because Defendants have waived their qualified privilege, Plaintiff's 83 Motion to Compel is GRANTED.


And what is @X seeking to obtain from Media Matters...?

. @X just prevailed on these four requests targeting Media Matters’ donors:

• No. 17: information sufficient to identify Media Matters’ donors.

• No. 18: communications reflecting solicitations of donations.

• No. 21: documents reflecting the funding sources for Media Matters’ defamatory articles about X.

• No. 35: communications with donors regarding X and the matters at issue in this lawsuit.


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