Just Human Profile picture
A Human, weathering my intuitions. Texan by birth, Christian by Faith. I ♥️ documents | Contributor @BadlandsMedia_ and @WeTheMedia17
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Apr 23 6 tweets 3 min read
Unites States v. Trump
(Docs Case)

New Motion to Compel Discovery filed by Trump, Nauta and De Oliveira.

Image Just gonna post a couple highlights for now.

I've read the whole thing into a mic and that show will go LIVE tomorrow at 9:30am EST in all the usual places.
Mar 27 4 tweets 4 min read
United States v. SBF

Sentencing is tomorrow.

Prosecutors are asking for 40-50yrs incarceration.

Defense Counsel are asking for 5-6.5yrs incarceration.
In the past couple days, prosecutors have filed several dozen victim additional impact statements and submitted letters from the current execs of Alameda and FTX and other affiliated businesses. That letter from FTX calls bullshit on Sam's sentencing submission and how it characterizes the financials of FTX and the bankruptcy proceedings.

Mar 14 7 tweets 4 min read
This is a Non-Evidentiary hearing to discuss Trump's motions to dismiss based on Unconstitutional Vagueness and The Presidential Records Act, as well as replies to those motions.

These motions ONLY concern Counts 1-32 because those are the Willful Retention of National Defense Information charges.

It may last all day.Image
In the Unconstitutional Vagueness motion, Trump's counsel argues that Section 793 "unconstitutionally vague as applied to ...a former President operating within the framework of the Presidential Records Act (“PRA”), who

(1) acted as the ultimate Original Classification Authority based on Article II of the Constitution and under Executive Order 13526,

(2) has recourse to the executive privilege, and

(3) is entitled to immunity for his official acts."Image
Feb 15 6 tweets 2 min read
New indictment from Special Counsel David C. Weiss charging Alexander Smirnov, a Confidential Human Source for the FBI, with 1 count of False Statements and 1 count of Falsifying Records in a Federal Investigation.

justice.gov/sco-weiss/medi… justice.gov/sco-weiss/pr/g…
Feb 3 4 tweets 3 min read
New FOIA releases from DOJ justice.gov/oip/available-…
Image Communications Regarding Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy

Part 1

Part 2

Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy
Feb 1 13 tweets 5 min read
"The US Justice Department said Wednesday that the FBI surreptitiously sent commands to hundreds of infected small office and home office routers to remove malware China state-sponsored hackers were using to wage attacks on critical infrastructure.

The routers—mainly Cisco and Netgear devices that had reached their end of life—were infected with what’s known as KV Botnet malware, Justice Department officials said. Chinese hackers from a group tracked as Volt Typhoon used the malware to wrangle the routers into a network they could control. Traffic passing between the hackers and the compromised devices was encrypted using a VPN module KV Botnet installed. From there, the campaign operators connected to the networks of US critical infrastructure organizations to establish posts that could be used in future cyberattacks. The arrangement caused traffic to appear as originating from US IP addresses with trustworthy reputations rather than ... in China."

arstechnica.com/security/2024/…Image ic3.gov/Media/News/202…

Jan 20 4 tweets 4 min read
United States v. McGonigal
(DC Case)

Sentencing Submission from DOJ

"For his egregious violations of the public trust, the government requests that the Court sentence the defendant to 30 months’ incarceration and order him to pay a fine of $95,000"

Hopefully the judge agrees to that and sentences this time to be served CONSECUTIVELY and not CONCURRENTLY with the 50 months he got in the SDNY case.storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…Image My favorite part of this submission is the failed scheme to introduce his friend and current GOP Presidential hopeful @NikkiHaley to a couple Bosnians from a pharmaceutical company while she served as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

The price for setting up this meeting was $500,000.

Exhibit 2

McGonigal took a number of steps to make this meeting happen, but ultimately it never happened.

McGonigal's ex, @AllisonGuerrier , in commenting on this scheme asked a great question,

"‘She’s not a traitor. But I do care that someone who is running for the presidency of this country at a time when we have a convicted traitor who was in the FBI, why isn’t she denouncing him?’"

Jan 19 4 tweets 3 min read
United States v. Menendez

There are a couple handfuls of sealed filings on this docket already and just now four more popped up.
Image There are three other sealed filings from Jan 10.
The Times has filed to have them unsealed. Apparently they are Bob's Memo of Law in Support if his 1st Motion to Dismiss + a declaration + exhibits.
Jan 19 11 tweets 4 min read
Huddleston v. Federal Bureau of Investigation
(Seth Rich FOIA case)

New Order from Judge Mazzant

Image Background:

Last week, in addition to the absolutely fire joint filing that I threaded about here

Jan 18 69 tweets 48 min read
United States v. Trump
(Docs case in FL)


Image In addition to the 68 pages here, there is a Classified Supplement as well.
Jan 12 15 tweets 8 min read
Huddleston v. Federal Bureau of Investigation
(Seth Rich FOIA case)

The expected filing(s) have arrived.

There is a joint filing by the parties and then an unopposed motion by the plaintiffs. Let's look at the joint filing first.
Image "The FBI intends to seek reconsideration and clarification of the November 28, 2023 Memorandum and Opinion"

The FBI want the judge to reconsider his determinations that:

-The "Work Laptop" is a FOIA'able agency record.

-requiring the FBI to prepare and provide Vaughn indexes or produce metadata

If the Court does not reconsider and/or reaffirms its order, then the FBI will argue that the Work Laptop is exempt from FOIA under Exemption 7(A) and that the CD containing images of the Personal Laptop is exempt under both 7(A) and 7(D).

7(A)= could reasonably be expected to interfere with law enforcement proceedings

7(D)= could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of a confidential sourceImage
Jan 4 19 tweets 8 min read
United States v. Kwok, Je, and Wang
(Miles Guo case out of SDNY)

Ho Wan Kwok aka Miles Guo aka etc..., Kin Ming Je aka William Je and Yangping Wang aka Yvette have been hit with a new SUPERSEDING INDICTMENT!


Image At the same time that this filed the Judge dropped an order DENYING Kwok's latest attempt at bond.

Jan 2 22 tweets 8 min read
Another Superseding Indictment of Senator Menendez, his wife Nadine Menendez, and co-conspirators Wael Hana, Jose Uribe, and Fred Daibes.

The new indictment adds charges for receiving bribes from Qatar.

Menendez was a Senator for sale. How many other Senators are also for sale?

storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco… We went over the new charges this morning on my show, post a clip later, but I have a few minutes right now so might as well thread them out here.
Dec 29, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Mini Thread

FOUR Actual and/or Potential questions before SCOTUS re: Trump, Smith, and the 14th Amendment... should they choose to accept them: 1)

By the American Center for Law & Justice and CO Republican Central Cmte

Dec 28, 2023 20 tweets 10 min read
United States v. Trump
(Docs Case)

New filing by Trump's team in support of their motion for access to Smith's CIPA 4 Filings...

"Any classification of the CIPA § 4 motion papers arises from information that was originally classified pursuant to President Trump’s authority as Commander In Chief. This information was available to President Trump while he led this Nation. Under those circumstances, it is extraordinary, unprecedented, and improper for the Special Counsel’s Office to try to withhold such information from the defense as the Office seeks to use this prosecution to target the leading candidate in the 2024 presidential election."


Dec 28, 2023 20 tweets 12 min read
United States v. Trump
(DC Case)

Even though Judge Chutkan issued an ORDER back on 12/13/23 stating that "the court agrees with both parties that Defendant’s appeal automatically stays any further proceedings that would move this case towards trial or impose additional burdens of litigation on Defendant" and furthermore the court "STAYS the deadlines and proceedings scheduled by its Pretrial Order"...

Special Counsel Smith continues to make filings.

storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…Image Smith seeks clearance for this filing in this footnote Image
Dec 11, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
United States v. Hunter Biden
(Gun Case out of Delaware)

Hunter's defense counsel have just filed two motions to dismiss this case- one based on "Immunity Conferred by his Diversion Agreement" which they insist is still in effect and that Special Counsel Weiss is violating... LOTS of exhibits in this one.

And the other "for Failure to Charge a Constitutionally Permissible Offense."

That's right, Hunter's team is making a Pro 2A argument based off of SCOTUS's ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen! LOL!

"Immunity Conferred by his Diversion Agreement"

"Failure to Charge a Constitutionally Permissible Offense"
There's more...
Dec 8, 2023 34 tweets 21 min read
United States v. Robert Hunter Biden
(Felony Tax Case out of CA)

9 Counts

Image Special Counsel Weiss has brought nine new charges against Hunter Biden.





Dec 5, 2023 17 tweets 7 min read
United States v. TRUMP
(DC Case)

Special Counsel Smith has just filed a notice Pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b).

This filing notices the court and the defendant to evidence the prosecution plans to introduce at trial that fall under Fed Rule 404(b) which covers "Other Crimes, Wrongs, or Acts". These filings often provide some interesting information.

"If the Court were to find that any part of the noticed evidence below is extrinsic, the evidence is also admissible under Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b), because the Government will offer it not to show the defendant’s criminal propensity, but to establish his motive, intent, preparation, knowledge, absence of mistake, and common plan."
Oct 14, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Image Image
Oct 12, 2023 24 tweets 10 min read
Senator Menendez (D-NJ), his wife, + others have been hit with a superseding indictment.

It adds a conspiracy charge for acting as a foreign agent (on behalf of Egypt).

Menendez had previously been charged just last month with Conspiracy to Commit Bribery, Conspiracy to Commit Honest Services Fraud, and Conspiracy to Commit Extortion.

Oh this is GOLDEN.

Between 2020 and 2022, Sen Menendez pressured DOJ to investigate another member of Congress for FARA violations.

Check out the quotes from his letters to the head of NSD and to the AG.

😂🤣🤣🤣 Image