Destiny Rezendes Profile picture
Necromartist. 🎨 Independent Researcher 🔍Constitution Defender 📜

Oct 2, 8 tweets

1🧵Around 5:30am on Sunday, a fire broke out at the BioLab plant in Conyers, GA. The fire reignited around 12pm. Initially, 17K people were evacuated & a “shelter in place” order was announced. By the emergence of the 2nd plume the shelter in place order was extended to the entirety of Rockdale County [97k people].

2🧵The Conyers BioLab Facility was used primarily to create spa & pool treatment products and amongst the common chemicals they use is Trichloroisocyanuric Acid [TCCA] which when met with water can cause a chemical reaction leading to a fire & release of a very toxic substance called Chlorine Gas.

3🧵Chlorine Gas is especially concerning for the youth, which in Rockland Co' is roughly 20-25% of the population. The reason why is that Chlorine Gas is much heavier than the air we breath-causing it to linger close to the ground near children and pets.⚠️☢️

4🧵There is powerful evidence that this incident absolutely could have been avoided. Just 1yr ago the Chemical Safety Board [CSB] published an investigation into a nearly identical incident that occurred in August of 2020 -this event occurred at BioLab's Westlake plant in Louisiana.

5🧵The August 27, 2020 BioLab incident came following Hurricane Laura when wind and rain led to a similar chemical leak. The report notes that the company failed to properly prepare their facilities for extreme weather despite multiple safety failure, leaks, and crisis.

6🧵I found safety violations dating back decades. Not only plant failures that happened at a dangerous rate, there was also multiple cases of harm w/ big chunks of money going to legal disputes, damages, & settlements.

7🧵In 2019, Biolab failed to secure the dangerous compound TCCA at one of their facilities. Even according to the Fire Chief for Rockdale County recently admitted that this 2024 incident is the 3rd "of this magnitude" at the Conyer plant in at least 7 years"
How can BioLab continue to poison the population and environment after they've proved themselves incapable of securely maintaining operations?



Microsoft Word - BioLab Investigation Report_2023-4-24.docx - biolab_investigation_report_2023-4-24.pdf
| Announcements 2016_final_2_9_17.xls - announcements_2016_final_2_13_17.pdf

| 10114950.pdf

| conyers_rockdale_qol_2022_text_print_optimized.pdf
| KM_C654e-20191104084748 - Bio-Lab NOV-CSL FCI Insp Rpt.pdf

| Ingredients - KIK Consumer Products
| Transchem_Muratic-Acid-128oz_-0-17926-00001-4.pdf
| SeaKlear-Thick-Tile-Vinyl-Cleaner.pdf
| Pure-Bright_RTU-Germicide-with-Bleach-32oz_59647-21021.pdf

| |………………………………………

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