Younis Tirawi | يونس Profile picture
Palestinian Reporter on Security & Political Affairs

Oct 4, 20 tweets


In an unprecedented & biggest investigation into war crimes in Gaza, we expose the elite & secretive IDF sniper team, the Ghost Unit "Refaim" & their brutal executions of unarmed civilians

Soldiers from Paris, Munich, Illinois, Brussel, Johannesburg, Italy->

2/19 “Refaim,” a Hebrew name for “the Ghosts,” refers to the Ghost Unit, a sniper team composed of soldiers from:

3 US (NY, Virgnia & Illinois)
2 France (Paris & Lyon)
1 Belgium (Brussel)
1 Germany (Munich)
1 South African (Johannesburg)
1 Italy
1 Ethiopia
1 Azerbaijan (Baku)

3/19 On April 19, a video was uploaded to YouTube by an Israeli soldier from the 202 Paratroopers Battalion, showing unarmed individuals being killed in areas south of Gaza City (at 1:45, 5:13, and 5:49).

This pointed to the use of sniper rifles from a significant distance.

4/19 This video ignited our investigation

Shalom Gilbert is a member of Team Chod within the Arrow Company. He is a reservist. His image appears in an Instagram post featuring the team

On Instagram, he shared a portion of the video later uploaded to YouTube, tagging his company

5/19 Our goal was to identify the unit responsible for the killings depicted

Initially, we suspected the involvement of his company, the Arrow Company, an ultra-orthodox unit within the 202 Paratroopers Battalion, which had participated in the war on Gaza

6/19 We reveal the company’s structure, from its leadership to most of its members, along with the different teams and their commanders. A team with many nationalities

Many within the company are U.S. nationals; here’s a sample of them, with some withheld for security reasons

7/19 This company fought in Gaza for several months. After further investigation, we determined that the company does not include a sniper unit

Next, we focused on identifying individuals shown in the video and successfully identified six of them, none of whom operate as snipers

8/19 However, given a separate video showing sniper activity, we suspected the presence of an independent sniper team.

In our investigation, we set out to identify the sniper team within the 202 Paratroopers Battalion. Early on, we discovered that a sniper championship was held

9/19 Within the IDF in Sept 2023, just one month before the Gaza war. The Paratroopers Brigade has two sniper teams: one from the 101 & the other 202nd Battalion

When we searched for publicly available info in Hebrew about the 202 sniper team, we found very limited results

10/19 The only material we uncovered was a blurred photograph of the team, followed by a claim that they were responsible for killing “~100 terrorists.”

The image indicates a team of 18 members, which would mean an ~ of 5 kills per member. No further information is available

11/19 Our search continued as we focused on tracking connections to the sniper team & investigating donor groups tied to the battalion. Here, we uncovered a donation campaign in English, directed at a US audience. The campaign aimed to provide military gear to the team bf the war

12/19 We gained access to 12 private accounts belonging to members of the Ghost Unit, allowing us to identify the full composition of the team

As part of this investigation, we conducted an exclusive & shocking interview with one of the members, a U.S. national from Illinois.

13/19 the interview revealed confessions of executions of unarmed Palestinians who were trying to recover bodies, as well as the execution of anyone above military age in combat areas

Specifically,how several of these executions took place near the Al-Quds Red Crescent Hospital.

14/19 During our research, we managed to gain access to the private group of the Ghost Unit. The account, “Rifa’im 9,” contained various intel, incl a video showing the execution of a Palestinian & the injury of another near Nasser Hospital in February, from a distance of 1.26 km

15/19 in Feb, an Instagram story showed four Israeli soldiers in uniform standing in Khan Younis. We identified all of them as Adir Levy, David Igrin, Rael Moshe Caspi and Yaniv Meir, all members of the sniper team from the 202 Battalion. The soldiers are involved in the killing.

16/19 We also confirmed igrin’s role in the sniping through a video from a private account, which shows him shooting in Khan Younis

This rooftop is the area from which the killing occurred. Notably, graffiti on the wall reads “1200m X,” + the unit’s logo, marking the site

17/19 From the private accounts of Israeli snipers, we reveal the Unit’s presence in various locations across Khan Younis, incl near the Grand Mosque & another area close to Nasser Hospital.

These locations align with the timing of executions of children & women in the area.

18/19 The sniper team was positioned on a rooftop directly facing the eastern entrance to Nasser Hospital, as well as other vantage points near the hospital.

To give you a sense of the scale of the executions, on February 8th alone, 12 Palestinians were killed by sniper fire.

19/19 Among the executions likely carried out by the sniper team, given their presence in the area during the same time period, are those of 51-year-old Ashraff Najjar, 16 yo Roaa Kdeeh, 16 yo Ahmed Abo Tuema & 33 yo Iyad Kweder & many others

The truth behind these actions is just the tip of the iceberg. The 'Ghost Unit' may not remain in the shadows for much longer.

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