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Oct 4, 32 tweets

Imagine a land so vast, so rich, it feels extraterrestrial..

Africa is truly like another planet🧵

1. Magnificent visual of the River basins of Africa

2. Namibia, where the desert meets the ocean

3. This photo was taken in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Virunga National Park, one of the oldest protected areas in Africa, where these rangers protect gorillas from poachers.

4. Khoisan indigenous people of Southern Africa. They're known for their distinct tall, slender bodies and are distinguished by their unique languages, which are tonal and click-based

5. The African Renaissance Monument in Senegal -the tallest statue in Africa.

6. Lions in snow during a snowfall in South Africa

7. Tree of life in South Africa

8. Sudan has more pyramids than any country in the world, even more than Egypt.
More than 200 pyramids were built in Sudan, as opposed to the 118 pyramids in all of Egypt, during the ancient reign.

9. Population Density of Africa

10. The San peoples, aka the "Bushmen", are various indigenous hunter-gatherer groups of Southern Africa

Two of them, with only a stick, demonstrate how humans can keep wildlife under control even without technology.

11. Driving through the avenue of the Baobabs at sunrise. Madagascar.

12. Biking in Africa

13. The Hydnora africana seems almost extraterrestrial, but in fact it is finely adapted for pollination in its arid habitat. This plant, resident of southern Africa, only emerges from the soil to flower.

14. Africa is Massive

15. Galagos, also known as bush babies, Live in sub-Saharan Africa

16. The white ghost elephant of Etosha National Park, Namibia.

17. Nigeria uses its waste plastic bottles and turns them into affordable eco-friendly houses. Building a two bedroom house uses 14,000 bottles

18. Pterocarpus angolensis is a teak found in southern Africa, its sap is red because of its tannins

19. Golfing in Cape Town, South Africa.

A cape cobra seems worried as a banded mongoose pops up behind it.

20. The Ghost Town of Kolmanskop, Nigeria - abandoned houses filled with sand

21. Cairo, Egypt from above

22. Volcanic crater in Dallol, Ethiopia

23. Giant Groundsels plants found on top of Mt Kilimanjaro

24. Praslin, Seychelles

25. Tassali n'Ajjer, Algeria

26. Victoria Falls, Devil's Pool, Zambia

27. These two areas of Africa have roughly equal populations

28. Nabiyotum Crater, Kenya

29. A herd of elephants travels through marshy grasslands in the Okavango Delta, Botswana

30. Lake Retba, Senegal

Thank you for reading. If you enjoy this thread, please share it, and don't forget to check out my profile @tradingMaxiSL for a wealth of fascinating posts daily. ♥️

Typho: This should be Namibia, not Nigeria. Sorry, guys.

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