Hussain Ibarra Profile picture
Engineer & Creator. Obsessed with the human mind, one-person businesses, and living a life of fulfillment. My threads are my public notes.

Oct 8, 2024, 17 tweets

The most used, abused, and unsupervised drug in the world.


It is the reason why you feel tired every time you wake up.

Here's why coffee is so dangerous and how to drink it properly (backed by science):

For the past 10 years I would drink 3-5 cups of coffee daily.

3 months ago I went caffeine-free. It was hard at first but the rewards were worth it.

• Clear thinking
• No more anxiety
• No afternoon crashes

So what changed my mind?

In the 1980s NASA did a study on spiders.

They exposed them to caffeine, LSD, weed, and speed—then they saw how spiders built their webs.

Caffeine was by far the worst drug.

My entire life I woke up feeling tired, anxious, and groggy.

For a long time I didn't know the reason.

But recently I discovered it was because of the time caffeine lasts in your body…

Caffeine's effect lasts 4 hours—but it stays in your body for a total of 10-12 hours.

Adenosine (the chemical that says you need to sleep) can't reach your brain.

Because caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors and tells you, you're not tired.

But after caffeine leaves—your brain is hit with a massive wave of adenosine making you feel sleepy.

Scientists call it Caffeine Crash.

But most people (including me) solve this problem by drinking more caffeine—which makes things worse.

So how can you get rid of adenosine?

Sleeping is the only way you can get rid of adenosine.

But if you drink caffeine before you sleep—your body can't get through all of the adenosine it has built up.

Because your body is still trying to get rid of the caffeine in your system.

I used to be one of the people who would always say:

"I could drink coffee and fall asleep without any problems."

But caffeine reduces your deep sleep by 20%.

You have to be 15 years older than you should be to decrease deep sleep by 20%.

Is de-caffeinated coffee the answer?

A misconception I had before:

De-caffeinated coffee = zero caffeine

But De-caffeinated coffee still has 30% caffeine.

But you don't need to quit caffeine forever (or 3 months like me).

You just need to consume caffeine correctly.

Here's how to do it (properly):

Drinking Coffee (the right way):

100-400mg in the morning (9-11 a.m.) is the ideal time and dosage.

That's the same as having 6 cups of espresso or 4 brewed coffees

You should avoid caffeine (coffee) if you suffer from anxiety, bad sleep, or digestive issues

But caffeine isn't all bad:

If you want to improve your:

• Focus
• Workouts
• Concentration
Then drinking coffee is amazing.

Just make sure that you have it 10-14 hours before you sleep.

Finally if drinking coffee makes you anxious and groggy in the morning, then it might be a sign to cut back on caffeine consumption.

My first cup of coffee after the 3 months felt like I wasn't myself.

The increase in focus and attention was surreal.

You forget how effective coffee is.

People who I mentioned in this thread:


@hubermanlab @sleepdiplomat @johnnywharris Before you leave…

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