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Ran for US Senate-UT. America 1st. MAGLA-Make American Government Local Again. Repeal 16th/17th/19th/26th, Reapportionment Act of 1929 & Immigration Act of 1965

Oct 9, 12 tweets


They've set up a paradigm of 2 opposing sides broadly organized under either zionism or anti-zionism. If you find yourself essentially allied with jews fighting for one side against the other, just know that you're reinforcing & perpetuating their system of supremacy.

And since this is what they want, they can make it very profitable for you personally if you cooperate (carrot), and painful if you don't (stick).

Needless to say, they follow this divisive pattern within each side as well, exploiting any divisions that already exist (or creating new ones):

▪️Sunni vs Shia
▪️Pro-life Conservatives vs "Big Tent" Republicans

You get the idea. Keep each of the 2 sides fighting the other externally, while fomenting chaos & discord within the various factions internally.

Folks, we have plenty of natural division & disagreements already, we can't afford to heap another layer of jewish supremacy on top making it all worse. If we ever want to settle our differences, find workable ways forward, or gain self-determination & sovereignty for our respective groups of people, we have to remove the pernicious influence of this Organized Jewish Supremacy.

Imagine you're in a sinking row-boat taking on water because of holes. And you keep bailing out the water & plugging the holes, but the boat keeps taking on water & sinking anyway--b/c there's someone actively drilling holes in the boat. You gotta take away that drill or remove that person from the boat, if you catch my drift.

This is why calling israel or Netanyahu "Nazis," or blaming Muslims for 9/11, or Catholics for open borders is self-defeating. It reinforces their paradigm of control.

Supporting notions like "it's just the zionist ones" obscures the larger picture: both sides embrace the Talmud & believe in the coming of their Moshiach who will help them make slaves out of the entire Gentile world: pure jewish supremacy.

🧵2/ For my new friends & followers who might be unaware of foundational concepts of jewish supremacy, here's what the dominant portion of world jewry thinks of non-jews:

🧵3/ Rebbe Schneerson, the rabbi whose grave Trump visited & prayed over yesterday, taught his worldwide followers this about Gentiles:

🧵4/ Again, speaking to my new friends, I don't say any of this out of hate or malice, I say it from a place of truth. In a moment of candor, "Conservative" hero Dennis Prager admits to how jewish supremacy wages war on Gentiles through their "division by -isms" strategy:

🧵5/ But perhaps you weren't aware that the CEO of his "Prager University," Marissa Streit, is spy who's sworn loyalty to israel?

🧵6/ Or take Ben Shapiro, a known israeli intelligence operative, who when he's not promoting pro-israel propaganda, is mocking well-meaning American peace activists in his spare time:

🧵7/ Did you know that Ben Shapiro went to israel and told his fellow jews that even though he lives in the United States, his highest loyalty is to israel?

🧵8/ Maybe you don't like Nick Fuentes' crass framing of Shapiro's loyalty? Fair enough, but maybe you don't believe me about Shapiro's loyalty to a foreign country over America?

Did you know he's literally never tweeted "America First" in any form?

Did you know he wants the president of a foreign country to be our president, in circumvention of the Constitution?

🧵9/ Remember Rebbe Schneerson from tweet #3 above?

Ben Shapiro accompanied Trump on the visit yesterday. Here's a more in-depth look at the supremacist beliefs & teachings of Rebbe Schneerson, a man who both Shapiro & Shapiro's buddy Benjamin Netanyahu support & quote:

🧵10/ Remember how I told you they lead both sides? In another moment of candor, similar to Prager's above, listen to jewish Professor Levin explain how jews create political & social movements & then lead both sides of the arguments.

🧵11/ Now watch a couple anti-zionist jews tell you what they think about non-jews:

🧵12/ Please read @Lucas_Gage_'s latest substack regarding anti-supremacy:…

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