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Oct 11, 2024, 17 tweets

In the past 12 hours, @LukaszukAB has posted two emails sent out from 2 Islamic schools in #YEG.

Strap in!

(This thread is gonna get wild because it does have direct connections to the Skybox scandal by the way)


#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli

One of the posts is from the Al Mustafa Acadamy.

Their secretary treasurer appeared with Demetrios Nicolaides on April 26th of this year endorsing the new UCP curriculum.

That secretary Treasurer is also the Vice President and COO of an organization called Hasco Development Corporation.


Hasco Development bought the site for the Al Mustafa School in 2010 from the Catholic School District.

The president and founder of Hasco is also the founder and board chair of Al Mustafa.

His name is Syed Hasan.


Hasco isn't done with the site though.

They have ambitions, big ones.

In fact, they want to flip the entire vacant school field to high density condos and are currently petitioning for a re-zoning.


Anyways, here's Syed at a recent UCP Town Hall event at Al Mustafa Academy.

Got to sit beside her, go onstage and everything!


Back to the COO though.

His name is Advil Hasan.

He recently hosted Danielle Smith at that same leadership town hall event.

And he legit hosted it. He's the dude on stage.

So it's safe to say that there's interests here.


The second school is the Edmonton Islamic Academy.

It didn't take our scrappy little team of upstarts to find this video.

Note the thanks on the description.


It seems that the Mraiche Family loaned the Edmonton Islamic Academy their Bentley for the opening sequence!

So it's safe to assume some connections...

Why is the Mraiche name Familiar?

By now, there should be a bunch of reasons!

Let's start with the obvious ones...


Sam Mraiche runs MHCare.

You know, the company that has been identified as importing the masks that have healthcare workers skin irritation and were identified at the start of the pandemic?

So much so docs wrote an open letter to Shandy?


Sam Mraiche gained additional notoriety as the importer of the Turkish Tylenot that saw Albertan's pay upwards of $100,000,000 for off brand childrens meds that put newborns at risk and which Alberta only distributed 13,700 bottles despite paying up front.


Most recently, Sam Mraiche was famous for hosting MLA's, Ministers and Staffers in his Skybox during playoffs.

Oh, and travelling to Vancouver to hang out in Sam Jabber's Vancouver Skybox with Smith and staff, which Smith and Co have gone to great lengths to cover up.


Hey, does The Edmonton Islamic Academy have any any plans for schools in the future that might be able to access the funds that Smith recently announced?

According to their letter and their website, they sure do!


And yes, that school does plan on (appropriately) having a prayer hall.

This means that the if the Edmonton Islamic School does take part in the Smith's new infrastructure plan, the province would indeed own private places of worship.


So to wrap all of this up...

The two Muslim schools that are pushing parents to attend the UCP to support Smith have significant prior relationships with Smith. They have some deeply problematic connections to business deals that have cost Albertans a LOT of taxpayer money.


In some capacity, both schools have business relationships that are both complex and problematic.

And someone appears to be offering to pay for a HUGE number of memberships, tickets to the AGM and transportation.


How this is not a violation of multiple finance laws is certainly up for debate.

But this appears to be yet another chapter in the influence peddling that Danielle Smith has allowed to infiltrate the UCP and the Alberta Government.


Postscript - The COO of Hasco and The Secretary Treasurer of Al Mustafa is ADIL HASAN.

Our apologies we missed the autocorrect to "Advil".

Can't edit threads.

Our bad there.

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