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Oct 14, 8 tweets


Breaking: Fairfax County, Va. Police have released the body camera footage of the Asian-American officer who shot dead a 6’5” black assailant who surprise attacked him with a knife on Sept. 16. The shooting renewed calls for action by BLM activists.

The 6 feet 5 inches tall attacker was identified as Sydney Wilson, who was a former NAACP activist. The Asian-American Fairfax County officer was repeatedly slashed in the face in the surprise attack in Reston, Va.

Reston, Va. Police Officer First Class Peter Liu suffered multiple slashes to his head in the knife attack.

Watch the 4K video of the knife attack on the officer in Reston, Va.:

A tribute to the knife attacker:

Sydney Wilson's disturbing death groan was caught on camera as the bleeding officer called for help.

"Release the name of Sydney's killer!"

These were some of the reactions by BLM-Antifa supporters to the shooting death of Sydney Wilson in Reston, Va. One prominent Antifa account from Los Angeles says the homicide was a "murder."

"We’ve seen tons of videos online of white folks attacking cops and not getting killed. What’s the point of having a taser?"

More reactions critical of the injured Asian-American officer who shot dead the violent knife attacker in Reston, Va.:

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