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Oct 18, 10 tweets

People who abandoned humanity to look like animals through body modifications.

I'll go first;

1. Horace Ridler ("The Zebra Man")
Covered in a black & white striped tattoo with stretched earlobes, giving him an animal-like appearance.

● Orc;
For the love of ‘The Lord of the Rings orc’ a Brazil tattoo artist has taken it to a whole new level by getting two giant tusks fitted onto his bottom teeth to resemble a real-life orc.⁣

● Eric Sprague ("Lizardman")

Animal: Lizard

Modifications: Full-body scale tattoos, subdermal horn implants, a split tongue, & sharpened teeth to resemble a reptilian appearance.

● Toco.
The Japan who spent over $14,000 on a hyper-realistic dog costume to fulfill his dream of "becoming a dog."

● Tom Leppard ("Leopard Man")

Animal: Leopard

Modifications: Covered his body with leopard-like spots through extensive tattooing.

● Eva Tiamat Medusa ("Dragon Lady")

Animal: Dragon

Modifications: Scale tattoos, facial tattoos, horn implants, ear removal, and a split. tongue to look like a dragon.

● Dennis Avner ("Stalking Cat")

Animal: Tiger

Modifications: Full-body tiger stripe tattoos, whisker implants, subdermal implants to alter facial structure, and filed teeth to resemble fangs.

● Ted Richards ("Parrot Man")

Animal: Parrot

Modifications: Ear removal, feather tattoos, subdermal implants, and dyed eyeballs (one blue, one green) to resemble a parrot.

● Henry Damon

Character: Red Skull (Marvel Villain)

Modifications: Nose removal, subdermal implants, and facial tattoos to mimic the appearance of the comic book villain Red Skull.

Lucky Diamond Rich.
An Australian performance artist and street performer known for holding the Guinness World Record as the most tattooed person in the world.

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