Biggest Expose.
1. While the FBI has put our hero and ex-Raw officer Viskash Yadav on their most wanted list, let me expose the American agency CIA and their agents in India.
Read this exclusive thread.
2. This is a declassified document from the CIA.
In this document, they have instructed the funding of training institutes in their countries of interest with funding from the Ford Foundation( read the last point in the big red rectangle).
3. In 1982, a Ford Foundation officer, Deep Joshi, co-founded a training NGO, PRADAN, with another co-founder, Vijay Mahajan.
They are continuously funded by the CIA-affiliated Ford Foundation and other American companies through their NGO. The amount is in crores!
4. Here is the biggest surprise for you. Vijay Mahajan is Rahul Gandhi's chief advisor and CEO of the Gandhi family's private NGO, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation.
Can you Imagine how the CIA manages all this in India?
5. Vijay Mahajan founded another company, BASIX, which is interestingly also funded by the Ford Foundation.
6. Vijay Mahajan and Yogendra Yadav are the masterminds behind Rahul Gandhi's PR Yatra, Bharat Jodo Yatra, and the INDI Alliance via Bharat Jodo Abhiyan.
7. Vijay Mahajan and Yogendra Yadav work very closely, and they claim that they work for the farmers via their NGOs. But do farmers know that Agri chemical and seeds giant Monsanto also funds Vijay Mahajan's NGO?
8. When Vijay Mahajan's 'Ford brother', Mohammed Yunus, faced legal challenges in Bangladesh, Vijay Mahajan and ex-Ford Foundation trustee Narayan Murthy signed a letter to support him!
9. Interestingly, Vijay Mahajan and Dr G.K. Jayaram (the first chairman of Infosys) started a training institute for congress leadership, Jawaharlal Nehru Leadership Institute (JNLI), in April 2010.
10. IPSMF, which funds from Zubair to Arfa and The Caravan to Article 14, is funded by Infosys owner and its friends.
Interestingly, Rukmini Banerji, one of the founding trustees of IPSMF, is Also the Vice Chairperson of Vijay Mahajan's Ford-funded NGO Pradan!
11. Nadeem Khan, leader of Jamat E Islami Hind, posted that there will be regime change in India, too, like Mohmmed Yunus did in Bangladesh.
He was not joking, as he is also part of BJ Abhiyan with Vijay Mahajan, Mohammed Yunus's 'Ford brother'!
12. Misson is clear. The USA deep state wants to repeat what they did in Bangladesh!
The question is, will they be successful in their regime change operation with the help of their so-called civil society, which works as their hidden asset?
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