How to Break a Group with Polarized Bullshit
Fellas and Fellines, it is well known that NAFO is a pain in the ass for ᵣussian propaganda. We're strategic enemies of the autocratic axis. And they evolve. So we should evolve too, as a group and individuals. 🧵
How Triangulation Attacks Work Against Groups
A triangulation attack involves multiple agents pretending to be on different sides of a conflict, pulling the group apart by amplifying opposing views. The attackers might present themselves as members, supporters, or even critics of the group. The goal? To force people into picking sides, amplifying divisions until trust breaks down.
Even knowing that Bullshit A and Bullshit B are both classified as Bullshit - with each representing polarized, opposing ideas - NAFO's natural drive to find the truth and seek justice actually makes it easier for attackers to exploit the situation. As Fellas are designed in a biolab to fight against any bullshit, brain activity, and involvement are inevitable, making distractions from the main NAFO objective even more effective.
In group attacks, attackers don’t need to outnumber the group. Even just two or three agents can create enough chaos to make a whole community implode. They fake conflicts, spread misinformation, and manipulate members into fabricated disputes, leading to mistrust, isolation, and the eventual breakdown of the group.
Phases of a Group Triangulation Attack
1. The Setup
Attackers enter the group and establish themselves as trusted members. They may take on different roles - one might be a friendly new member who just wants to help, while another could present themselves as an aggressive instigator, stirring minor conflicts. The idea is to build trust and subtly introduce tension. During this time, they gather information about key figures, identifying those with influence and learning about existing issues or divisions that can be exploited.
2. The Game
Once the agents are embedded and trusted, they initiate actions to create chaos. This involves staging fake arguments or exaggerating small issues, often involving multiple agents who appear to be on opposite sides. The agents might encourage members to take sides, making every minor disagreement seem like a major conflict. By amplifying disputes and creating visible divisions, they generate distrust and confusion within the group. The goal is to bounce members back and forth, making the atmosphere so toxic that genuine members start doubting each other and the group's purpose.
3. The Takedown
With the group now filled with doubt and mistrust, the attackers push towards a final breakdown. Key figures may be targeted more directly - rumors may be spread to discredit them, isolating them from others. Members start to withdraw, some may even leave the group entirely, and the attackers work to justify and deepen these divisions. The ultimate aim is to fragment the group to the point where it becomes ineffective, breaking the bonds of trust so thoroughly that members no longer cooperate or feel motivated to stay engaged.
Spotting and Defending Against a Triangulation Attack
In order to effectively counter triangulation attacks, it's critical to recognize them early and take action before they cause irreversible damage. At the same time, it's important to remember that these attacks exploit natural human behaviors - our desire to seek truth, solve conflicts, and take sides. Be careful before making conclusions and avoid reacting to false triggers that could escalate the situation further.
👀Spotting the Signs
Fabricated Conflicts: Sudden, intense disputes that appear out of nowhere or seem unusually extreme. These are often instigated to force members to take sides.
Infiltration: New members who quickly gain influence and steer conversations toward controversial or divisive topics, often seeking to stir up internal conflict.
Amplified Disagreements: Minor issues that are exaggerated or persistently brought up to create unnecessary tension within the group.
🛡️ Defending Against the Attack
Verify Information: Keep lines of communication open and transparent. Validate the authenticity of conflicts and be skeptical of anyone consistently pushing a divisive narrative.
Promote Unity: Keep the group focused on shared goals and remind everyone what unites them. Amplify positive messages of solidarity and cooperation to counter any attempts to divide.
Strategic Engagement: Avoid extremes - both lack of reaction and overreaction work to the enemy's advantage. Instead, find a balance. Identify the bullshit, call it out decisively, and refocus the group on common objectives. Take meaningful actions where needed, but avoid being baited into unnecessary conflict. By staying alert, exposing manipulation, and fostering a resilient group dynamic, you can help maintain unity and effectively counter attacks.
Triangulation attacks are dangerous because they prey on trust, exploit natural human behaviors, and take advantage of NAFO's desire to reveal the truth and fight against injustice.
Any division and polarizing bullshit only reduces the data flow among NAFO Fellas and the world. Any mini-bubble creates an isolated, inefficient environment, separating us from the larger fight. At best, it just wastes our time and resources on bullshit that has nothing to do with our values or goals.
We are the only civil response on the hybrid battlefield. We need to keep evolving, sharpening our skills, and staying resilient and adaptable. We're in this for the long haul, and we're the experts. Let's stay focused and keep pushing forward together.
We are the only civil response on the hybrid battlefield. We need to keep evolving and sharpening our skills, be resilient, and be adaptable.
I love you all. ❤️
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