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🔥🧯 Hyper-ᵣussophobic Butthurt-Seeking Missile #NAFO #NAFOCatsDivision
Jul 10 12 tweets 11 min read
Breakdown: "Guardian Opinion on NATO and Ukraine"
Kremlin's body fluids haven't dried on the paper yet, but here we go - 61 intellectual individuals had no fear to touch it and even signed, apparently not even reading.

Please! Please! Don't take Ukraine to NATO! 🙏😭🧵Image Unwise was when ᵣussian Nuclear Forces didn't nuke Gelendzhik Putin's castle back in 2014 simply because there is no power on earth that threatens "the very existence of ᵣussia as a state" as Putin himself.
But hey, they didn't know what was coming. 🤷‍♂️
Jul 8 5 tweets 3 min read
X-101 is a russian high-precision air-launched cruise missile. They can't just "miss" with that.

They deliberately strike children's hospitals and civilians. They said many times they want to destroy Ukraine. This is exactly what they're doing.

Image As it usually happens - russian media and all cotton swabs will scream, "it was Ukrainian air defense". Here is a clear sound of the X-101 engine and one of many photos when you see the missile's shape.

I live it here just in case, free of charge.

Jul 4 5 tweets 5 min read
What if I tell you there is a version of the Universe where WW2 never happened?

London could never been bombed, Poland could never been divided, and almost everyone could have lived in peace without tens of millions of deaths. 🧵 Image In 1938, through the Munich Agreement, Hitler captured part of Czechoslovakia, exploiting the appeasement policies of France and the UK. This agreement, driven by threats of further aggression, allowed Nazi Germany to annex the Sudetenland without firing a shot, under the pretense of protecting ethnic Germans. The world watched passively, hoping this concession would satisfy Hitler’s ambitions.

However, by March 1939, when Hitler attempted to seize the remainder of Czechoslovakia, the Czechs chose to resist fiercely, setting the stage for a conflict that would alter history.

The Nazis, confident in their blitzkrieg tactics, expected a swift victory. But the Czechs, fueled by a fierce determination to protect their homeland, turned the Sudetenland into a bloodbath. The Wehrmacht, encountering fierce resistance, found itself mired in a protracted and brutal conflict. The initial months saw heavy casualties on both sides, but the Czechs, utilizing their defensive fortifications and local knowledge, managed to hold their ground.

While Czechoslovakia fought tooth and nail, the so-called Allies—France and the UK—played a dangerous game of "escalation management." Rather than fully committing to the fight, they provided minimal military and humanitarian aid, always a day late and woefully inadequate. Politicians in London and Paris made grand speeches about supporting the Czechs, but their actions spoke louder than words. Shipments of weapons and supplies were consistently delayed by bureaucratic red tape, and the humanitarian aid that did arrive was laughably insufficient.

This half-hearted approach was driven by a fear of provoking Hitler into a larger war, as if the conflict raging in Czechoslovakia wasn't already catastrophic. The Allies' reluctance to engage directly with Germany created a tragic stalemate, where the Czechs were left to bleed while the world watched.

As the months turned into years, the war became a grueling battle of attrition. The Nazi war machine, designed for rapid conquest, was not equipped for a prolonged siege. The Wehrmacht suffered heavy losses as they attempted to break through the Czechoslovak defenses. Each advance was met with fierce resistance, turning every inch of ground into a costly prize.

Czechoslovakian cities and villages bore the brunt of the conflict, with civilians caught in the crossfire. The landscape became a hellscape of trenches, ruins, and blood-soaked battlefields. Despite the immense suffering, the Czechs' resolve never wavered. Their guerrilla tactics and fortified positions continued to frustrate and exhaust the German forces.

As the war dragged on, Hitler’s regime faced mounting internal and external pressures. The prolonged conflict in Czechoslovakia drained German resources and morale. The image of Nazi invincibility began to crumble, and the German populace grew increasingly disillusioned with the war.

In a desperate bid to turn the tide, Germany sought to build alliances with other fascist regimes. Italy, under Mussolini, and Japan, eager to expand its influence in Asia, formed the Axis of Evil. This alliance aimed to present a united front against the Allies, hoping to intimidate them into inaction.

Hitler and his allies engaged in provocative actions designed to force the Allies into the war. Border skirmishes, submarine attacks, and propaganda campaigns aimed at stoking fear and uncertainty. Yet, despite these provocations, the Allies remained steadfast in their misguided strategy of "escalation management."

By the end of 1940, after 2.5 years of relentless fighting, the situation reached a critical point. The Czechs, though battered and exhausted, had managed to hold their ground against overwhelming odds. The German forces, stretched thin and demoralized, were on the brink of collapse. The Axis of Evil, despite their alliance, could not muster the strength to break the stalemate.

The Allies, finally realizing the futility of their cautious approach, began to ramp up their support. Military aid started flowing more freely, and humanitarian assistance became more substantial. However, this belated effort could not erase the years of suffering and destruction that Czechoslovakia had endured.

We're here now, ladies and gentlemen. We're here.
Jun 30 9 tweets 11 min read
This is one of the documents from the "Surkov leaks" describing the ᵣussian plan "Shatun", aimed at destabilizing the situation in Ukraine after the Russian invasion in 2014.

The leak is dated Oct 2016 but still can be handy today for studying russian propaganda tactics.
🧵📄 Image 📄 Page 1 / 7

Plan of Immediate Measures for Destabilizing the Socio-Political Situation in Ukraine "Shatun"

Considering the critical situation in resolving the issue of the special status of Donbas in Ukraine, the procrastination by the Ukrainian leadership in adopting necessary laws for this purpose, the blocking of Russian initiatives in the Normandy and Minsk negotiation processes, and the implementation of a plan for reintegrating territories controlled by the Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics into Ukraine, requires the adoption of urgent additional comprehensive measures.

Achieving the stated goals involves implementing measures to destabilize the political life in Ukraine as soon as possible, which should lead to early parliamentary and presidential elections.

The most favorable period for the implementation of the developed set of measures - November 2016 to March 2017.

Considering Ukraine's parliamentary-presidential form of government, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the entry of new political forces into the parliament, whose leaders declare the achievement of peace in Donbas, which will subsequently provide additional leverage on the Ukrainian political leadership.

As a result of significant changes in the Ukrainian political landscape, a scenario of Donbas returning to Ukraine's political field under the conditions of the Russian Federation is possible, which will ensure the necessary number of loyal politicians in the Ukrainian parliament and the adoption of needed laws. In the long term, this will also allow for substantial influence on Ukraine's foreign political life, including in the context of blocking its Euro-Atlantic integration and cooperation with NATO.

Given the above, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of the following set of measures:

I. Hold negotiations with the leaders of the Ukrainian opposition (Opposition Bloc, Batkivshchyna, Radical Party of Lyashko), as well as with individual deputies of the Verkhovna Rada. The subject of discussion is the activation of the protest movement with the beginning of the autumn political period and the heating season.
Start of the nationwide protest - "Tariff Maidan" - in the second half of November, after the population receives payment documents for housing and utility services, and also since the main part of the population will not have time to arrange subsidies.Image
Jun 5 7 tweets 5 min read
During the World War II, Poland was invaded by Nazi Germany and Soviets. On June 4 Poland celebrates
"The Day of Freedom and Civil Rights"

They celebrate it since 1989. Not 1945.
After WW2 part of Poland still was under the occupation of the aggressor. Following me? 🧵🇵🇱 Image Both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union used detention camps to control, oppress, and exterminate people during and after the war.

Nazi Concentration Camps:

- Auschwitz, Birkenau, and Monowitz: Mass extermination of Jews, Poles, Romani, Soviet POWs, and others. Also sites of forced labor and medical experiments.
- Buchenwald: Detained political prisoners, Jews, Romani, and others. Used for forced labor.
- Sachsenhausen: Held political prisoners, Soviet POWs, and Jews. Used for forced labor and medical experiments.

Soviet Filtration Camps:

- Sachsenhausen (Special Camp No. 7): Detained German civilians and political prisoners.
- Buchenwald (Special Camp No. 2): Used by the NKVD for German POWs and political enemies until 1950.
- Auschwitz and Birkenau: Transit camps for German prisoners.
- Majdanek: Used as an NKVD filtration camp.
- Vaivara, Kauen, Kaiserwald, and Plaszow: Used to detain civilians and perceived enemies.

When WW2 officially ended, Soviet Camps remained "operational".Image
Apr 9 6 tweets 2 min read
Let's be honest—you didn't watch the full committee meeting on April 9th, 2024, because the video is three hours long. Did Bloomberg watch it?

Mr. Lloyd J. Austin repeatedly stressed how vital Ukraine's victory is. Here is "that" cut from 01:22:00.

Following? 👇 Link below. Always follow the source before making conclusions. Tabloids may cherrypick words to attract more attention. Delivering relevant news is not their main goal.

Intentionally or not, this article will bleed back to Ukraine, and ᵣussia will weaponize it.

Mar 20 9 tweets 4 min read
I was watching videos like this in early 2022. This exact missile didn't kill me back then. But it killed someone else in Kharkiv.

They were happy. They were dancing.

Do you remember what "diffusion" means? 🧵 When you oversaturate a peaceful neighboring country with war, death, and suffering - diffusion is unavoidable. Atoms slick between atoms and get on the other side. You can't prevent it, no matter how hard the wall.

The war is slowly diffusing back to ᵣussia. 😐

Jan 29 8 tweets 3 min read
1997 Alexander Dugin's "Foundations of Geopolitics" is a handbook in the ᵣussian military academy.

Has anybody tried to actually read this garbage? It actually explains a lot about ᵣussia.

I'm not reading, just cherry-picking. 🫠 Image We know what a "special military operation" is already. Now we know that it wasn't Putin's invention.

But what is "The Fundamental principle of the Common Enemy"? Image
Jan 1 20 tweets 12 min read
For those who didn't know Maria Katasonova. 💁‍♂️
Get ready - it's gonna be funny. 👇🧵 Image - The victory will be ours, And if we lose, we will destroy the world.

✍️ Maria Katasonova says.

I suspect it was recorded ~2014-2015. (all sources below)

What happened on the frontline between russia and Ukraine back then, so they had to play "nukes card"? For whom? 🃏🤔
Dec 16, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
As of 16 Dec 2023 - 343,890 russian soldiers were eliminated in Ukraine.

Assuming the average russian soldier is:
~ 70 kg weight;
~ 1.76 m tall;
~ 0.0771 m³ body volume;

🧮🧵 Shall we do the math thread?

#FunFact #FunFactFriday #NAFO #Maths Image Total Mass of eliminated Muscovites:
343,890 * 70 kg ≈ 24,072,300 kg

Total Volume:
343,890 * 0.0771 m³ ≈ 26,514 m³

As a Solid Cube:
∛26,514 m³ ≈ 29.82 m (length per cube side)

Spherical eliminated Muscovites in a vacuum:
∛(3 * 26,514 m³ / 4π) ≈ 18.50 m.
Oct 1, 2023 9 tweets 10 min read
Today, we are going to talk about your mental health weaknesses, Fella. Yes, you have many. And ₖremlin's troll farms know it.

I know this topic was discussed and reviewed from thousands of angles. But because of smooth brains, it mostly slides off.

So let's try again... 💁‍♂️🧵 Image So first, I'll quote a part of my old post to soften your brain and squeeze a little hole there. To prepare a place, sort of speak. 🧠

It could hurt a little, but remember:

- Awareness and Understanding are essential. Image
Jun 1, 2023 16 tweets 7 min read
Disturbing news from the Belgorod People's Republic.
I'll try to brighten everything I can in a single thread.
With subs, but late, as usual.🤏🧵

#Belhorod #Shebekino #Шебекино Image Early morning (yes, 08:00 is early morning for me) published a video announcement on their Telegram channel:

"We are going to liberate all of Russia, from Belgorod to Vladivostok, to raise the white flag of freedom in Moscow." ✊

- Freedom of Russia Legion
Mar 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Freedom is not a gift.

28.04.14 - The last peaceful protest in Donetsk.
Mar 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Wow... that was fast.
Mar 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Okay, TL;DR - russian logic:

- Horrible drones forcing people to suicide in trench is awful.
- Invade other country, rape, steal, and kill is fine. Subject:
Feb 25, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Wounded russian POW crying because a Ukrainian one putting a hat on his head.

UA: "...so you do not get cold, bunny; we're all people."
RU: "those were saying you're not... [crying] I was saying I'm tired... could you stay so I can talk to you, please."
UA: "yea, sure, hold on" This one is from October 2022. 👇
I should probably compile a thread of those.

Feb 19, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
In January 2013, Ukraine signed a production-sharing agreement with Royal Dutch Shell for shale gas exploration and development in the Yuzivska field in eastern Ukraine.

Now memorize this map of the russian invasion of Ukraine: 2/7
The Yuzivska field was estimated to hold up to 4 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, which would have made Ukraine one of the largest shale gas producers in Europe.
Jan 24, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Ukrainian Nazi, you say?

Well, who can tell me what is wrong with these two photos? 💁‍♂️
And how nobody noticed that? ImageImage 1st - Ukrainian Nazi in Lviv
2n - Moscaw Nazi in russia

I'm not sure when they were taken, but 2nd must be somewhere in 2010 or earlier.
Oct 9, 2022 26 tweets 10 min read
Before believing in russian propaganda - always try to google the exact opposite. You'll be surprised. 🫠

#Pedoputin and Russian Nazi 🧵 ImageImage Before invading any country, being a member of the UN (useless nations), you need NAZIS!

Add nazis WHERE and WHEN you need it.

And repeat. Many-many times flood social media, so at least when you invade - people say: "wheel... it all not that clear"

Aug 18, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
What airdefence doing? #NAFO #whatairdefencedoing Few hours later...
May 5, 2022 20 tweets 16 min read
У кого в голове ещё остались сомнения по поводу того, кто восемь лет бомбил Донбасс? На видео наёмники РФ и российские РСЗО Град, с помощью которых были одновременно обстреляны позиции ЗСУ и жилые кварталы Донецкой области.

#8лет #донбасс #донецк #украина #бомбили А вот видео, которое РФ тщательно скрывали: Моторола расстреливает жилые районы Донецка.

#8лет #донбас #донецк #моторола #бомбили #война #рф #украина