Tyler Van Acker Profile picture
Doctor of PT. Helped 100’s with foot pain. Restore natural movement in your feet with Barefoot Fitness.

Oct 25, 2024, 19 tweets

From 5 years as a physical therapist and 1 year treating only feet,

Here’s the best 15 exercises to avoid a lifetime of foot pain (with tips and demo).

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1. Calf warm up

Sitting makes your calves tight.

If you've been off your feet for a while, don't skip the warm up.

Slowly increase the speed and stretch to get your feet ready for movement.

2. Tib raises

The muscle on the front of the shin is weak in almost everyone.

Increase the resistance by moving your feet further away from the wall.

3. SL heel raise on step

Heel raises on a step creates length plus strength.

If one foot is too hard, start with two.

4. Plantar fascia roll out

Technically not an exercise but massaging the bottom of your feet will break up any scar tissue.

Use a frozen water bottle, golf ball or lacrosse ball.

5. Arch lifts

Tighten the muscles in your foot.

Then relax.

Most people lack foot awareness.

Arch lifts are like meditation for your feet.

6. Calf stretch on the wall

As a warm up, move back and forth.

This can also be done as a static stretch (hold the stretch) but shouldn't be part of your warm up.

Save your stretching for any time other than before activity.

7. Dorsiflexion mobilization

Ankle range of motion reduces foot stress.

Mobilize in all planes to increase your walking efficiency.

The first 7 are specific to the foot (do those if your feet hurt now).

The next 8 exercises aim to improve balance, coordination, and whole body strength.

8. Star balance

Reach the opposite foot as far as you can in each direction.

Increase the speed to increase the challenge.

Foot stability starts with better balance.

9. SL RDL row

Sitting causes tight hip flexors and forward shoulders.

This exercise extends your hip and pulls your shoulder back.

10. SL RDL kettlebell pass

Level 1: without weight
Level 2: swing side to side
Level 3: pass the KB between hands

In case you can't tell, I really like SL RDL's.

11. Lunge halos

Start with light weight and teach yourself to move with rhythm, coordination, and balance.

12. Walk barefoot

Each foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, and 34 muscles.

Flat surfaces and thick shoes are making your feet weak.

13. Full speed sprint

Our bodies were designed to run on uneven ground.

For technique have high knees, chest and eyes forward.

I believe everyone should make running a part of their fitness routine.

14. Lunge with band

Tie the band to a pole at knee height.

The key is to keep your knees in line with your toes.

15. SL squat with plate

Keep your neck relaxed as you lift.

And find a training partner to keep you accountable.

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Have joint pain? I can help.

From 5 years of Physical Therapy experience, you can get my 5 Joint Pain Myths below: tyler-van-acker.carrd.co

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