Tyler Van Acker Profile picture
Doctor of PT. Helped 100’s with foot pain. Restore natural movement in your feet with Barefoot Fitness.
3 subscribers
Mar 4 13 tweets 4 min read
PROBLEM: People have forgotten how to walk properly.

As a physical therapist, I've helped 100’s get back to walking without pain.

Here’s the 10 most common mistakes (and an exercise to fix each issue): Image 1. Not pushing off with toe

When you walk, focus on keeping your toe in contact with the ground.

Keep your toes and knee pointing straight ahead to stretch your calf, achilles, and plantar fascia.
Feb 27 18 tweets 6 min read
Lower back pain.

7 years ago, I was so weak that I couldn’t sit without support.

From 6 years of physical therapy experience, here’s the best 15 exercises to avoid a lifetime of back pain (with tips and demo).

Bookmark this! Image 1. SL RDL

My favorite deadlift variation.

Lift your max weight with less risk for back strain.

Shift your weight into your heel and slowly lower your chest.
Feb 12 13 tweets 4 min read
From helping 1,000’s of physical therapy patients,

Here’s the 10 best exercises to correct poor posture.

Small changes that have the power to improve every aspect of your life.

Bookmark this! Image 1. Hip hinge

With a slight bend in your knees,

Shift your weight into your heels and keep a straight spine.

If you’re using weight, keep it close to your shins as you bend down.
Feb 7 15 tweets 5 min read
My wife is the queen of core muscles:

-Pilates Teacher
-Physical Therapist
-Pelvic Floor Specialist

Avoid hip and lower back pain with these 12 core exercises she taught taught me (including tips and demo): Image 1. Side plank hip abduction

Plank to save your spine.

Push your hips forward and keep your toes pointing straight ahead.
Jan 3 15 tweets 3 min read
Circadian Rhythm-

The 24 hour clock that controls our:

-Sleep-wake cycle

Here’s 24 health habits to boost your energy (so you can feel good 365 days a year): Image 1. Consistent sleep schedule

"Consistent sleep-wake timing is a stronger predictor of health compared to hours slept."

2. Red light bulb

Use red lights after sunset to avoid blocking melatonin release.
Dec 4, 2024 17 tweets 5 min read
Most people lift weights for vanity.

But smaller muscles matter for movement.

My wife and I have a combined 10 years of physical therapy experience.

Here’s our 15 best exercises to avoid joint pain (with tips and demo): Image 1. Seated low back bends

Strengthen back extensor muscles so you can sit up straight.

Position your legs 45 degrees outward and keep a straight spine.
Oct 25, 2024 19 tweets 6 min read
From 5 years as a physical therapist and 1 year treating only feet,

Here’s the best 15 exercises to avoid a lifetime of foot pain (with tips and demo).

Make sure you bookmark this! Image 1. Calf warm up

Sitting makes your calves tight.

If you've been off your feet for a while, don't skip the warm up.

Slowly increase the speed and stretch to get your feet ready for movement.
Oct 10, 2024 23 tweets 8 min read
After the age of 45, you lose 9% of your muscular power each year.

That's why as a 30 year old physical therapist, I’m all in on plyometrics and strength training.

From over a decade studying fitness, here’s the 12 best exercises to increase your power (with tips and demo): Image 1. SL RDL

My favorite deadlift variation.

Develop balance, strength, and coordination with single leg romanian dead lifts.

Shift your weight into your heel and slowly lower your chest.
Aug 21, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
Shoulder injuries are the hardest to heal.

I used strength training to make a full recovery from last years surgery.

From 5 years of physical therapy experience,

Here's the 12 best exercises to bulletproof your shoulders (with and tips and demo): Image 1. Reverse flys on bench

I almost always prefer one arm exercises over two.

Keep your back flat and rotate your thumb towards the ceiling as you raise your arm.
Aug 16, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
I got 4.3 million impressions in July after just 6 months on X.

Kieran Drew’s courses taught me how to write compelling content. He's closing in on a million in revenue with his writing business.

Here's 12 of his writing tips (so you can make an impact with your ideas): Image 1. Be clear

Confusion is killer.

2 questions to write with more clarity:

1. Who is it for?
2. What do they get?
Jul 10, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
The knees over toe's guy is a genius.

His unique approach to exercise earned him over 2.4 M instagram followers.

As a physical therapist, I've helped hundreds of people using his methods.

Here's the only 8 exercises you need to bulletproof your knees: Image 1. Lunges

Each exercise includes a few variations.

Progress yourself once you have:

-Minimal pain
-Nailed technique
-Full range of motion
Jul 2, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
From 5 years of physical therapy experience,

Here's the only 15 exercises you'll ever need to avoid a lifetime of back pain.

(Tips and demo for every exercise)

Make sure you bookmark this! Image 1. SL RDL

My favorite deadlift variation.

Lift your max weight with less risk for back strain.

Shift your weight into your heel and slowly lower your chest.
Jun 28, 2024 14 tweets 2 min read
The US had a war on


But the real pandemic is obesity.

Here's X fat loss secrets (that the elites don't want you to know about): 1. Cold water

-Boosts metabolism
-Increases dopamine
-Sets circadian rhythm
-Decreases inflammation
-Improves insulin response

Cold thermogenesis is an adaptation to keep you warm by burning body fat.
Jun 11, 2024 13 tweets 2 min read
The biggest crime of this century:

The robbery of our dopamine.

Blue light and processed food are killing the drive of this generation.

Here’s 9 natural ways to boost dopamine (so you can take back control of your life): 1. Sleep

1 night of bad sleep equals

-More screen time
-Less likely to workout
-Craving high calorie food

Sleep is the foundation of your desire to be healthy.
Apr 2, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Long walks are the best habit for creativity.

Your sense of self has disappeared...

And then you feel that pain in your foot.

If you love long walks, here's 7 foot exercises to keep you in the flow state: 1. Arch lifts

Tighten the muscles in your foot.

Then relax.

Most people lack foot awareness.

Arch lifts are like meditation for your feet.