Joni Askola Profile picture
Finnish PhD candidate @FSV_UK trying to help Ukraine with the @69thSB and by mocking disinformation. Opinions are my own

Oct 29, 2024, 8 tweets

1/8 You cannot simultaneously support Ukraine and vote for Trump. Voting for Trump means you are directly backing russia's interests

2/8 Take a moment to reflect on the statements made by Trump and his associates regarding Ukraine in recent months. They never blame russia for what is happening and only have negative things to say about Ukraine. He has chosen to surround himself with the worst people!

3/8 Trump goes so far as to avoid stating his support for Ukraine. He blames Zelensky for russia's invasion and aims to coerce Ukraine into an unwanted agreement that would benefit russia and its allies.

4/8 Trump not only holds pro-russian and entirely anti-Ukrainian views, but he is also a corrupt man who illegally kept classified documents at his home while covertly communicating with Putin.

5/8 Trump is also considering the possibility of withdrawing from NATO, which would undermine the West and negatively impact Ukraine in numerous ways. With him in power, many NATO countries may lose trust in Article 5 and be less able to support Ukraine than they were previously

6/8 The mental gymnastics some of you are engaging in to justify supporting Ukraine while voting for Trump are flawed, and you know it deep down.

7/8 russia is doing everything possible to ensure Trump's election in November, and there are clear reasons behind this. They recognize that having him back in office would significantly benefit their interests.

8/8 Sources:
Washington Post - Trump blames Zelensky for the war in Ukraine. He rarely blames Putin.

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