1/10 They never learn: Germany's Social Democratic Party is planning to rehabilitate the infamous russian agent and national traitor, Gerhard Schröder. What a disgrace!
2/10 The new general secretary of Germany’s SDP seeks to reconcile with former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, a russian agent and national traitor, who had long been declared persona non grata by the SPD leadership for being a russian asset.
3/10 Matthias Miersch, overseeing the SPD’s election campaign, responded “yes” to German magazine Stern when asked if there should be room for Schröder in the party, indicating a thaw in relations with the former politician who narrowly avoided expulsion last year.
4/10 Schröder has faced intense criticism for his ties to russia, including board positions at russian state energy companies and his close relationship with Putin, whom he has met at least twice since the start of russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
5/10 Regarding russia, Miersch stated that current SPD Chancellor Olaf Scholz is willing to speak with Putin, who has so far rejected his offers. He also noted that “talks and deterrence are two sides of the same coin.” Pathetic!
6/10 What is Miersch thinking? Is he also a russian asset? How can SPD members and the parties currently in government with the SPD accept this?
7/10 Situations like this illustrate why Scholz continues to undermine himself in Ukraine. While German aid has been substantial, his statements, lack of courage, and refusal to send Taurus missiles make him appear scared and weak.
8/10 Schröder should be permanently banned from any position in the West, even as head of a local ping pong club. He is a traitor to Germany and a clear russian asset who belongs in russia and should remain there.
9/10 The only positive aspect of this situation is that the SPD is revealing its true nature and is likely to lose the next election. While the CDU has been terrible on russia and Ukraine for decades, Merz appears to have recognized this and fully supports Ukraine.
10/10 Sources:
Spiegel - Ungeliebter Altbundeskanzler SPD-Generalsekretär Miersch erklärt Schröder wieder zum Teil der Partei
Politico - Putin ally Gerhard Schröder heads for reconciliation with German social democrats
Thanks to @bskyresistance for the heads up!
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