A photographer I follow on Instagram has put together that his bronzer use amps up when he’s stressed / close to an election and is tied to his days in the rise of reality tv, and it’s fascinating
(More screenshots in replies)
The thing about him being everywhere for almost a decade is I forget how much he’s slid towards weirdness and absurdity
His inconsistency with it is the more interesting thing to me
His bronzer use going wild in October of election years / the body dysmorphia of it all
She goes on for a bit about eyebrow/filler blindness and how people really don’t see themselves
But he’s so photographed! I am baffled that he doesn’t see how dumb he looks
Here’s where it ties into reality tv: he got hooked on it in the apprentice era!
And she finishes her analysis like this: Trump thinks he’s going to lose
The source for all of these is @ emily_elsie on instagram
(I intentionally left her handle in all the screenshots, but people are asking)
She saved all her stories in a highlight on her profile - there are quite a few more than I posted!
And you should, of course, follow me 😌
Occasional political posting, but mostly flowers, pottery, musings on life and marriage, that sort of stuff. I like to think I’m fun!
Emily, I’m so sorry I called you a photographer when you’re a photo editor 😭
(I get so annoyed when someone calls me a decorator when I’m a designer)
But I don’t pay for this app and can’t edit my tweets. Here’s the link to her lecture:
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