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#H5N1isAirborne - it will be a miracle if the USDA and CDC don't 1918 us. Don't forget, the first wave was mild. Until it wasn't. #PZC.

Nov 2, 2024, 11 tweets

Chicken Soup for C0vid? Think it's ridiculous?


It's from this October 29, 2025 story on Fox News, about the alarm that the CDC and parents are expressing over the rise of respiratory diseases in preschool age children.


On October 18, 2024, the CDC published an alert that Mycoplasma pneumoniae, walking pneumonia, has been high since late spring.

The wee tykes are too young to have been affected by the horrors of immune system deprivation caused by masking.…

The articles spawned from this alert are... everywhere.

But not a single one....…

Not one single article considers the effects of C0vid on children's immune system.

Yet, it is well known they each VOC, like Delta ,& Omicron, can have different manifestations.

This includes significant differences in the immune system

We also know that COVID is considered to be The Autoimmune Disease - as in COVID causes it.

We also know of how COVID affects the immune system for adults. In children, this remains barely touched.

But if I were writing those articles, I would…

that immunity theft.

As opposed to the immunity debt silliness coming from France.

I find it amusing to see that THEY CALLED FOR NPIs to be used to protect very small children. Isn't their theory that it is NPIs how we got into this mess?…

An excellent debunking of the hygiene hypothesis is below.

Because at its core, that's what immunity debt is.…

Finally, besides often mentioning immunity debt, those articles share a silliness on preventing the spread. Like:

“Chicken soup yourself, back up to good health and then go out afterwards.”"

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