Latest NASA global temperature data.
Earth has never been hotter since Homo sapiens discovered agriculture in the early Holocene. Likely even since 120,000 years ago.
Fossil coal, oil and gas emissions caused it.
We need to stop making it worse.
Yes, we can if we want to. 🧵
Here is the last 2023 years of data for CO2 (from Antarctic ice core data) and global temperature (from numerous sources of proxy data from around the world, such as sediment and ice cores). Check it out:…
And here's global temperature for the past 24,000 years - since the last Ice Age! Earth is now warming 20 times faster than at the end of the last Ice Age.
(Ice ages are caused by the Earth orbit's Milankovich cycles - modern warming is not.)
And it is Physics 101 that the atmospheric „sponge“ (capacity to hold & move around water) grows exponentially with warming.
(Clausius-Clapeyron law, known since 1834.)
Hence the air sucks more water from soil & plants & seas in dry weather, and pours out more extreme rainfall.
Even over time periods of hundreds of millions of years, where it’s plate tectonics which changes atmospheric CO2 levels, CO2 is the main control knob for global temperature.
Homo sapiens emerged only around 300,000 years ago in Africa.
Judd et al 2024:…
Should anyone be interested in the usual selection of well-worn „climate skeptics“ claims that undoubtedly will appear in the comments, they are all already covered here:
And totally in denial of reality, Trump:
“It used to be global warming but that didn’t work because we’re actually cooling.”
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