Jeremy Clarkson, James Dyson, the Earl of Derby – they’re up in arms about paying tax on the vast areas of land they own.
Small farmers are worried that changes to Agricultural Property Relief (APR) will affect them. But who are the big landowners complaining the loudest?... 1/
2/ First up, Jeremy Clarkson, who owns a 1,000-acre farm in the Cotswolds. When he bought it he said: “Land is a better investment than any bank can offer. The government doesn’t get any of my money when I die” -
Now he doesn’t want to pay the #ClarksonTax…
3/ Clarkson has attacked the government for thinking that “most of the countryside is owned by the Duke of Marlborough” (his near neighbour):
It isn’t – but just 20 Dukes do own a million acres of Britain!…
4/ Next up, billionaire James Dyson thinks Labour’s budget is ‘spiteful’:…
This is the same Dyson who’s hoovered up 33,000 acres of farmland & got £1.8m in farm payments in 2023, but wants the UK to be more like low-tax Singapore:…
5/ Next, the Earl of Derby thinks having to pay some more tax is “shockingly awful”:
The 19th Earl owns a grouse moor in the Peak District, a racehorse stud, and a gigantic stately house, Knowsley Hall, pictured below:…
6/ Minette Batters, ex-NFU head, attacked changes to APR in this piece, referring to “a typical 500-acre mixed-use farm”.
But 500 acres isn’t typical: in fact, it’s bigger than 90% of English farms. 59% of all farms in England are smaller than 123 acres:…
7/ The Country Land & Business Association was set up in 1907 to oppose Lloyd George’s land value tax, & now opposes APR changes.
Today its members own a third of the land in England & Wales. Its current president, Lady Victoria Vyvyan, owns a 1,000 acre estate:
8/ The farmer Guy Singh-Watson, who founded Riverford Organics, welcomes changes to APR, because, as he says, he’s “glad to see tax loopholes closing for cynical investor landowners”:…
9/ Meanwhile, separate to APR, 355 aristocratic estates are claiming another tax break - the 'tax-exempt heritage assets' scheme - & using it to prop up ecologically damaging grouse moors & pheasant shoots.
Let's close this loophole & give nature a break:…
10/ Small farmers deserve all our support. But they’re not well-served by wealthy landowners dodging taxes, pushing up land prices & making it harder for small farmers to buy farmland.
We need a #ClarksonTax on wealthy landowners [ENDS]
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