Guy Shrubsole Profile picture
Environmental campaigner & author, The Lie of the Land (William Collins, Sept 2024), The Lost Rainforests of Britain, & Who Owns England? Agent: @JMLockhart2
Jun 12 14 tweets 6 min read
So @TheGreenParty manifesto is now out - here's my take on their nature policies.

Most significantly, I think, is their pledge for a new Rights of Nature Act - "giving rights to nature itself".

This would be a transformative shift in how we relate to the rest of nature. 1/ Image 2/ Lawyers like @LawForNature @paulpowlesland have been calling for nature to be granted rights for years, to better defend habitats and species from destruction.

A Rights of Nature Act would transform how we currently relate to nature as mere 'property' or a 'resource'.
Jun 11 18 tweets 7 min read
The Tory manifesto is now out - here's my take on its nature policies.

First off, the Tories attack Natural England & the Environment Agency: "we will improve their accountability & give them clearer objectives"

Sounds like they want to gut our environmental regulators 1/ Image 2/ Earlier this year I heard a rumour that the Tories were mulling a manifesto pledge to abolish Natural England.

This clearly falls short of that, but it's part of a vicious war that the Tories have waged on NE for years - simply for trying to do its job.
Jun 10 14 tweets 6 min read
The Lib Dems have now published their manifesto - here's my take on their nature policies.

First up, I'm delighted that they commit to "Protecting and enhancing our temperate rainforest". Result!

(Full manifesto here: ) Thread 1/

2/ A big tranche of the Lib Dems' policies under 'Natural Environment' are about tackling sewage pollution in rivers (all those next to the red highlight below).

Fair play - sewage in rivers is a huge scandal & lots needs doing.

But sewage is only half the problem in rivers... Image
Jun 7 9 tweets 3 min read
Buried in Labour's new nature policies is this:

'We will help coordinate nature's recovery with bodies responsible for public land and major landowners'.

This sounds anodyne but could actually be pretty significant. Here's why: 1/ Image 2/ The government is committed to 30x30 – protecting 30% of England’s land for nature by 2030. But at present it’s waaay off target - @WCLnews say the current total is about 3% of England is properly protected & managed for nature:…
Jun 7 20 tweets 6 min read
I've been sent the full list of Labour's new nature policies - see screengrabs below. Some of these are profiled in the Guardian's piece here:

Here's my take on them below. Thread 1/…

2/ Labour's pledges on access are disappointing. See @Right_2Roam's thread on this below & our comment to the Guardian:

Apr 8 9 tweets 3 min read
REVEALED: 18 Tory MPs have written to Environment Secretary @SteveBarclay urging him to gut @NaturalEngland’s powers to create nature reserves (SSSIs)

This latest #AttackOnNature must not succeed

(Thanks to @jgmarshallwrite for obtaining the letter)

Thread 1/
2/ The letter concerns Derek Thomas MP’s Bill, tabled last month, which would strip Natural England of its power to designate SSSIs.

As a 10-Minute Rule Bill, it stands little chance of passing – unless the Government gives the Bill its support.

Mar 14 10 tweets 4 min read
Under the radar, Tory MPs & landowning lobbyists are trying to undermine nature protections in England.

Yesterday, Tory MP Derek Thomas tabled a Bill in Parliament to strip Natural England of its power to create nature reserves (SSSIs) & instead give that power to Ministers. 1/ Image 2/ Here’s the Bill in question – it’s due for its second reading on 26th April:…
Mar 10 13 tweets 7 min read
So the Countryside Alliance is promoting a report claiming RSPB & United Utilities are creating an 'environmental disaster' in the Lakes - written by the dude who defamed @ChrisGPackham

The fact that UU are ending grouse shooting on their estates has nowt to do with this, obvs🧵

2/ In July 2023, United Utilities announced it would be ending grouse shooting on its moorland estates when the current licenses expire.

This prompted a furious backlash from the Countryside Alliance and pro-grouse shooting groups. Image
Dec 15, 2023 14 tweets 7 min read
"If England’s peatland – with its vast store of biological carbon and huge potential to soak up more CO2 – isn’t a national asset, then what is?"

Delighted to make the case for a new Public Nature Estate in this great essay collection from @WCL_News 1/…
Image 2/ When the next UK Govt takes office after the 2024 election, it won’t have long to tackle the nature crisis.

There will be just 5 years to reverse the decline in species & protect 30% of England for nature by 2030.

How can the govt move fast enough on nature recovery? Image
Nov 29, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
I’m delighted that the Prime Minister has today announced a new rainforests strategy for England:

This is something I called for in my book & campaigned for with @SeahorseEnv. Thousands of you signed our petition calling for a strategy. Thread: 1/…

2/ Two years ago there was no prospect of Govt publishing a temperate rainforests strategy.

This rare & wonderful habitat hadn’t even been mentioned by MPs in parliament until we started campaigning in 2021.

This is the power of collective action by the public & NGOs. Image
Sep 11, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Nature is in decline on Dartmoor - like in most of our National Parks.

Recently I spoke to @tomheapmedia about how bad things are.

So the Govt's Dartmoor Review, underway now, could help turn things around - or make things even worse.

Here's how you can input your views 1/ 2/ To make it easy to submit your views to the Dartmoor Review, here's a template letter drafted by @TonyDartmoor & me you can download & customise:

Email your views to by 29th…
Mar 22, 2023 17 tweets 11 min read
There’s been huge momentum in recent months to protect & restore Britain’s lost rainforests.

From David Attenborough raising the alarm, to politicians voicing support, to landowners taking action, here’s a thread summarising developments: 1/ 2/ Just this past weekend, David Attenborough discussed Britain’s temperate rainforests for the first time, in his #WildIsles series:

"These are temperate rainforests... They have now been reduced to a fraction of their original range across western Britain & Ireland"
Dec 23, 2022 11 tweets 8 min read
Excited to have found a new patch of Cornish temperate rainforest today, on the edge of Bodmin Moor – teeming with oceanic lichens like Sticta sylvatica, & festooned with mosses & ferns.

Short thread: 1/ Bodmin Moor has an oceanic climate conducive to temperate rainforest (the moor is circled in red in the map below, from

But as the high moor is mostly treeless, I’ve been searching around its edges for rainforest fragments. Today I found one. 2/
Nov 9, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Epiphytes - plants that grow on other plants - are the defining species of Britain's temperate rainforests.

So to celebrate them I'm doing a thread on EPIPHYTES IN ART & LITERATURE! #Geek

First off: Ernst Haeckel's Tree Lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria), 1899 1/n Image 2/n EPIPHYTES IN ART & LITERATURE:

Possibly the earliest example of epiphytic plants in British art is this 17th century frieze of Owain Glyndwyr’s Hollow Oak in Dolgellau, Wales. The tree appears to be covered in mosses & polypody ferns. (The devil also dances in its branches) Image
Oct 20, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
INVESTMENT ZONES LATEST: 77 sites (& counting) have been proposed by 35 councils to become deregulated Investment Zones - including huge greenfield housing developments & several ports

DATABASE:… 🧵1/n Image 2/n The sheer number of Investment Zone sites proposed by some councils is staggering: 21 by East Riding, 20 by Norfolk, 20 by Kent... @SimonClarkeMP has boasted of 'hundreds' of sites being submitted. But what will the cost to the Exchequer be in lost tax revenues? @Jeremy_Hunt
Oct 17, 2022 15 tweets 7 min read
My new book, THE LOST RAINFORESTS OF BRITAIN, is published on 27th October!

You can pre-order here:…

I'll then be doing a book tour - come hear me enthuse about rainforests, mosses & lichens! Details here:… & in thread below...🧵 ImageImage LOST RAINFORESTS BOOK TOUR 🧵:

1st November – Totnes: Albatross events space, 7pm-9pm. Co-hosted by the @EastGateBooks and The Bull Inn, 7pm.

Book tickets here:…
Oct 2, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Govt have today published very worrying new guidance on Investment Zones

Ministers appear willing to consider Investment Zones covering SSSIs & National Parks

And guidance includes mention of "a new streamlined planning system"

#AttackOnNature 1/n… 2/n New Expression of Interest form for councils simply asks whether proposed Investment Zones would be on land which is in a National Park, SSSI etc

Nexts para says that various planning policies 'will continue to apply' - but only lists Green Belt & 'heritage', not environment
Sep 22, 2022 7 tweets 7 min read
We only have a Right to Roam over 8% of England.

But today sees the publication of @CarolineLucas's new Bill to extend our Right to Roam!…

@Right_2Roam worked closely with Caroline to develop this Bill. Here's what it says 🧵 1/ The existing Countryside & Rights of Way Act (2000) gives the public a Right to Roam over mountains, moorland, heaths & downland.

Section 1 of @CarolineLucas's new Bill would extend that right to rivers, woods, & Green Belt land 2/n
Aug 2, 2022 12 tweets 8 min read
In deepest darkest Devon, I’ve found what I think is a fragment of Atlantic hazelwood: a type of temperate rainforest & a very rare habitat, more usually found in western Scotland or Ireland. Let me tell you a bit about it… 🧵1/n On Dartmoor’s eastern edge, north of Sampford Spiney, is a hidden valley. Here, veteran hazel trees grow like no other hazel you’ve seen: thick-boughed and gnarled, encrusted with mosses and lichens. Nothing like the coppiced hazels we're used to in hedgerows. 2/n
Feb 3, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Bracken is thought by some to be an indicator of former woodland.

New maps I've been passed reveal that bracken covers over 50,000 acres of Dartmoor & the Lake District.

Can we use bracken maps as a guide for regenerating temperate rainforest? 🧵1/n… Image 2/n Ecologist Ian Rotherham has pioneered the study of ‘ghost woods’ – places where trees have gone but other indicator species still grow: like wood sorrel, bluebells and bracken

Many old-growth temperate rainforests, like Black Tor Beare on Dartmoor, are surrounded by bracken: Image
Jan 1, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Good to see coastal erosion & sea level rise getting coverage, but also depressing how little the debate has moved on since I worked on it back in 2014.

There seems little appetite at a political or policy level to deal with this issue. Short thread 1/n… 2/n Back in 2013-14 the threat posed by climate change to our coasts got some coverage due to the Dec 2013 North Sea storm surge which came close to inundating Hull, & caused less some defended coastal settlements to succumb to eroding coastlines…