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Nov 26, 2024, 12 tweets

10 Insightful Book Summary Mindmaps:

1) “The Psychology of Money” by @morganhousel

2) "The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck" by @IAmMarkManson

3) "Atomic Habits" by @JamesClear

4) "Never Split The Difference" by @fbinegotiator

5) "The Mountain Is You" by @briannawiest

6) “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by @DaleCarnegie

7) “The 4-Hour Work Week” by @tferriss

8) “Influence” by @RobertCialdini

9) “Start With Why” by @simonsinek

10) "Good to Great" by @level5leaders

Shoutout to @MindBranches for creating these awesome book summaries.

Check out his page for more mindmaps and how to create them.

PS: If you're looking for more book summaries and recommendations...

You can get a list of the 100 most impactful books I've read here:

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