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🇨🇦TERF carTROONist. 🎶 Music: Spotify, Apple and other services✏️ Police Magnet. Images and music created with AI and other tools. 💜🤍💚

Dec 4, 2024, 10 tweets

🧵 Trans rights activists are big fans of labelling women as transphobic if one so much as winces as the prospect of a hulking, trans-identified man in her dressing room. It’s meant to be an insult, but nothing could be further from the truth. Women, especially, have every reason not only to fear the woke-cult and it’s trans-zealots, but to be legitimately frightened of its unhinged agenda - what it means for our rights, our opportunities, our safety, our privacy, and perhaps most importantly - our children. I count myself among those who are not only transphobic but TRANSTERRIFIED - and here are 9 excellent reasons why you should be too:

🧵 2 -The transcult is after our kids. They are indoctrinating children into gender ideology in schools, medically transitioning minors, and even seizing the children of non-compliant parents.

🧵 3 - Women are being accused of bigotry or turned away if they complain about the presence of trans identified men in rape or domestic violence shelters.

🧵 4 - Female prisoners are being housed with and attacked in prison by trans identified men.

🧵 5 - Women are not only having their opportunities and accolades stolen in sports, they are being grievously injured by being forced to complete against men

🧵 6 - Autogynephiles are hiring surrogates to buy BABIES in service of their fetishes including “chest-feeding” infants.

🧵 7 - Men in dresses are being offered unfettered access to women’s locker rooms and washrooms, where women are punished if they refuse to tolerate the intrusion.

🧵 8 - Men cosplaying as women are occupying roles and stealing awards meant for women such as scholarships and grants.

🧵 9 - Women are unable to deny care from trans identified men if they have specifically requested to be seen by a female

🧵 10 - Women are being forced under threat of their job security, legal consequence or other harassment to provide intimate services such as bikini waxing or bra fittings to autogynephiles

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