🇨🇦@5uffragette Profile picture
🇨🇦TERF carTROONist. 🎶 Music: Spotify, Apple and other services✏️ Police Magnet. Images and music created with AI and other tools. 💜🤍💚
3 subscribers
Mar 7 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵 TGIF ‘toons! A collection of new and old images! Image 🧵2 Image
Mar 1 21 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Saturday Morning Name that Troon mega thread anyone??

Guess them all and your are a well-educated TERF 😆

I’ll put the identities under the pics if any are missed after a day or two. Image 🧵2 Image
Feb 27 14 tweets 4 min read
🧵 A thread of recent and older images! (Oh - and a teaser of the new song “inclusivity” I’ll be releasing soon!! 🧵 2 Image
Feb 18 18 tweets 4 min read
🧵 With recent events including the Sandie Peggie tribunal as well as the executive orders signed by Trump protecting women and girls, it seems like a good time to remind everyone that there is a big difference between men and women both physically and behaviourally - which is why women require their own sex segregated facilities, sports and services.Image 🧵2 Image
Feb 14 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵TGIF! What a tribunal!!!

A collection of images. Image 🧵2 Image
Feb 11 14 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Because of what is happening with Sandie Peggie, I thought it would be appropriate to assemble a thread of images that address the issues of the day: women demanding dignity and privacy for women, and gaslighting men like Theodore who making fighting for it both necessary and needlessly difficult.Image 🧵2 Image
Feb 4 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵 #NamethatTroon 4!!! How many larping, toxic sex-pretenders can you identify? If you can get more than seven, you’re very TERFY. As usual: I will post the answers later. Image 🧵2 Image
Jan 22 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵 What a great week it has been!! a compilation thread of recent and older images is in order 🥳 Image 🧵 2 Image
Jan 17 15 tweets 7 min read
🧵I posted this thread yesterday about men’s rights activists TRAs efforts to stifle women from defending their rights. It was successfully targeted for restriction as “hate speech” via mass report by TRAs. How Ironic.

SO HERE IT IS AGAIN with EXTRA CONTENT. An educational thread detailing the negative impacts of trans ideology on women and children.

🧵 1. Censorship of truthful language deemed “bigoted”Image
🧵2. Losing access to female only rape crisis and DV centres Image
Jan 16 14 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Trans Tyranny Thursday!

A compilation of outrageous garbage we’ve been forced to tolerate for far too long under the boot of the Transcult.

If I’ve missed any, let me know and I will add for a future thread!

(Misogyny Monday is in the works…😂)


🧵 1. Censorship of truthful language deemed “bigoted”Image 🧵 2 Losing access to female only rape crisis and DV centres Image
Jan 12 13 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Sunday Funnies!! a compilation thread of recent and older images. Image 🧵2 Image
Jan 11 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Saturday morning #NameThatTroon!

How many of these larping men do you recognize? Image 🧵2 Image
Jan 2 12 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Happy New Year!! 🥳 🥳🥳
To herald in the start of what I hope will be the terfiest year yet - here is #NameThatTroon 3!! If you can get 7 or more, you are probably well poised to peak others in 2025 (Just a thought….wink wink)

As usual- answers to be posted later! 🥳 🥳🥳

I really appreciate when followers make suggestions I can feature for future threads as well! 😊 🧵1- Image
Dec 17, 2024 12 tweets 8 min read
🧵1 -With the increase in litigation from detransitioners, the scrutiny under which doctors performing “gender” procedures” find themselves, and the major republican victory over a Democratic Party that appears to have lost touch not only with its constituents but with reality, it looks promising that the death knoll is tolling on the age of child transition.

This coming-back to common sense from the trans-manic-panic and the measures enacted to foster a return to sanity are welcome, but this is by no means our first go-round with widespread ideological capture or social contagion. This has been a pattern historically - for terrible acts to be perpetrated by seemingly normal but painfully oblivious people, and for us in hindsight to gape agog at the damage inflicted with numb disbelief that anyone could be so stupid let alone so cruel. This is the threshold where we are currently poised, willing or not, to traverse back to the land of “no shit” where we don’t mutilate children or give them drugs when they complain of depression, confusion, or just plain old gayness.

Here are 11 other examples demonstrating that humans can and do very often fall under the spell of such mind viruses. The common factor in these cases is obedience to apparent authority and a lack of empowerment for dissenters to speak out because of the existence of legitimate reprisal meant to silence them.Image 🧵1-Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (1932-1972)

 In this study, the U.S. Public Health Service observed African American men with syphilis without informing them of their diagnosis or providing treatment, even after penicillin became a standard cure in the 1940s.

The study lasted an astonishing 40 years, causing many to suffer or to die due to lack of treatment. Looking back it is a scathing indictment of deplorable levels of ethical violation  as well as exploitation of marginalized groups - ultimately leading to major reforms in medical ethics, such as the requirement for informed consent in clinical trials.Image
Dec 10, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵 #NameThatTroon 2 !!!!!!!

Last week I did a trivia thread of some of the most infamous Troons. It was well received so I decided to do some more!

I will post the answers afterward. Find out if you are a little “t” or big “T” TERF!!!!!

🧵1- Image 🧵2- Image
Dec 6, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
🧵 -1 A little light-hearted TRIVIA FOR TERFS!!!

Name that Troon, anyone????

If you’ve spent a decent amount of time fighting for or at least following the battle for women’s sex based rights, you will probably get at least some of these. If you get most or all 14 right, congratulations- you are a SuperTERF!!!!! 😅😅Image 🧵 2- Image
Dec 4, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Trans rights activists are big fans of labelling women as transphobic if one so much as winces as the prospect of a hulking, trans-identified man in her dressing room. It’s meant to be an insult, but nothing could be further from the truth. Women, especially, have every reason not only to fear the woke-cult and it’s trans-zealots, but to be legitimately frightened of its unhinged agenda - what it means for our rights, our opportunities, our safety, our privacy, and perhaps most importantly - our children. I count myself among those who are not only transphobic but TRANSTERRIFIED - and here are 9 excellent reasons why you should be too:Image 🧵 2 -The transcult is after our kids. They are indoctrinating children into gender ideology in schools, medically transitioning minors, and even seizing the children of non-compliant parents. Image
Nov 27, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Differences in male and female behaviour necessitate private spaces for women and girls🧵 !

The vast majority of those purchasing the services of prostitutes are men. Image The vast majority of those diagnosed with paraphilic disorders are men Image
Apr 20, 2024 16 tweets 13 min read
Here is my catalogue of images all in one place!
