Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Dec 15, 8 tweets


No surprise the Oxford Union refused to publish Mosab Hassan Yousef’s speech.



Less than 5% of students raised their hands when asked if they’d report Hamas’ October 7th attack to authorities if they had prior knowledge.

No surprise the Oxford Union refused to publish Mosab Hassan Yousef’s speech.

Shame on you, Oxford.


As an @UniofOxford alumni, I find this truly disgusting. I stand with Israel and the IDF in their fight against Hamas and every other terror group. 🇺🇸🇮🇱

Hamas chose war and they are getting everything they deserve l as a result.



@UniofOxford The remaining videos from our Israel/Palestine debate are now live on our YouTube channel. Read our full statement on the debate. [13DEC24]



@UniofOxford Mosab Hassan Yousef| This House Believes Israel is an Apartheid State Responsible for Genocide | 6/8
[clip source 02:15]

Mosab Hassan speaks in opposition of the motion that This House Believes Israel is an Apartheid State Responsible for Genocide


@UniofOxford Oxford Union is controlled by terrorist supporters.


[Yosef speech was on 28NOV24, The video was released on 13DEC24]


@UniofOxford Brace for impact!!



@UniofOxford Everybody is talking about the hostages who are being held so violently, inhumanely, and against the will of the entire World, in the Middle East - But it’s all talk, and no action!



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