As an @UniofOxford alumni, I find this truly disgusting. I stand with Israel and the IDF in their fight against Hamas and every other terror group. 🇺🇸🇮🇱
Hamas chose war and they are getting everything they deserve l as a result.
@UniofOxford The remaining videos from our Israel/Palestine debate are now live on our YouTube channel. Read our full statement on the debate. [13DEC24]
@UniofOxford Mosab Hassan Yousef| This House Believes Israel is an Apartheid State Responsible for Genocide | 6/8
[clip source 02:15]
Mosab Hassan speaks in opposition of the motion that This House Believes Israel is an Apartheid State Responsible for Genocide
@UniofOxford Oxford Union is controlled by terrorist supporters.
[Yosef speech was on 28NOV24, The video was released on 13DEC24]
@UniofOxford Brace for impact!!
@UniofOxford Everybody is talking about the hostages who are being held so violently, inhumanely, and against the will of the entire World, in the Middle East - But it’s all talk, and no action!
There are certainly other factors at play, but heavy use of c-sections allows for a larger brain, as brain size has historically been limited by birth canal diameter