Jesse Singal Profile picture
I make text and voice words. @fsgbooks, former @NYMag. Cohost @TheBARPod, the first-ever podcast: *

Dec 15, 16 tweets

There's a culture of just total impunity over there when it comes to violence. On Twitter, as far as I can tell, it's rare for people to post violent threats or musings under names identified with their IRL identities. Over there, they know they can do so without any risk.

2/ All the death threats are couched in the idea that *I* pose an imminent threat to the community. That's the line: I'm putting users there at risk. No one can explain how. NBC is at work on an article with that angle, based on the request for comment they sent me.

3/ Sounds painful

4/ not ideal for the kinder, gentler twitter alternative

5/ "i think if we all tried hard enough we could get Jesse Singal to kill himself, but that's just me" seems problematic if bluesky is trying to present itself as a kinder, gentler alternative to twitter

6/ "me and my friends would beat Jesse Singal to death with hammers i can tell you that much"

from an future investment/site-climate perspective, i'd argue this is problematic

7/ "I think Jesse Singal should be beat to death in the streets"

I disagree

8/ "Jesse singal get fucked and die stupid kiddy fucker piece of shit trash sub human bitch. Fuck I hope someone breaks every bone in your body and castrated you penis and balls then beat you to death stupid bitch."

9/ "Jesse Singal has said many times he enjoys getting punched in the face. I am in no way endorsing or inciting violence. I am simply asking the question why not punch Jesse Singal in the face as hard as you can? It's not wrong to ask questions after all."

10/ One of many posts justifying the behavior on the grounds that I am a literal murderer of children, so anything done to me is deserved. (I disagree with Emma Cumslutress)

11/ In a similar vein: "jesse singal and assorted grifters want us dead so i similarly want him dead"

the sick thing is I think a subset of people earnestly believe this

12/ Last one. The reason this shit takes off is b/c big-follower accounts like Kevin Kruse here (famous Princeton history prof) just regurgitate whatever the most deranged people are saying to stay on the Right Side of History. It's pathetic and it contributes to genuine menace.

13/ This is what I mean by a culture of *total* impunity. This guy knows there is no way he will be banned or suspended. That's the site Bluesky has built.

14/ As all this was ramping up Friday, I got this email from an NBC reporter. This reporter was *very concerned*... that I responded trollishly to the death and assault and torture threats. That was the story NBC saw in all this. Piece is now dropping today or tomorrow, I'm told.

15/ Emailed all the accounts in this thread to Bluesky's hire-ups and moderators (making clear I was asking them to ban only the violent ones, not the HELP I AM THREATENED BY HIS PRESENCE ones).

Here's how that's going

16/ NBC's story about how I pose a threat to [the] Bluesky users [attempting to doxx me and posting lurid death threats about me] appears to be dead. Though I guess we'll see!

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