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I make text and voice words. @fsgbooks, former @NYMag. Cohost @TheBARPod, the first-ever podcast: *
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Jul 16 6 tweets 2 min read
Biden, delivering a teleprompter address at the NAACP convention, is repeatedly having trouble completing sentences. This is a fucking disagrace and it has to stop. He is incapable of campaigning. I have been watching for perhaps 10 minutes and three different times he trailed off and said "anyway" because he couldn't remember the point he was making
Jun 27 14 tweets 4 min read
1/ New from me in @TheEconomist: Emails released during discovery in a youth gender medicine case demonstrate that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health interfered w/the systematic reviews it commissioned from Johns Hopkins University.… 2/ The emails are damning, showing that for many months WPATH sought to control the output of the JHU team it paid $200k to examine questions pertaining to transgender healthcare as the Standards of Care 8 was developed.
Jun 12 4 tweets 2 min read
Not a direct comparison, but on the general principle: A good example of this was when some journalists and academics questioned the recovered-memory/Satanic sex abuse movement, causing them to be reviled by survivors' groups. As we all know, these "just asking questions" skeptics were wrong -- kids *were* routinely being stapled to trees, ritually raped by their pre-school teachers, etc., because recovered memories are always accurate. I'm glad Evan is helping promote solid journalism. 2/ More generally, "If you didn't do the thing you were accused of, why are people circulating memes saying you did?" is an excellent standard and a sign of a really sharp mind at work. I'd like to actually see if we can get this codified into the justice system.
May 6 7 tweets 2 min read
It's 2024 and CNN cannot define 'sex' in a remotely coherent way: "A person’s sex is what they were assigned at birth based on biological characteristics of maleness or femaleness as indicated by chromosomes, gonads, hormones and genitals."… 2/Gender = "social construct and social identity marked by certain attitudes, feelings and behaviors a culture associates with someone’s biological sex, according to the [APA]." It's a construct AND and identity, and it's marked by 'certain' attitudes, feelings, and behaviors. k
Apr 27 4 tweets 2 min read
Amazing chain of events. The kid reiterates his murderous views *during* a disciplinary meeting and posts it online. He brags to his audience about having not walked it back. Columbia (apparently) doesn't take any further action. Then, when it goes public, he's sorry, Columbia's sorry (and bans him from campus), everyone's so sorry… 2/ The meeting was held by the "Center for Student Success and Intervention," one of God knows how many administrative bodies. Surely it creates a lot of work for folks. Those employees decided it's no big deal if this kid is threatening to kill his classmates. Image
Apr 15 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ The Cass Review explains, in detail, why we need to trust systematic reviews over both doctors' anecdotal evidence and low-quality standards published by professional associations. The CBC responds by publishing an article that cites professional associations and is dominated by doctors' anecdotal accounts.

Science journalism seems screwed at the moment.… 2/ This might be the worst bit:

"Surveys and interviews are considered low-quality evidence in medicine, said [Pediatrician Dr. Tehseen Ladha], but that might be misleading to the general public. 'Many people would see low-quality evidence and think well, that means this could harm our children. But that's not what it means.' "

That's... exactly what low-quality evidence for a major intervention means. It means we don't know if the intervention offers a net benefit, because the true effects might differ significantly from what the studies in question present.Image
Apr 11 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Sam Seder just found out about the Cass Report yesterday and he is VERY concerned 2/ Should address one substantive point here. The caller says the Cass Review threatens access to hormones/surgery for any trans person under 25. This is NOT true. It's a viral rumor that popped up right after the report came out. I think the source is Erin Reed.
Mar 19 4 tweets 1 min read
wait what Image 2/ "Heyyyy I'm ridin' heah! I love da camoonity of my fellow ridahs! Fugheddaboutiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit"
Mar 8 6 tweets 2 min read
Strange evening. The ACLU of Missouri subpoenaed Jamie Reed, demanding (among other stuff) all her communications w/me. I emailed them saying (politely) wtf, you're the ACLU. Got a call from a lawyer there saying it was a mistake -- "It's a big team." Okay.
2/ Here's the supoena, not current since they're removing the "Jessie Singal" bit. Also in on the effort was Lambda Legal. Weird this was a mistake given that it's the second thing listed and tons of eyes must have been on this before it was filed. 🤷‍♂️…
Feb 3 8 tweets 3 min read
Who would have thought a program called Woke Kindergarten wouldn't have succeeded where a century's worth of other efforts to end educational inequality have failed? Truly surprising stuff. Maybe if they got more funding...?
2/ Lemme take a crack at this: "This exceptionally stupid idea that any questions about any DEI programming constitute an attack on 'anti-racism' itself has given cover to grifters and opportunists at the expense of poor kids." Not true but a familiar-sounding argument.
Sep 3, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ Maybe I'll newsletter about it but maaaaan is this a frustrating article. There's nothing wrong with pointing out how crazy Kiwi Farms can get, but this is so factually challenged and tilts so heavily toward a certain whitewashed activist account...… 2/No one familiar with this stuff believes Kiwi Farms went after Liz Fong-Jones because she "donated to a transgender nonprofit"!!! This is ridiculous. The conflict has to do with LFJ's perceived closeness to the scammer(s) (I forget if it was one or both) who ran Trans Lifeline Image
Aug 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Are any health/science reporters at major outlets that cover the youth gender medicine debate going to reach out to the authors of this viral meta-analysis to ask what's going on? Anyone? Overstating sample size by thousands isn't a big enough red flag for you? 2/ When you support trans people so much you accidentally invent thousands of them to introduce into a meta-analysis, swelling your sample size by 42%.

(Original study sample size was 7,928. We now know that about 3,336 of those individuals do not exist. Very Serious Science.)
Aug 19, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ More fun w/Bustos et al, the endlessly flogged "meta-analysis" showing low regret rates for trans surgery: "We wish to make the following corrections, but plan on still reporting one study as n = 1,100 rather than n = 10, a mistake we super promise won't affect our results."

2/ The people callling you a bigot for distrusting this paper insist you defer to researchers who wrote: "In 1998, Kuiper et al followed 1100 transgender subjects that underwent GAS using social media and snowball sampling." SOCIAL MEDIA! IN 1998!
Jul 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ It's sort of crazy to have another known figure in lefty media publicly call for me to kill myself, and there's absolutely no pushback, no "This is too far," nothing from his "side." It's really bad to say stuff like this because you have no idea what someone is going through. 2/ I'm fine and (obviously) not going to kill myself because Noah Kulwin told me too, but for the love of fucking Christ, just a tiny bit of decency among the irony bros.
Jun 28, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ Here's the full letter from grad students that Yoel Inbar believes prevented him from getting hired as a psych prof by UCLA. On the one hand it's pretty wild, but on the other it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect, in all the worst ways.… 2/ Among other things, Inbar stands accused of being mildly skeptical of diversity statements on the grounds that we don't know whether they accomplish anything, and of thinking it isn't a good idea for professional psych societies to wade into issues like abortion.

Jun 27, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Very frustrated The Cut published this. This is such an overstatement of the available evidence, and such a minimization of the potential risks. We don't know *how* risky these treatments are, but serious side effects in the U.K. and Sweden involved kids in their teens, not 50s! 2/ Anyway, it's increasingly pointless to even rebut this stuff. A dam has burst and almost every single major outlet is on board spreading medical misinformation that is potentially quite harmful. Will take awhile for things to get back on-kilter.
Jun 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ GLAAD has teamed up with a gaggle of celebrities to call on major social media platforms to *ban* the view that youth gender medicine is dangerous.… 2/ If this policy were enacted, it would mean that users could get suspended or banned for e.g. publishing the Swedish health authority's view that "the risks of [youth gender medicine] currently outweigh the possible benefits[.]"
Mar 14, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
In recent weeks a lot of left-of-center commentators have discovered an interest in this, or gotten more interested in it -- @RottenInDenmark, @ryanlcooper, @SamSeder, etc. None of them *ever* addresses this. They intentionally omit it. They think their audiences are morons. 2/ Hobbes' only mention of Finland, for example. And it's a misleading tweet. He's comparing careful evidence reviews to much more lightweight policy statements, press releases, etc. -- many of which only actually support the Dutch approach and/or have misleading citations. Image
Mar 14, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
1/ Briefly, while this is at least *not* a deranged critique of my work and doesn't involve wild and false legal claims about my imminent imprisonment, I disagree with it pretty fervently and think it's a bit disingenuous. Image 2/ One way a whistleblower can prove they're credible is by passing information on to the media. Wong knows this because she authored a (much bigger, more involved) piece in which a Facebook employee came forward and provided Wong with internal documents. Image
Mar 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Slay the Spire break from editing -- look what I got trading my starting relic for a boss one Image man this is going great Image
Mar 10, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
New from me:

Gender-Clinic Whistleblower Jamie Reed Has Provided A Detailed Account Of Her Most Controversial Claim, Including The Names Of Those Involved… 2/ It could certainly be the case that Reed is not telling the truth, but she provided me with full blow-by-blow details of the incident that sparked the helicopter-child reference in her affidavit. And it lines up with what has happened elsewhere.