Did you know everyone vaccinated against Covid got hit in the heart?
All had leaky heart capillaries post-vax...
Did you know cells penetrated by vaccine particles are systematically killed by T-cells?
Did you know one dose of Moderna vaccine contained 40 billion nanoparticles with the potential to destroy 53 square meters' worth of endothelium?
The size of a 4-car garage
What would happen if a vaccine particle contaminated a high-replication stem cell?
Wouldn't mRNA and DNA interact with our chromosomes when the nucleus is dissolved (during mitosis?)?
Did you know all vaccines have the same adverse reactions despite differing technologies and targets?
How is it that some are harmed with vaccines, and some aren't harmed?
Did you know many vaccine-injured mentioned they had an immediate taste in the mouth after the vaccine?
How did the vaccine get to the mouth in an instant, if the lymphatic system has a 24-hour cycle?
It can't. It had to take a faster route, a direct injection into the bloodstream.
A recent study showed the draining lymph node was lightly transfected like any other lymph node, when it should be more comparable to other organs crossed through by tens of billions of nanoparticles: the liver and the spleen.
This confirms all intramuscular injections go directly intravenous.
What difference does it make? It's going to the same place, afterall.
Concentration counts: Imagine drinking a glass of water with a chlorine concentration 300,000x normal. Would it not make a difference?
It makes a 4,000x difference in exposure to the blood vessel lining.
It's basically carpet bombing of the cardiovascular system.
#BolusTheory explains in detail the various scenarios that led to all the adverse events that occurred these past 3 years, and what needs to be done about it.
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