Marc Girardot Profile picture
Author of "The Needle's Secret" #BolusTheory | The Bolus Theory Series | Panda Member Cisco Alumnus | INSEAD | Strategy Consultant | Entrepreneur
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Mar 2 12 tweets 4 min read
When accepting the vaccine injections, did you know that -within less than an hour - billions of cytotoxic vaccine particles would cross your lungs, heart and aorta risking hitting the linings, penetrating cells and triggering a massive immune attack?
1/Image Oh, you were told the vaccine particles stayed in the muscle and slowly trickled to the lymph node!
That was a lie!
2/ Image
Feb 13 10 tweets 4 min read
@DrPatSoonShiong @SenBillCassidy What if the injection protocol had been flawed for centuries? What if we had been harming our entire population - year after year - by repeating a flawed medical protocol billions of times? #BolusTheory
1/ Image Have you ever been hit by a splash of dirty water from the overflow hole while unclogging a sink?
It's called "Pressure Differential".
Jan 25 4 tweets 2 min read
In this article, I describe how I believe vaccines have been changing our brains for decades, one injury at a time, modifying society.
A 2022 study shows that by age 8, nearly 24% of kids in Florida have at least one neurodevelopmental disorder.
Just imagine, by 25, what percentage of our children have had their brains damaged and modified?
Autism is just one form of damage, the tip of the iceberg in terms of vaccine-induced mental tinkering. This is frightening and needs to stop now.
It's all a question of flawed delivery protocol.
Toxicity is always a question of dose, overwhelming the body's capacity to repair.

The root cause analysis is unequivocal: all IM injection go IV, and the variety in size, landing place and topology dictates the illnesses.

@DrJBhattacharya @RobertKennedyJr @elonmusk


Jan 19 13 tweets 4 min read
Did you know everyone vaccinated against Covid got hit in the heart?
All had leaky heart capillaries post-vax...
1/ Image Did you know cells penetrated by vaccine particles are systematically killed by T-cells?

2/ Image
Oct 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
You are both right and wrong, Alex.
Right bc people are smart.
Wrong bc mRNA is not different. Protein vaccines are different, all the others are as dangerous.

Check out the smallpox vaccine: 0.46% clinical myocardititis, 3.3% clinical+subclinical myopericarditis, 10.6% new cardiac onset. (Engler et al).
Image The reason for that is every time you hack a cell, it will get destroyed by the immune system.
And Pfizer knows so and says so on their website.
Hence people got injected between
10 and 50 billion "cytotoxic" lipid nanoparticles, each capable of having 1 healthy cell destroyed.
Mar 18, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Why can't circulating spike be causing the AEs?
Simply bc of antibodies and their physical dynamics.
Let me explain. Spike is 99.5-99.9% of the time away from the endothelial wall, and so there antibodies have 100% advantage binding advanges.
On the cell surface, antibodies (Abs) are goal-keeping the entry with an overwhelming # of Abs, 13,000 in one calculation I made, outnumbering greatly ACE-2 receptors.
In other words, massive spike intracellular is a probabilistic impossibility...
Jan 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
John as always goes to the point...Let's get the vaccine dates tied to all the death certificates.
It will end it all.
1/ Public health obfuscation isn't new: In 1979, CDC changed ICD codes: suppressed all cause-of-death classifications associated with never knows parents might become vaccine hesitant seeing the actual data that vx are killing their children…
Dec 15, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
@P_McCulloughMD @DrJamesOlsson Hi Peter,
I have addressed this in a recent article. Only a bolus of LNPs uptaken in concentration there can trigger an immune attack on the endothelial layer, the slow decay of the smooth muscle layer, and the appearance of the elastine layer & aneurism…
Image @P_McCulloughMD @DrJamesOlsson The circulating spike cannot cause this for a variety of reasons I have detailed here:

Spike proteins would never aggregate in the aorta, they'd end up in the tissue or possibility downstream in the veinous system.
Dec 15, 2022 9 tweets 7 min read
@JDavidSchneider @P_McCulloughMD The problem isn't the novelty bc the Sinovac vaccine is having similar issues, and past vaccines also have been showing similar AEs. We are just seeing it here bc we've vaccinated a whole pyramid repeatedly in a very short time-frame. We've also used untrained professionals.
@JDavidSchneider @P_McCulloughMD We know that intramuscular shots go intravascular 2% of the time when the aspiration technique is used.
When it isn't used by untrained injectors, the rate has to be higher than 5%.
3 shots 15% chance of having an intravascular injection of these cytotoxic vx particles.
Nov 24, 2022 14 tweets 14 min read
@onemindinmany @HowardSteen4 @ssayssayssay @threadreaderapp I had to erase my post bc it was supposed to say " I have no doubt in my theory".
One assumption I am making is that if too many endothelial cells are destroyed together, locally the body has trouble repairing and that leads to either decay or inordinate repair.
@onemindinmany @HowardSteen4 @ssayssayssay @threadreaderapp Another assumption is about endothelial leakage whereby from evidence in vx-induced leakage of the endothelium in the heart, I assume that can happen anywhere else in the body similarly bc of the reliability in even distribution of the vascular system.
Nov 16, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
@EduEngineer Thanks Mathew. Apologies for being stubborn. it is too important a topic to be brushed under the carpet.

For the record, LNP is just the vehicle for mRNA. pseudo-viruses, virus-like vx and attenuated vx, all are cytotoxic bc they bring highly immunogenic material into cells.
@EduEngineer It is the very mechanism of action of the vx that is at the center of the mechanism of harm.

Contrary to proteins that can be cytotoxic by cell saturation, but get diluted quickly, each capsule keeps its cytotoxicity bc of its cell transfection/penetration potential.
Oct 10, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
@Kevin_McKernan Good to hear from you.
Again, the more I work this the more it is impossible that the circulating spike cause these damages. Impossible. The hypothesis is falsifiable by 6 or 7 ways at least.

@Kevin_McKernan It's a series of physical impossibilities:
- Timing:
If the spike is so toxic, everybody should be dying D5 after Jab 1, may a few days later max. By and large D5 is when the highest dose of "poison" is present in the body. Dose is key in matter of poisons.
Apr 20, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
@justin_hart As the Covid Myth Buster, I have a whole list.
1/ children were never dangerous or in danger… @justin_hart 2/ the infection fatality rate was never very high. I had found 0.1% in May 2020…
Dec 5, 2021 14 tweets 6 min read
@samanthaagodwin Let's back up, some.
What' s the IFR for this virus? Singapore showed 0.05% for 15 mo...likely max 0.1% in the western world? To be a good sports, I'll double it 0.2%... Woooh a bad flu !
Why r we vaccinating everyone for a bad flu?
@samanthaagodwin - But wait wait, isn't Sars-Cov2 a cousin of common colds?
- Yeah... Sooo?
- well they share 65-70% same genes!
- @?! And?
- well, shouldn't past vaccination acted like mRNA vaccines, except with a larger antigen base?!
- huh.... Past colds act like vaccines?! Naahhh...WTF
Nov 14, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
@sanders617 @NickHudsonCT Frankly, I don't think it prevents death.
I think AEs killed some of the most fragile and depleted the vaccinated baseline of the most prone to die... Which is very different.
@sanders617 @NickHudsonCT If the vaccine doesn't change anything to the viral load, it simply doesn't work.
And frankly why would it work any better than an 5 yr old immunisation by another corona that has 65-70% genetic commonalities with Sars-Cov2? It doesn't and it can't.
Aug 29, 2021 18 tweets 7 min read
A summary thread from my latest article "...a not so novel virus"

If SARS-COV-2 had been a novel virus hundreds of millions would have died just like the Aztecs died massively of smallpox imported by Conquistadores...
1/ If SC2 was novel "why hasn’t the same cataclysm hit our highly connected “naive” world? Why hasn’t the same vicious circle of repeated high viral load contaminations occurred? Why hasn’t “the fire caught on and consumed this immense quantity of dry wood”?
Aug 24, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
@jengleruk Jonathan,
"This ain't rocket science! "
1) depending on the host, the shot etc... A small or a large number of cells will be Transfected by the LNPs.
2) all transfected cells will be destroyed by T-cells as non-self peptides are expressed on the MHCs.
A/ @jengleruk 3) if the Transfected cells are concentrated, the destroyed cells will create bleeding, and a whole lot of inflammation.
4) the spike proteins will be freed by the cell apostosis, and spilled into tissues and blood vessels...
Jul 9, 2021 48 tweets 40 min read
@SPApossibl @Gerard82714450 @LaureGonlezamar Je parierai sur l'honnêteté de la boulangère plutot que le CDC, mais bon @SPApossibl @Gerard82714450 @LaureGonlezamar