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I write the Forgotten Side of Medicine (https://t.co/DNMhmxByBv) the #1 Medical Substack (188k readers) that exposes Pharma corruption and remarkable therapies lost to time

Jan 30, 29 tweets

The hostility @RobertKennedyJr experienced at his hearing was directly proportional to how much Pharma money each Senator received. In fact, each of them simply repeated the same attacks we just saw flood the mass media (all of which were blatant lies). 🧵

Recently, as I show here, a left wing group (created to hide pharmaceutical money) publicly announced a campaign to take RFK down, after which the lines they concocted flooded every news publication and Carolyn Kennedy quoted them as her own to the media.

For example, they (and the senators) kept claiming RFK caused a deadly measles outbreak. In truth, it was due to children being killed by the vaccine, nurses covering it up, and the Samoan government banning it, and until recently no one blamed RFK.

Remarkably, since the Left wing campaign failed to stop RFK, they then recruited a Right wing dark money group (run by Pence) to help. They attacked RFK for being "too pro-choice" (to splinter Republican votes), while remarkably Democrats attacked him for being too "pro-life."

Similarly, during the hearings, the Democrats not only attacked him for being too Pro-life, but also tried to paint him as supporting abortion, climate change and Medicare for all to pressure Republicans not to confirm him. I have never seen something like this in my lifetime.

Senator Warner relentlessly attacked RFK for 17 minutes with each of the industry talking points. As it happens @MarkWarner got $654,210 from Big Pharma.

At RFK's hearing @SenWarren relentless attacked RFK and accused him of endangering America by "selfishly" making it possible to sue vaccine manufactures for producing injurious products. This is insane, until you remember she's the #2 pharmaceutical money recipient in the Senate

During RFK's hearings @SenatorHassan made a series of baseless and hysterical accusations, and like her colleagues focused on tried to brand RFK as pro-choice so Republicans would not confirm him. It turns out she's already received $467,999 from the pharmaceutical industry.

It thus should come as no surprise all of these sold out Senators concluded RFK was not fit to run the HSS—even though they received immense pushback from their constituents and donors.

That said, while most of this was immensely frustrating to watch, @BernieSanders inadvertently had one of the funniest moments in Congressional history when he became enraged RFK would not denounce antivax onsies. Turns out Sanders got $1,953,613 from Pharma.

Given all of this, it should not at all surprise you that the Senators who have gotten the most money from the pharmaceutical industry were also the Democrats who recently pushed some of the most abhorrent medical policies in history.

I can only imagine what it's been like for @RobertKennedyJr to have to fight against this corruption and people who routinely sell us out to make money.

All of this has to change and I've dedicated myself to exposing to widespread Pharma corruption, disastrous medications and life-changing therapies the medical cartel buried. If you want to support this mission please give me (@MidwesternDoc) a follow!

All of the above information was sourced from Open Secrets and can be viewed here: opensecrets.org/industries/sum…

@MarkWarner The above post was a typo. This was @RonWyden whose received $1,207,823 from the pharmaceutical industry.

Sadly, this is just the tip of the iceberg, as when you factor in how much each senator fighting RFK gets from the entire medical industry (eg., drug manufacturing, insurance and hospitals) it's 7x as much. I hope this thread has shown you what all that money pays for.

The next day, we saw more of the same, as again, those who took the most pharmaceutical money were also the most hostile to @RobertKennedyJr. However, since the previous days tactics didn't work, they resorted to smears on RFK's character.

@SenMarkey falsely accused RFK of causing a measles outbreak that needed "tiny coffins" and said we could not afford the "tiny coffins" RFK would bring in the future. Markey got $2,378,719 from the medical industry and his line most likely came from a corporate PR firm.

If you think about, it's absurd so many Senators felt America was in danger from 83 measles death in Samoa, but simultaneously, had no concern for the millions of Americans with chronic (and often lethal) diseases and only cared about getting money to treat more and more of it.

Here, @SenTimKaine uses his limited time to protect America's health to...attack RFK over 9/11. He also falsely claimed RFK would make millions from vaccine lawsuits and thus could not enforce drug safety. Turns out Tim Kaine got $3,320,984 from the medical industry

Here @PattyMurray decides to spend her limited time to "protect America's health" to falsely accuse RFK of sexual assault (without even understanding the accusation). It turns out she's received $5,887,453 from the medical industry.

Here, @SenatorBaldwin accuses RFK of lying when he said we weren't monitoring for vaccine safety once they reached the market but silences him when he tries explain that CDC has hidden that data from the public. It turns out she's received $4,981,513 from the medical industry.

Here, @Sen_Alsobrooks tells RFK he is not qualified to determine if a scientist is corrupt because he's "not a doctor" and insinuates he's dangerously racist for knowing blacks benefit from lower vaccine doses (to avoid autoimmunity). She got $990,181 from the medical industry.

@SenatorHassan became incensed over the guilt RFK had given mothers of vaccinated children, and then gave the most remarkable line of the day: "Sometimes science is wrong ... And when you continue to sow doubt about settled science, it makes it impossible for us to move forward"

As you might guess, while all of them berated RFK for being close minded and unwilling to change his mind to follow the evidence, just like the day before, all of them immediately used the hearing to justify RFK being "disqualified" from being the Secretary of H.H.S.

Fortunately, people are seeing through this and when RFK and the Republicans there called out this corruption, they were met with applause.
@SenSanders became incensed when his payoffs were exposed but denied getting Pharma money despite it being shown throughout the media.

All of this has to change so I've dedicated myself to exposing pharmaceutical corruption and revealing life-changing therapies the medical cartel buried. If you want to support this mission please give me (@MidwesternDoc) a follow and visit me Substack!

This proves the Senators parroting the anti-RFK talking points have taken millions from Pharma. In 2019, we also saw the author of Colorado's mandatory vax law repeat what a Pharma lobbyist wrote on her laptop. Sadly, as this video shows, lobbyists have bought out our Democracy.

Similarly, as a trial run for the COVID vaccine mandates, in 2019, widely protested school vaccine mandates were pushed across America by Democrats. In CO, we got concrete proof it was all a show for their donors. Here is the witness's account:

"I finally moved up to the CO [Colorado] hearing room around 11 pm. The guard shows you where to sit so you don't really get a choice. Turns out I was sitting next to the main lobbyist for the bill. As parents who had stayed there until 1 and 2 am to tell their vaccine injury stories, she was typing long winded messages on her laptop right next to me. One of them was a formal email to Mullica [the “author” of the bill] as if she was writing a speech (I thought maybe it was talking points for him or perhaps for an interview later). It said things like "We've heard a lot about parental rights tonight, but what about the right for children to attend school free of harm from disease?" or something like that. She didn't seem at all to be hearing the mothers and fathers literally crying in front of the panel, just tictacked away on her computer, cold as ice, sending emails to all the panel members. Then she would jump up and be gone for 20-30 minutes, meeting with Mullica in the hallway and her other lobbyists. Mullica said a few times that he "clarified with the author of the bill" so admitted he didn't write it. Perhaps she did? And what do you know, Mullica began his closing remarks and it was word for word what that woman had written. Made me sick to my stomach. He's a total puppet. Bought and paid for. No original idea in his fat head [I later learned that despite being a nurse, Mullica also lacked a basic knowledge of vaccination].—A side note, one of the sassy AV activists put a pamphlet in her open computer when she was out in the hall. She asked me if it was mine and I said, no. She put it on the floor and then, no joke, pulled out her hand sanitizer to clean her hands after touching it! OMG"

Note: according my readers, that lobbyist was Sundari Kraft and she was paid by GlaxoSmithKline to start the “nonprofit” Colorado Parents for Vaccinated Communities. While I was able to confirm her involvement with that non-profit, and that she was a registered lobbyist for a variety of atrocious chemical and pharmaceutical companies (e.g., GSK). All of this is discussed in more detail here:

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