A Midwestern Doctor Profile picture
Author of the Forgotten Side of Medicine, a leading Substack publication with 97k subscribers that exposes both the light and the darkness within medicine.
Jul 26 6 tweets 2 min read
The media's become a mouthpiece for the government that repeats its lies regardless of absurd they are (ie. COVID vax is "100% safe and effective").
This week, they were told to deny Harris was ever the Border Czar—despite repeatedly stating it on air. 🧵
In Kamala's case, one of her greatest political weaknesses is her previously being charge of the border. So, the Democrats issued talking points to deny this was ever the case, and almost immediately, the media began repeating their handout verbatim.
Jul 14 6 tweets 2 min read
At a last minute campaign rally in Reno days before the 2016 election, Trump was alerted by the crowd to a shooter at the front.

Trump stared the shooter down even as he was being rushed of stage, creating a pivotal moment many thought tipped the 2016 election to him. The full summary of the incident can be found in this CNN article:
Jun 21 5 tweets 12 min read
Sean Hannity recently hosted the Kansas AG who's suing Pfizer for failing to disclose the vaccine's known side effects (e.g., infertility, loss of pregnancy, myocarditis) while marketing it. In it, Hannity admitted Fox put him under enormous pressure to promote the vaccine. A 🧵 The Blaze through FOIAs discovered that Biden's HHS received 1 billions dollars to advertise the COVID vaccines and that the major networks including Fox took this money. In his final broadcast before he was fired Tucker called our media out for this.
Jun 5 4 tweets 4 min read
For almost a century, vaccines have been sold to America by insisting they are always "safe and effective."

Recently, Fauci (the Science™) inadvertently admitted that this is not true for any vaccine. This provides important context to many past vaccine disasters. A 🧵 The US government has repeatedly brought rushed "emergency" vaccines to market its own scientists warned them weren't safe. However, rather than be listened to, they were silenced, and their predicted disaster happened. Fortunately the media exposed it.
May 15 5 tweets 2 min read
Recently, Slovakia's Prime Minister made headlines around the world by saying he would criminally investigate his government's COVID response and the corrupt policies that killed his countrymen.
He was just shot multiple times and is now in the hospital. Pray for his survival. The above speech happened on Jan 23 2024 and is important for everyone to see.

This is a video that was shot today (May 15) immediately after the assassination attempt where Fico was reportedly shot in the head and abdomen. You can also see citizens restraining the gunman.
May 6 12 tweets 5 min read
One of the largest concerns with the mRNA gene therapy was its cancer risk—yet Pfizer was exempted from testing for it. Since then, we've seen many signs these vaccines cause aggressive cancers. Recently, a Medicaid whistleblower showed us cancer rates went up 2.5 times. A🧵 Image The complete data Kirsch received from the Medicaid whistleblower can be viewed below. In addition to being statistically significant, it also showed only specific cancers increased, and many of those were the highly aggressive cancers.
May 3 8 tweets 3 min read
A recent survey yield an unexpected result—a strong association between vaccination and gender dysphoria.

A followup found 80% of it could be attributed to vaccination. Additionally, I found data suggesting it changed intimate relationships (e.g., how men connect to women). A🧵 Image There's been a longstanding embargo on any type of research evaluating the effects of vaccination on our children. Yet, when researchers can study them (as shown in this article), the vaccinated are 2-10X as likely to have the common childhood diseases.