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Just digging for a number of good causes, tired of all the corruption, and the government playing the "we know better" card. I pass on what I find.

Feb 4, 8 tweets

While suddenly the country is coming to terms with the corrupt, wasteful, liberal slush fund that USAID is, I thought I'd highlight one of those projects, and add a twist at the end of the thread that none of you had on your bingo card🤔

Here's a section about the TCA --millions of dollars being wasted in Ukraine right now to shape the messaging and monitor social media, including covid-19.

A bit more of the flyer:

Here is the guy heading this program wasting tax payer $'s:

Spencer Nordwick

Now here is the twist. This is a photo from early June 2016. The arrow points to Spencer Nordwick.

And who is he talking to? Kelsey Mulka (a.k.a Seth Rich's "girlfriend") who once was tied to USAID too and more recently worked for Booze Allen Hamilton.

And note who that is chilling in the white and gray striped shirt...

And finally bonus points to anyone that recognizes the guy with shoes on next to SR too.

But you know, it was just a botched robbery, so quit asking questions.

Also the guy in the teal tank top is siriwat, Nordwicks long-time "partner" who also gets paid via USAID wherever Spencer goes.

It's a slush fund.

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